发布时间:2021-09-05 13:17:23 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


在上海浦东民生码头 E15-3 街区城市更新项目中,面对周边新旧建筑杂糅的城市环境,建筑师以“城市空间的赋格”为介入逻辑,从多角度对位呼应多层面的场地状况与城市空间关系,在浦东滨江路段织补城市肌理,谱写了一段涤荡人心的空间乐章。

▼视频,video©田方方/ EID Arch

Located at Minsheng Wharf in Pudong of Shanghai, Minsheng Wharf Block E15-3 designed by Atelier Ping Jiang/ EID Arch is a new waterfront development intended for urban regeneration. Primarily consisted of grade A office space and amenities, the project site is bookended in-between century old industrial silo warehouse, historical houses with landmark status and neoclassical luxurious residential neighborhood designed by American architect Robert Stern. With a GFA of 38,240 sqm, Minsheng Wharf Block E15-3 aims to create an urban structure that mediates and reconnects the complex urban conditions.

▼项目概览,overview© 胡义杰

▼对话城市环境的有机更新,an organic renewal that dialogues with the urban environment©是然建筑摄影

由 EID Arch / 姜平工作室设计的上海浦东民生码头 E15-3 街区城市更新项目近期峻工,项目基地毗邻浦东民生码头,是著名工业遗址与历史文保建筑围合的街区,北起滨江路,南邻规划中幼儿园,西侧毗邻公共绿地,东临美国建筑师罗伯特·斯特恩所设计的新古典主义的翡翠滨江二期住宅区。

▼基地环境,site map©EID Arch

▼基地旧照,existing site ©EID Arch

▼新旧缝合的街区,thestitched blocks©是然建筑摄影

E15-3 街区城市更新项目历时六年,设计介入的范围包括:新建 L 型地块中华企业办公及配套,基地西侧地块老建筑的办公空间改造,历史文保建筑的风貌协调与基地内部街区营造,以及西侧临时建筑文化艺术空间的植入。


▼场地鸟瞰,aerial view© 胡义杰

▼工业遗址与文保建筑围合出的基地,the project surrounded by industrial sites and heritage buildings©是然建筑摄影

周边建筑与环境难以忽略的强势与矛盾性决定了 E15-3 项目基地的特殊性,场地周边不同时期、不同风格的建成要素,为基地限定出独特场域边界。在基地西北侧,是民生码头中极具震撼力的工业遗产——八万吨筒仓改造项目,作为 2017 年上海城市空间艺术季等重要文化活动的主要展览场地,其巨型混凝土筒仓带有独特的工业历史印记,野性的色彩与形态成为江畔强烈的视觉要素。L 型地块退让出的空间南侧是三幢低矮的历史保留建筑,隶属于民生码头,是早年由英商公和洋行设计的德式花园别墅。

由于其周边环境的复杂性和历史文脉的特殊性,项目基地是在杂乱无序的城市语境中被“挤压”出的一个城市空隙。浦东民生码头 E15-3 街区的建筑设计力图在城市更新改造中创造一组属于城市的建筑群落,它们尺度与类型多元,新旧建筑起伏交融,形成相互呼应的空间复调。

▼西南轴测,axon©EID Arch

▼空间体系建构,spatial diagram©EID Arch

The juxtaposition of these chaotic and complex urban conditions reflects the urban reality of the evolving city of Shanghai. By carefully addressing the complexity of these site conditions, the design of Minsheng Wharf Block E15-3 reestablishes a spatial order for the wharf. Negotiating with an L-shaped site configuration, the master planning includes not only a new addition of office building, also a temporary pavilion for arts and communal activities, along with renovation of three historical colonial houses. Working with strict site constrains, the organization of the new addition stems from the spatial relationship with surrounding buildings and urban environment, the solidity of the building is as critical as the voids. By correlating the massing and voids with the existing urban fabrics, a spatial fugue is created with new meaning and purpose, reactivating the industrial waterfront district.

▼建筑外观,exterior view© 是然建筑摄影

▼屋顶露台融合城市景观,roofterrace incorporates urban landscape©是然建筑摄影

▼新旧对话的街区营造,the dialogue between the old and the new© 胡义杰

▼建筑立面和筒仓,the building facade and the silos©是然建筑摄影


The design ambition does not lie in creating an eye-catching spectacle building, on the contrary, it is intended to address the urban conditions in a restrained manner, providing a monolithic, minimal building responding and correlating to the surroundings.

