发布时间:2018-01-05 00:39:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

The Wikkelboat in Rotterdam’s Red Apple Marina, a prototype of the Floating Community which will be unveiled in spring 2019


荷兰的设计师、建筑师和开发商已经率先迈出了下一步:在世界上最大的港口之一鹿特丹,房地产开发商Beladon的团队将海事技术和农业方面的专业知识结合起来,为可供选择的新鲜食品生产建造浮动农场。公共领域建筑师(Public Domain Architect)提出了一种解决方案,作为一个易发生洪水的新开发区的解决方案-浮力的海港阁楼公寓将与水同步上下移动。

加强鹿特丹作为创新中心的声誉,Aqua Dock-一项涉及市政当局、港务局和鹿特丹应用科学大学RDM专门知识中心的合作企业-为浮动结构的创新提供了一个试验场。




欧洲各地都出现了尝试浮动建筑的机会。在法国,最近一场重新发明塞纳河的竞赛使巴黎、鲁昂和勒阿弗尔的41个未充分利用的河岸遗址可以进行创造性的修订。因此,巴黎现有的漂流热点-约瑟芬·贝克(Josephine Baker)游泳池、贝恩音乐厅(Petit Bain)和Off酒店-将由一家面包店、一个废物管理设施和一个城市艺术中心组成。巴黎和勒阿弗尔(塞纳河河口的一个主要港口)共用的驳船将是驳船。

伦敦的两个项目-丹尼森工程(Denizen Works)的浮动教堂和社区中心-将在伦敦的布朗菲尔德重建区和詹斯勒(Gensler)提出的英国议会在泰晤士河上的临时住所之间航行。这两个项目推动了世界上迅速扩大的新水上建筑目录。


Barges & Berges, Paris and Le Havre, France A collaboration between BRS Architectes Ingénieurs, Nicolas Lombardi Architecture and YG Marine Design, this project is shared between two cities located on the river Seine. Two large docked barges will accommodate youth hostels, while two mobile barges will seasonally switch functions that include a summer school, additional residences, the hybrid of a café and a conference space, co-working spaces and a sports centre.

Floating Farms, Rotterdam, Netherlands Beladon, a specialist in designing sustainable buildings and landscapes on the water, proposes three kinds of floating structures adapted to producing dairy, vegetables and eggs. The first Floating Farm opens in Rotterdam in early 2018. According to CEO Peter van Wingerden, this will be a perfect test location, yet the real demand for alternative food production is in the rapidly growing cities in Asia and Africa.

Temporary UK Parliament, London, UK Architecture firm Gensler proposes a space and cost effective solution to enable a six-year-long decant of the Westminster Palace for its long overdue refurbishment works. The concept colocates both Houses of Parliament in a 250m long floating structure that takes inspiration from the magnificent timber roof of the Westminster Hall commissioned by Richard II in 1393. According to Gensler, the structure can be built in British shipyards and floated along the Thames to be assembled on the river in front of the Palace.

Floating Church and Community Hub, London, UK Designed by Denizen Works with Turks Boatbuilders, naval architect Tony Tucker and Jeckells the Sailmakers, this hybrid of a church and a multi-functional hub will circulate between the new communities in London’s brownfield regeneration areas. Inspired by the church organ bellows and the pop-up sleeping pods of vintage VW camper vans, its distinctive roof will use two layers of translucent glass fibre fabric sandwiched around a carbon-fibre frame.

Recycled Park, Rotterdam, Netherlands Another component of the emerging Floating Community in Rotterdam’s Rijnhaven, the Recycled Park is a collaborative effort initiated by Ramon Knoester of WHIM architecture. The project aims to retrieve plastic waste from the Nieuwe Maas river before it reaches the sea, and use it to design plant- and marine fauna-friendly platforms for a floating park.

Moulin Seine, Paris, France Seine Design (architects) and Zoom (landscape designers) teamed with a bakery and an expert in river tourism to design Paris’s first floating bakery and pastry shop with a roof garden. The bread making process will be put on public display; three electric shuttles will be used for delivery and as pleasure boats.

Schoonschip, Amsterdam, Netherlands Space & Matter is involved in developing a new sustainable floating neighbourhood in Northern Amsterdam. Thirty homes for 46 families will be connected by a jetty serving a public space and designed to orient all houses for optimal views. To ensure variety, the team proposes five different houseboat typologies that can be further adapted by each family.

Wikkelboat, Rotterdam, Netherlands The first Wikkelboat premiered in May 2017 in the Red Apple Marina, the only pleasure harbour in central Rotterdam. A collaboration with the Amsterdam-based creators of the Wikkelhouse, it functions as a meeting, sleep-over and service point and serves as a prototype of the Floating Community, ‘the world’s first floating carbon neutral village’, to be unveiled in spring 2019.

Roboat, Amsterdam, Netherlands Researchers from MIT partnered with several institutions in the Netherlands to design a fleet of authonomous boats for the Amsterdam’s canals. Besides transporting goods and people, they will also be able ‘to cooperate to produce temporary floating infrastructure, such as on-demand bridges’, explains Carlo Ratti, MIT’s professor of the practice of urban technologies.

Harbour Loft Apartments, Rotterdam, Netherlands This project for a flood-prone new development area combines floating homes by Public Domain Architects with the creation of an eco-friendly river bank, on which the so-called ‘tidal park’ will foster riverside wildlife. Built off-site as prefabricated kit homes, Harbour Loft Apartments will be towed to the location by mid-2018.

keywords:Dutch architecture, Residential architecture, Cultural architecture



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