Australia's queen street house
设计方:Tzannes Associates
位置:澳大利亚 乌拉娜
摄影师:Murray Fredericks
这是由Tzannes Associates设计的皇后街住宅。场地位于乌拉娜的一片历史文物保护区内。设计旨在新建两间卧室单元,并设有独立出入口,与现状的展示馆向隔开。该项目还考虑到隔绝Qcean街的噪音,保护住宅的视线隐私。建筑师用砖石连接建筑较低的两层,并在建筑三层设置一个铜质表皮屋顶,以减小建筑体量。空间布局主要朝向西面,以减少Ocean街的噪音影响。该建筑注重环境保护与可持续发展,包括建筑体量、屋顶分层设计、墙体隔热、太阳能幕墙和交叉通风等。
译者: 艾比
The site is located on a busy intersection in a heritage conservation area of Woollahra.The brief was to add a 2 bedroom residence with an entrance separate from the existing showroom. Special considerations included the requirements to minimise noise from Ocean Street and maintain visual privacy within their home.The architectural response was to minimise the effects of scale and bulk on the site by articulating the lower two floors in masonry and housing the third floor within a copper clad roof. The resultant form is compatible with the general bulk, scale and subdivision patterns of the terraces to the north and east of the site along Ocean Street.
The arrangement of spaces is located toward the western boundary to reduce the impacts of noise from Ocean Street.The combination of thermal mass and with levels of roof and wall insulation, solar screening and cross ventilation contributes to a environmentally appropriate design. The material selection and detailing were determined taking into account long life and low maintenance objectives.The Queen Street Residence demonstrates that high levels of residential amenity can be achieved on small lots with hostile environmental characteristics from adjacent road conditions.