▼可渗透的城市界面,the permeable urban interfaces©是然建筑摄影


新建的中华企业办公项目同时面向城市与内部街区,是 E15-3 街区城市更新项目的设计核心。项目占地面积约 9,640 平方米,建筑面积约四万平方米,设计以建造陆家嘴黄浦江沿岸独特的办公工作场所及配套服务为目标。


▼形体生成图,massing diagram

Inspired by the vertical rhythm of the silos, the building massing is articulated into four vertical tiers. To maximize the views towards the river and Lujiazui Financial District skyline, an offside core layout is adopted. A lower wing of the office/retail is place between the opening of the silo warehouse to allow for better river view and frontage. It also creates a pedestrian friendly urban experience. Porosity and permeability are introduced to the massing allowing for connectivity and interaction between the street and enclosed courtyard. Inside the office space, the design optimizes the overall height and creates a small floor plate ideal for daylighting. A series of landscaped gardens and terraces are placed throughout the office building to offer outdoor activity and interaction. In addition, the low rise wing of the building addresses the preserved historical colonial houses, forming a intimate street scale within the courtyard side of the block.

The superimposing of old industrial building and new architecture created a space-time dialogue with the waterfront sites. It’s a dialogue between the new and old, history and modernity, preserving and inheritance. Some design features are inspired by the surrounding heritage buildings in terms of scale and materiality, the tower and the podium are connected by a slender horizontal corridor, which not only facilitates the circulation in the building itself, but also pay tribute to the industrial elements of the silos on the wharf.

The counterpoint in architecture and the framed scenery in Chinese traditional gardens are also apparent in this project. The four vertical volumes of the tower correspond to the verticality of the silo; the high on the east and low on the west section echo to the scale of surrounding buildings; the clear geometric division of the horizontal and vertical grids on the building facade take cues from the rich attributes of the industrial site…In the voids of the new building, with a casual glance, tenants and visitors could get the clear views of the surrounding landmark buildings, and the old and new are mutually framing views to each other.

▼中华企业办公项目外观,the new-built China Corporate Office project©是然建筑摄影


▼步行友好的城市界面,pedestrian-friendly city interface©是然建筑摄影

▼街道立面,street facade ©胡义杰

E15-3 街区城市更新项目的设计初衷并不在于突出展现一个吸睛的建筑奇观,而恰恰相反,它更想以内敛沉静的方式平实叙事,讲述一个城市时空加叠与新旧融合的故事,谱写新的城市空间赋格。在设计手法上,“消解”与“对位”成为关键词。即便在高层办公空间,一个完整敦实的矩形体块也会让人在视觉上感到压迫。设计团队采用“化整为零”的手法,将整体化解为四个竖向起伏相契的玻璃盒子,既保证了功能空间的统一,又在立面韵律上与周边筒仓工业遗址产生时空的对话,有关新与旧、有关历史与现代、有关保护与传承。

▼新旧融合,ablend of old and new ©胡义杰

体量消解,回应城市空间关系 volumetric dissolution in response to urban spatial relationships ©胡义杰

步行空间,pedestrian area©是然建筑摄影

塔楼和裙楼之间以较纤细的横向通廊相连接,除了满足建筑本体内交通的便捷性,在更大图景上对西北侧体量韵律感极强的筒仓项目起到了“对话”与“破题”的作用——“空间赋格”设计逻辑的核心得以体现:跃动起伏的变化中保持格调一致,简约体量的设计中以细节呼应。建筑师对 E15-3 街区城市更新项目的思考不仅仅停留在项目本体的设计,更关照到整体周边环境,在意“新生”的空间对城市生活的意义。

▼露台空间,outdoor terrace©是然建筑摄影

二层露台的空间对位,the spatial alignment©是然建筑摄影

▼呼应工业元素的横向通廊,the horizontal passageway echoing the industrial elements©胡义杰



▼框景,the framed view©是然建筑摄影

▼高区露台,roof terrace©是然建筑摄影

与传统办公建筑不同,E15-3 街区城市更新项目在城市界面选择摩洛哥灰的石灰岩,在喑哑低调的灰色基调与筒仓的混凝土材质相应,塔楼上的竖向及横向线条细节材质呈金属铜及原木等暖色调,在空间色彩性格上很好地与周边历史建筑氛围氤氲相融。同时在横向通廊及面向筒仓的公共平台的立面格栅等设计细部采用工业建筑元素,既具有精细的肌理和自然的质感,同时延续了民生码头场所精神,赋予建筑更多可读性。


同时,面向住宅的部分采用 7% 反射率的节能 LOW-E 玻璃,防止光污染,降低对环境的影响。当四周建筑映射在塔楼的抽象体量上,疏密有致的分割构件随时间行进成为一组光影变奏曲,时间、城市与建筑建立起更感性的联系。

▼望向陆家嘴建筑群,view towards the CBD of Lujiazui©是然建筑摄影

▼建筑立面,facade detailed view©是然建筑摄影


Unique from the traditional office building, Minsheng Wharf Block E15-3 selected Moroccan gray limestone and pressure-treated wood panel for podium base storefront facade, which is consistent to the concrete material palate of the silo; meanwhile, the vertical grooved line details on the tower façade adopted warm-tone material such as metal copper, which reflects the materiality of the surrounding historical building.

