发布时间:2020-04-08 07:25:54 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

来自蒙特利尔的建筑事务所ARCHITEM Wolff Shapiro Kuskowski architects为年轻的学生们设计了一个创新型的居住空间。本项目隶属于主教学院中学(Bishop’s College School),是一所私立寄宿学校的宿舍楼,为来自37个国家的270名12至17岁的学生提供了一个极具家庭氛围的宿舍环境。该寄宿学校位于魁北克省的Sherbrooke地区附近,是一个有着上百年历史的校区,占地250英亩,坐落在风景优美的圣弗朗西斯河畔。其内的建筑也充分地展示出了该校园悠久的教育历史和建筑传统。

ARCHITEM Wolff Shapiro Kuskowski architects, a Montréal-based firm, is proud to unveil one of its most recent projects, an innovative residence for young students. Built for Bishop’s College School, this private boarding school provides a family-style environment for 270 students, age 12 to 17, coming from 37 different countries. Located near Sherbrooke, Québec, the century-old campus is set on a site of exceptional beauty, on the banks of the St. Francis River. The original buildings on this 250-acre campus are rooted in a long educational and architectural tradition.

Bird-eye’s view of the building © Maxime Brouillet

本项目是校园内的第八座宿舍楼,同时容纳着居住和教育空间,充分表现出主教学院中学的教学理念——为学生提供多样化的校园环境。这座新大楼名为米切尔之家(Mitchell Family House),朝向现有的校园环境,同时与周边的森林和附近的河流建立了紧密的联系。

The construction of an eighth residence for students, the first to include both residential and academic components, was an unprecedented response to BCS’s interest in bringing together multiple aspects of the student experience. The new building, named Mitchell Family House, faces the existing campus while establishing a close connection to the surrounding forest and nearby river.

▼大楼外观,朝向现有的校园环境,exterior view of the building thatfaces the existing campus©Maxime Brouillet

功能 | Program



▼大楼外观,采用V字造型,由一个中心公共空间和两侧的矩形体量构成,exterior view of the building, the V-shaped residence is organized in two wings hinging on a common central core ©Maxime Brouillet

The V-shaped residence is organized in two wings hinging on a common central core. There are 18 rooms, each shared by two students, on the upper two floors. All rooms are connected to central living spaces, which include a lounge and dining/kitchen area as well as a quieter study corner on a mezzanine. Each wing ends in a two-storey apartment occupied by “house parents” and their respective families. Their main role is to ensure the well-being of a group of teens away from their family environment. Each of the two apartments communicates directly with the corridors leading to the residents’ rooms. Families access these apartments from a separate entrance away from the students’ entrance.

The carefully planned circulation was key to the implementation of the hybrid concept. The main challenge was to ensure the privacy and security of the young residents while greeting occasional visitors warmly. The entrance area provides two separate access points, one leading to the private residential wings and one to the public common areas.

▼中心生活区中的休息室兼餐厅/厨房空间,the lounge and dining/kitchen area in the central living spaces © Maxime Brouillet

▼餐厅/厨房空间局部,partial interior view of the dining/kitchen area©Maxime Brouillet

▼休息室兼餐厅/厨房空间,享有绝佳的自然景观视野,thelounge and dining/kitchen area with a good scenery view©Adrien Williams

▼宿舍部分的走廊及其共享阅读空间,the corridor of the residence and its communal reading space©Adrien Williams

▼宿舍部分的社交空间,设有高侧窗采光,the social area of the residence with high side windows for the natural light©Adrien Williams

▼楼梯空间,the staircase©Adrien Williams


On the lowest level, dedicated to academic activities, one finds various multi-purpose spaces including a studio/office for a scholar-in-residence. The entire floor opens up to an outdoor agora connecting students and staff with the natural beauty that surrounds the building. Small-group events can also take place in this unique environment. Resembling a giant lantern, the common area’s central volume illuminates the exterior space at night.

▼大楼底层空间夜景,可通向室外广场,夜幕降临时公共区域就像是一个巨型的灯笼照亮了外部环境,exterior view of thelowest level that opens up to an outdoor agora,resembling a giant lantern, the common area’s central volume illuminates the exterior space at night©Adrien Williams

材料 | Materials


The mandate required that the building reflect its time yet be evocative of the existing campus’ architectural vocabulary, its scale, and its material palette. The architects opted for brick on all façades in a spirit of continuity, but also to celebrate the long brick-making tradition of the nearby town of Lennoxville. Wood was used on the interior to add warmth to both the public and private entrances, the stair volumes, and the social nodes.

