发布时间:2021-01-26 21:47:38 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

项目背景 Background


The world is struggling with the COVID-19 epidemic and gradually recovering. The economy and infrastructure of Eastern Africa is also suffering from the epidemic, and more attention and assistance are needed. Since Uganda is located in the central area of East Africa the economy has developed rapidly in recent years, many families in its vast rural areas are still living in poverty and their educational resources are also extremely insufficient. According to research, half of the schools use simple shacks as school buildings. Due to the various weather changes in the East African Plateau, shacks not only leak during the rainy season, but also have the risk of collapsing due to rain washing during stormy days, and the cost of maintaining school buildings remains high.

▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view of the project © DBSA

此外,纵观全球,人口增长与贫困带来的教育资源分布不均在非洲尤为严重,而从发达城市城镇发展出来的关于学校校舍建设的模式与经验在非洲贫困地区并不适用,为了帮助低收入地区的儿童更好的接受教育,建设安全、实用、经济,并适合当地施工工法与使用习惯的校舍建筑显得尤为重要。在这样的背景下,同时得益于BINANCE的全力支持,HIS GRACE学校项目得以启动,为学校建设新的校舍,为学生和教师提供安全、耐久、实用的学习工作场所。

Obviously, the uneven distribution of educational resources caused by population growth and poverty, and some of experiences of school construction in developed counties are not suitable in this informal areas of Africa, in order to help low-income areas, in particular for providing children to have the right of education, with the full help Binance Charity, the propaganda of Uganda Binance His Grace school was set to be a practical and economical school buildings that has to combine with local construction techniques and materials.

▼庭院鸟瞰,aerial view of the inner courtyard © DBSA

项目概况 Prologue


Uganda Binance His Grace school was sitting in 30 km away from the northern Kampala capital, projection was around 25 meter by 26 meter, equipped with classrooms, offices and washrooms. In ordered to provide a healthy and safe educational environment before next semester, which was 3 months later, school was tend to broadly combine local building technique in its needs.

▼项目外观,external view of the project © DBSA

立面设计与结构 Facade and building Structure


In the facade, we take the firmness of the structure as a main consideration. Except for the roof, the entire building used a concrete frame structure, but considering the cost and weather resistance, we added facade buttresses to enhance the strength of the walls, and it also assists in supporting the floor and roof as well. At the same time, with a stronger sense with donator and environment. The color of the facade adopted bright yellow as the basic tone, and the outside of the buttresses were painted to white, emphasizing the transition of the surface and the cross-section of the volume, making the building facade more standout; windows, handrails and roof trusses were painted into dark red contrasted with the bright yellow on the facade, making the building more visually symbolic.

▼建筑以明快的黄色为基调,the building adopts bright yellow as the basic tone © DBSA

设计思路 Concepts


The school was very small but land was sufficient. The plan was to move the original school to a nearby simple shed that built with iron sheets, so that education would not be interrupted. then, the building volume was arranged around the base, which could maximize the use of the site and formed a surrounding. It was convenient for the management of the school and the activity venue was enclosed inside.

▼剖轴测,sectional axon © DBSA


The enclosure volume was designed as a two-stories building. All rooms on the first floor opened to the inner courtyard to facilitate the collection and management of students. Except for the conventional layout of the classrooms, there were halls, offices, kitchens and washrooms. The hall here could be opened to surrounding villagers when necessary to carry out community activities. In order to ensure daily pollution-free Free Lunch could be delivered to kids, logistic passages were set behind the kitchen to facilitate the transportation of garbage, without passing through the inner courtyard to maintain the cleanness of the central area. What’s more the entrance of the school set to full-height space of the eaves, emphasized the main entrance and formed a sheltered space for rainwater as well.

▼开放的庭院,两部楼梯连接一二层,open courtyard, two stairs connecting two floors © DBSA


With two stairs in the courtyard, you could easily reach the second-floor classrooms where were connected by external corridors. The corridors were all under the roofs. Even though rainy seasons, there was no worry that commute within this space. Based on the same consideration, at the end of the second floor, we reduced a classroom, and set aside space for a platform, where provided activity space with a shelter from wind and rain. At the same time, it also enriched the level of the entrance space. The barrier of the terrace was also the wall where the school’s name was hanging, and that made the school entrance more recognizable.

▼二层教室通过外部连廊进行连接,aerial view of interior © DBSA

▼二层尽端的活动平台,platform at the end of the second floor © DBSA

屋顶设计 Roofs


For the roofs, in regarding of local suppliers, wooden trusses covered with corrugated galvanized metal sheets was highly recommended. Not only the lightness and also provided sufficient stiffness while balanced the cost and the overall aesthetics.

▼木桁架金属屋面,wooden trusses covered with corrugated galvanized metal sheets © DBSA

楼板的特殊做法——低技的智慧 Slab — low-tech


The structure of the floor slab which we focused on how to apply existing local technology to make the cost more economical while ensuring strength and safety. The force was in the lower part of the slab which was taken tension mainly that steel bars with high tensile strength were used as the stress material. The remaining part is filled with bricks which aim to reduce the mass of concrete slab. It is only used in the gaps between the bricks also the concrete bonds the bricks and steel bars to make them tied together on the upper part; on the other hand, the upper part of the floor was mainly in compressed, and reinforced concrete was used to resist compression. This approach made full use of the mechanical properties of each material, made the best use of the material, and balanced the cost to ensure sufficient strength and safety.

▼楼板构造,structure of the floor slab © DBSA

总结 Summary

乌干达BINANCE HIS GRACE学校项目是“造梦公益”在非洲的第四所学校援建项目。通过现场的考察调研,在有限的资金造价前提下,设计建造出安全、实用、美观适应特定功能、文化和气候的学校,加强区域认同,为地区的可持续性作出贡献。

Uganda Binance His Grace school was the fourth aided school constructed by an Africa-based Chinese NGO (Dream Buildings Service Association), a non-profit program which will continue to provide necessary educational buildings for helping low-income families whom lived in off-the-grid area. Through massive on-site researches, this continuing project will design and build more sustainable schools that are safe, practical, beautiful which combines with specific techniques, cultures and climates that contribute to improve the sustainability on the other side of the world.

▼总平面图,site plan © DBSA

▼平面图,plans © DBSA

▼剖面图,section © DBSA


BINANCEHIS GRACE学校,乌干达 / Dream Building Service Association NGO
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