发布时间:2019-09-08 05:03:09 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
Yagan Square 和 The "Underline"项目展现了景观建筑在城市建设中的重要作用,通过创造公共空间和优化基础设施,促进了社会福祉和可持续发展。

The International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) Asia Pacific Landscape Architecture Award is the premier industry awards programme for the Asia Pacific region. It "aims to create stronger awareness and recognition of landscape architecture as one ofthe professions that has played a key role in shaping our cities and our environments towards a better, more resilient future."

ASPECT Studios run of winning international industry recognition continues and we are delighted to announce our latest:

Yagan Square - Award of Excellence

Category: Cultural & Urban Landscape

Photo: Peter Bennetts

Initiated by the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority, Yagan Square is part of the Perth City Link Project – one of the city’s most exciting redevelopments, reconnecting the CBD with Northbridge for the first time in more than 100 years. Perth’s newest major public space is a city shaping exemplar. ASPECT Studios together with Lyons and iredale pedersen hook architects completed the design for Yagan Square in March 2018.

The "Underline": Caulfield to Dandenong Level Crossing Removal Project -Award of Excellence

Category: Infrastructure

Photo: Peter Bennetts

We also received three Honourable Mentions for Caulfield to Dandenong Level Crossing Removal Project- Linear Parks and DjerringTrail, One City Development Gemdale, and Platinum Tower in the categories of Open Space, Cultural &Urban Landscape and Skyrise Greenery respectively.

One City Development Gemdale / Photo:  Arch-Exist

Caulfieldto Dandenong Level Crossing Removal Project-Linear Parks and Djerring Trail /Photo: Peter Bennetts

Platinum Tower / Photo: Andrew Lloyd

Each of the above awards demonstrates the growing acknowledgement from both the design industry and the general public, that landscape architects are the right profession to solve the complex challenges of living and thriving in our growingly dense urban environments.

ASPECT Studios extendsour huge congratulations all our clients and collaborators who have made this success possible.

And we give our biggest congratulations and thank you to our people – for your core belief in the value of design and the social well-being it brings to our cities through our projects and ongoing commitment to delivering sustainable and joyous relationships between people and the natural environment.


ASPECT Studios 连获 2019 IFLA Awards 三项大奖 展现景观建筑魅力
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