▼大楼夜景,选择砖作为立面的材料,night view of the buildingwithbrick on all façades©Adrien Williams


▼主入口及其预制混凝土墙板和玻璃幕墙细节,main entrance – details of the prefabricated concrete elements and the curtain wall©ARCHITEM Wolff Shapiro Kuskowski architects

The stone used on the campus heritage buildings was substituted by sculptural pre-cast concrete to give the new residence a contemporary signature. At the main entrance area, individually designed concrete fins signal the presence of the access points. Non-residents are directed towards the more public entrance, which fans out in the direction of the campus. The private entrance to the residential wings is treated in a more intimate way.

▼主入口夜景,设置着一系列由混凝土打造而成的鳍状墙面板,night view of the main entrance area with concrete fins © Maxime Brouillet


At the back of the building, sculptural concrete elements are introduced to create a strong gesture in the direction of the forest and the river. The concrete blades accentuate the presence of the stairs leading down from the student lounge area while acting as a device to filter the strong morning and afternoon light. The source of inspiration is traditional but the image is resolutely contemporary.

▼大楼后立面外观局部,设置着一系列雕塑般的混凝土元素,partial back elevation of the building withsculptural concrete elements©Adrien Williams

▼混凝土片墙细节,details of the concrete blades © Maxime Brouillet

建筑的可持续性 | Sustainability Issues


▼学生公共空间立面及其预制混凝土墙板和玻璃幕墙细节,facade of student common area – details of the prefabricated concrete elements and the curtain wall ©ARCHITEM Wolff Shapiro Kuskowski architects

The architects’ intention was to reduce the building’s carbon footprint to a minimum. Highly efficient mechanical systems and triple glazed windows were among the means used as well as prefabricated wall panels insulated from the outside. The residence was connected to the campus’ central geothermal system. Four new wells were drilled on site to respond to the building’s heating and cooling requirements. In addition, a heat recovery system was introduced to pre-heat incoming fresh air during the winter. This air is subsequently brought to required temperatures in part by geothermal water to air heat pumps.

外立面细节,facade details©Maxime Brouillet

景观设计 | Landscaping



Particular attention was paid to water management on the site, especially given the building’s steep roof. As it reaches the ground, rainwater is channeled towards two retention basins to prevent water from reaching the natural woodland areas. Surface runoffs are also directed towards the basins in order to protect the riverbank from erosion.

The site’s “renaturalisation” process was initiated as soon as the building was completed. The landscape architects reintroduced native trees, ferns, and shrubs on the grounds in order to blend in the natural surroundings. Bollards were installed throughout providing low lighting in accordance with local sky protection bylaws. Vehicular traffic is kept to a minimum on the site for better enjoyment of the surrounding nature.

▼大楼外观局部,恢复了基地的自然景观,partial exterior view of the building with thesite’s “renaturalisation”©Maxime Brouillet

▼项目区位图,the context©ARCHITEM Wolff Shapiro Kuskowski architects

▼校园总平面图,campus plan©ARCHITEM Wolff Shapiro Kuskowski architects

▼首层平面图,ground floor plan©ARCHITEM Wolff Shapiro Kuskowski architects

▼上层平面图,second floor plan©ARCHITEM Wolff Shapiro Kuskowski architects

▼下层平面图,lower floor plan©ARCHITEM Wolff Shapiro Kuskowski architects

▼主入口立面图,main entrance elevation©ARCHITEM Wolff Shapiro Kuskowski architects

沿河立面图,riverside elevation©ARCHITEM Wolff Shapiro Kuskowski architects

▼南立面图,south elevation©ARCHITEM Wolff Shapiro Kuskowski architects

▼横向剖面图,transverse section©ARCHITEM Wolff Shapiro Kuskowski architects

▼纵向剖面图,longitudinal section©ARCHITEM Wolff Shapiro Kuskowski architects

Official name: Mitchell Family House

Location: Sherbrooke, Québec

Client: Bishop’s College School

Architects/designers: ARCHITEM Wolff Shapiro Kuskowski architects

Design Team:Andrea Wolff, Partner, MOAQ; Elizabeth Shapiro, Partner, MOAQ; Magda Kuskowski, Partner, MOAQ; Mira Katnick, Partner, MOAQ; Johnny Salman, Associate, MOAQ; Katrina Novak, Associate, MOAQ; Kristian Morse, Intern; Harriet Strachan, Intern; Jose Orue-Bonneville, Technician; Alexey Kovyazin, Technician

General Contractor: Gératek Construction

Landscape Architects: Stuart Webster Design

Structural Engineers: Exp.

Mechanical and Electrical Engineers: FNX INNOV

Fire Protection: GicloCept inc.

Photographers: Maxime Brouillet; Adrien Williams

Area: 2415 m2(26 000 ft2)Cost: Undisclosed

Completion Date: Fall 2019


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