发布时间:2020-11-01 02:41:32 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
结合 Priya 瑜伽理念,创造流动而深邃的空间,实现室内外环境之间的界限打破与转换。

穿过嘈杂的梨泰院社区,在山丘的尽头有一块安静的土地,位于密集的住宅区之间,这里便是密謐阿_Milmila瑜伽馆之所在。项目盘踞在高高的山丘上,面朝南山,可以俯瞰整个城市。这里是YOGAKULA大师Sei Kim训练瑜伽教练的场所,他是韩国最大的瑜伽活动——韩国瑜伽大会的主办人,以及世界瑜伽Mala项目的发起者。Yoga Kula,精神的社群,人们聚集在这里,希望通过基于Priya瑜伽理念的学习和训练,获得灵感和能量。Priya,意在欢迎并接受人之大我的神圣能量,即人的本性、自我和灵魂。

At the end of the hill past through the noisy downtown of Itaewon, on a site with an exceptionally calm atmosphere in between the close-set residential districts, there the ‘Hill of deep stillness, 密謐阿_Milmila’ is. Located on a high hill facing Namsan and overlooking the city, this is a space prepared for the training of yoga leaders by YOGAKULA Master Sei Kim who has been hosting the Korea Yoga Conference which is the best yoga event in Korea and the Global Yoga Mala Project. Yoga Kula, a community of mind, which means being together, is a community that seeks to receive inspiration and energy through training and study based on the Priya Yoga philosophy. Here, Priya means to welcome and accept the divine energy of a person’s Atman that is a person’s nature, ego, and soul.

▼项目位于山丘上,project located on the hill


People today are hungry for warm and sincere touch. The essential meaning of yoga is seeking to go to the state of human intrinsic mind of peace by controlling the mind and restraining movements. It improves the quality of life through healing life and restoring healthy relationship by reading people’s energy to help the body align and by communication through intuition to bring healing to modern society related physical, mental, emotional problems and wounds. In order to fulfill the essential meaning of yoga in this space, in order to realize the flow and depth of the space with the concept of ‘Meditation on Movement’, Ashtanga Yoga, the 8 stage training process of meditation in motion is largely divided into ethical, physical, and psychological stages focusing on reflecting the sequence of space.

▼建筑入口外观,external view of the entrance


The ethical stage refers to arduous footsteps towards this place and it also refers to a stage of purification (Yama, Nyama) seeing and entering into this place from the end of the alley. The straight shape of metal block seen between steep slopes and unordered buildings leads a long foot traffic with the ‘I’ shape wall. This metal block connects from the outside to the inside making the urban landscape disaapear as you walk pass, and leads you to enter the space peacefully with the depth of the contours of light and shadow. This leads to the entrance of the interior space, and it is meaningful in that the interior and the exterior are transmitted and reflected to each other with no boundaries between them by homogenizing them.

▼通往瑜伽馆的陡峭楼梯,steep stairs connecting to the yoga space

▼楼梯尽头的深邃空间,space with depth at the end of the stairs


The space at the physical stage is the stage of controlling the senses (Asana, Pranayama, Pratayahara). This space reflects the physical properties of a tree that has been carefully trimed to focus on the unity and communion of the self, and expresses its energy with stones to give a centripetal role in which an object exists. Soft elements, heavy objects, and the flexibility of the boundary where nature interacts help you experience the flexibility of the body and the openness of emotions.

▼瑜伽房,主要使用木材和石材,yoga space mainly composed of wood and stone

▼玻璃立面展现自然的变化,glass facade showing the flexibility of the nature

▼柱子提高空间向心性,column enhancing the centricity of the space

▼材料细部,material details


Finally, the space of the psychological stage is the space of samadhi, that is, the space of serenity that does not have its own nature but shines only as an object. This concept is reflected in the space for bath and meditation, and it emphasizes the power and atmosphere of an empty space, homogenizes nature and objects, and becomes a lyrical space where the boundary between consciousness and unconsciousness creates an intersection of thought.

▼冥想的浴室空间,meditation in bathroom

▼静谧的抒情空间,quiet and lyrical space

▼浴室外的庭院和通往厨房的楼梯,courtyard outside the bath and stairs connecting to the kitchen


▼上层空间平面图,plan of the upper space

▼下层空间平面图,plan of the lower space


Project name:  milmila

Company name: 100A associates

Project location: Itaewon-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Completion Year: 2020

Building area (m²): 140㎡

participants:  Kwang-il An, Sol-ha Park, Dong-soo Kim, Jin-wook Jung, Jong-kyung Ryu

Photo credits: Jae-yoon Kim


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