In China, people love cars. They buy them, paint them crazy colors, and drive them everywhere. Beijing alone is adding cars at a rate of 2,000 new vehicles on the road per day. Yes, every day. So when BAM was approached by a client about the possibility of creating a display for the beloved automobile there was no shortage of inspiration at hand. Celebrating Beijing’s burgeoning custom car culture, the Clamshell Carstands show off all angles of your “pearl’ with a mirrored interior lit by recessed cold cathode light tubes and a shell of CNC cut bamboo plywood finished in deep matte purple paint– a local favorite.
The stands were designed, constructed, and installed by BAM in the summer of 2011. They can be seen in Beijing in front of 22 Art International Plaza, Building 2, just south of the CBD.
在中国,人们爱车的表现是购买新车,重新喷上各种炫目的颜色然后开着他的爱车上街招摇。光北京的车辆就以每天2000辆的速度在增长。是的,你没有看错,就是每天。所以当客户找到BAM并要求我们为这些 受人喜爱的汽车设计展示舞台的时候,我们义不容辞的接受了。 为了体现北京生机勃勃的汽车文化,这个车站台被塑造成一个贝壳的形状,而展示在上面的汽车则为贝壳 中的珍珠。(就像画家波提切利表现的维纳斯的诞生一样)。车展台外部由CNC切割复合竹板组成,内部为反光的镜面不锈钢装备冷光灯,以希望创造出不断反射重复的镜面展示舞台,增强豪华的戏剧效果。 这两辆车展台由BAM全权设计、搭建并安装,并于2011年夏终于完成。它们现在作为临时装置被安放在北京的22院艺术街区中。