Further down the road, in addition to Minsheng Wharf Block E15-3, the architect also designed a clover-shaped temporary exhibition center and a renovated office building. While fulfilling the functional requirements of the buildings themselves, this project not only improved the urban fabric and structure, but also activated the previously deserted urban environment. These interventions have connected new commercial spaces, cultural/communal venues and residential neighborhood along the riverside. Through strategic urban in-fill and acupuncture, Minsheng Wharf is becoming a lively urban hub and cultural destination.

▼办公门厅,office lobby©是然建筑摄影

▼电梯前厅,elevator hall©是然建筑摄影

▼办公室视野,view from the office©是然建筑摄影

上海浦东民生码头 E15-3 街区城市更新项目在完成建筑本身功能需求的同时,不但有力回应了城市抛出的问题,完善肌理脉络与结构,并且作为植入的新空间也激活了旧有环境。它们以织补的手法完善城市空间结构、以空间赋格的曲式逻辑对位城市周边环境、以“针灸式”的细腻姿态温和介入整体场域中,在滨江沿岸串联出全新的办公商务空间、旧改建筑和临时文化展陈空间,为城市生活带来更深层次的价值提升。

▼为城市环境注入活力,theproject activated the previously deserted urban environment©是然建筑摄影

民生码头空间新格局,the new pattern for Minsheng Wharf Block©是然建筑摄影

▼项目施工现场,construction phase ©EID Arch

▼项目街区总平面图,masterplan©EID Arch

▼项目街区首层平面图,ground floor plan©EID Arch

▼中华企业办公项目标准层平面图,office building typical plan©EID Arch

▼中华企业办公项目二层平面图,office building second floor plan©EID Arch

▼中华企业办公项目三层平面图,office building third floor plan©EID Arch

▼中华企业办公项目四层平面图,office building fourth floor plan©EID Arch

▼中华企业办公项目五层平面图,office building fifth floor plan©EID Arch

▼项目街区北立面图,site north elevation©EID Arch

▼中华企业办公项目南立面图,office building south elevation©EID Arch

▼中华企业办公项目东立面图和西立面图,office building east elevation & west elevation©EID Arch

▼中华企业办公项目剖面图,office building section©EID Arch

项目地点:中国上海浦东新区业主:中华企业/上海地产设计时间:2015-2021 年街区面积:15,569 平方米办公地块面积:9,640 平方米办公建筑面积:38,240 平方米项目类型:城市更新|| 办公及配套建筑师:EID Arch / 姜平工作室主持建筑师:姜平,AIA 技术总监:陆生云幕墙顾问:Inhabit 英海特工程咨询 (北京) 有限公司上海分公司景观顾问:瀚翔景观国际有限公司/上海兰境景观设计咨询有限公司室内顾问:DU Studio 向和空间标识顾问:Selbert Perkins Design 博津思设计灯光顾问:LEOX 黎欧思照明(上海)有限公司 BIM 顾问:中国建筑上海设计研究院有限公司历史建筑改造:华建集团历史建筑保护设计院施工图设计院:上海天华建筑设计有限公司

Location: Shanghai, China

Client: China Enterprise Co., Ltd. / Shanghai Real Estate (Group) Co. Ltd.

Urban Renewal Scope: 15,569 sq m

Site Area: 9,640 sq m

Gross Built Area: 38,240sq m

Completion Year: 2021

Type: Urban Renewal, Office, Retail

Architect: Atelier Ping Jiang / EID Arch

Design Principal: Ping Jiang, AIA

Technical Director: Sean Lu

Curtain Wall Consultant: Inhabit Group

Landscape Consultant: H & A Landscape / LAN·G.

Interior Consultant: DU Studio

Logo Consultant: Selbert Perkins Design

Lighting Consultant: LEOX Design Partnership

BIM Consultant: China Shanghai Architectural Design & Research Institute Co.,Ltd

Historic Building Preservation: Arcplus Historic Building Preservation Design Institute

LDI: Shanghai TIANHUA Architecture Planning & Engineering Ltd.


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