发布时间:2018-01-22 09:46:19 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

阿威罗设计、管理与生产技术学院(ESAN)是一所致力于理工科的教学及研究机构。学校位于葡萄牙的Entre-Douro e Vouga (EDV)地区,有着十分强烈的地域特征。EDV区是一个以出口为导向的、拥有极高国际价值的区域,被视为葡萄牙最具竞争力的地区之一。其模具、汽车零部件、工程、鞋类、软木及食品生产等行业均在国家的经济发展中有着十分重要的地位。

The Superior School of Design, Management ,Production Technologies of Aveiro North (ESAN), is dedicated to teaching and research, belonging to Polytechnic education subsystem. ESAN is inserted in the region of Entre-Douro and Vouga (EDV) taking a strong regional component. The EDV is a national regions best positioned in terms of international value and export orientation, having also been regarded as one of the most competitive regions of Portugal. The economic activity sectors that have great importance in the regional and national economy are: molds, automotive components, engineering, footwear, cork, food, etc…

▼建筑外观,exterior view

▼整座建筑如同一部能源充沛、全年无休的大型机器,the building is like an energetic machine designed to navigate over the years

ESAN近期在设计和产品开发、工业组织、生产技术系统以及信息及通讯系统等领域的发展尤其活跃,其中包括高等的专业教育以及中学后的职业教育与培训。2013/2014学年,ESAN的校址临时设于Oliveira de Azeméis区。2014/2015学年,政府出资将学校迁往新的地址,即Quinta do Comandante(Cercal公园)。场地中既有的现代公园设施为学校赋予了适宜的硬性条件以及应用研究的巨大潜力。

Currently ESAN develops activity in the areas of design and product development, industrial organization, technologies and systems of production and technology and information and communication systems, whether through its educational supply of higher level or through their supply education and post-secondary training in technical and vocational. Having worked until the end of the school year 2013/2014 in temporary facilities provided by the Municipality of Oliveira de Azeméis, ESAN started the school year 2014/2015 in its new permanent premises and also transferred by this municipality, located in Quinta do Comandante (Cercal Park). These new facilities, whose design is of my own, combined with a modern park equipment, has endowed this school of modern appropriate physical condition to a school and a high potential for applied research.

▼葡萄牙第一座高能源效率、低环境影响力的公共建筑,the first public building of high energy efficiency and low impact in Portugal

▼屋顶的光伏板使太阳能得到高效利用和管理,a project that regulates and takes advantage of solar energy

Oliveira de Azeméis政府和阿威罗大学携手成立了北阿威罗设计、管理与生产技术学院(ESAN),这是葡萄牙第一座高能源效率、低环境影响力的公共建筑。项目的设计团队由建筑师Joaquim Morais Oliveira以及能效方面的技术专家团队共同带领,使建筑最终实现了最优的环境质量和低能源及物质材料消耗,同时减少了水源浪费、能量和气体排放,使其对人体健康、自然资源、气候变化以及生态系统质量的冲击降至最低。毫无疑问,这也是葡萄牙首座在保持极高的整体能效的同时还能在能耗和维护方面实现低成本和庞大节约量的建筑。

The Municipality of Oliveira de Azeméis and the University of Aveiro have joined forces to build the Superior School of Design, Management ,Production Technologies of Aveiro North (ESAN), the first public building of high energy efficiency and low impact in Portugal. Conceived by a team coordinated by architect Joaquim Morais Oliveira and by a group of technical experts in energy efficiency, (Eneres), the building itself is a model of intervention, in which one opts for the optimization of environmental quality and Low energy and material resources, reducing wastewater, energy and gas emissions and minimizing the impact on human health, natural resources, climate change and the quality of ecosystems, thereby , the entire life cycle of the building. This is undoubtedly the first building built in Portugal with this integrated and radical approach to energy efficiency contextualized within a framework of austerity, low cost and huge savings in consumption and maintenance.

▼主入口,main entrance

▼走廊外观及内部,exterior and interior of the corridor

▼建筑在保持极高的整体能效的同时还能在能耗和维护方面实现低成本和庞大的节约量,the building shows an integrated and radical approach to energy efficiency contextualized within a framework of austerity, low cost and huge savings in consumption and maintenance

▼建筑能够智能地收集周围环境和室内环境条件的资料,the building is equipped with a congruent level of intelligence capable of collecting information on the state of the surrounding environment and indoor conditions


The key lies in an architectural conception that attributes to the architecture itself the ability to effectively control the mechanisms that determine the flow and application of energy; Where all the fundamental decisions – those that determine the energetic relation of the building with its surroundings and those that determine the mechanisms of transference of energy inside the building – materialize in a perfectly oriented architecture, isolated. The result is manifested in a project that regulates and takes advantage of solar energy, in a form endowed with mass and inertia indispensable to accumulate and transfer energy to its users in a controlled way, in an organized spatial distribution to achieve the maximum comfort and yield to of the best distribution of energy, in a design designed to adapt to climate change, the seasons of the year and the demands generated by the use of the building, and finally, in a building equipped with a congruent level of intelligence capable of collecting information on the state of the surrounding environment and indoor conditions (heat, humidity, air quality and lighting quality), in order to react dynamically, always being configured and adapted to the most appropriate and balanced mode of operation.


▼教学空间,teaching area

▼机械室,machine room

坐落在独特环境中的新校园致力于为具有创新性和竞争力的企业提供公共环境,如同一部能源充沛、全年无休的大型机器,为环境质量和能源的消耗赋予精确而平衡的关系。能量不是被创造的,也不会被摧毁;它既不是生产出来的,也不会被消耗殆尽。能量是自然中的宝贵资源,它从一个媒介传递、转化至另一个媒介,它可以被收集、积累,并在正确的时机以最合适的方式排放出去。在我们所生活的当下时代,物质与能源的节约以及智慧管理已经不再是一道选择题,它是社会的必然要求,这也是Oliveira de Azeméis政府和阿威罗大学在本项目中清晰完成的使命。

Located in a unique setting of Oliveira de Azeméis and destined for a specific public use this new building Park of Cercal – Campus for Innovation, Competitiveness and Qualified Entrepreneurship, is an energetic machine designed to navigate over the years in a calculated and balanced relationship between quality Environment and consumption. Energy is not created or destroyed, it is neither generated nor consumed. Energy is a valuable resource of natural origin that transforms, transports from one medium to the other, is extracted, accumulated, and emitted at the right moment and in the most appropriate form, throughout the daily, seasonal and Annuals that characterize the life of the building. In a historical moment such as this one in which we live, austerity and intelligence in the management and use of material and energy resources is not an alternative, it is an imperative requirement of society, to which the Municipality of Oliveira de Azeméis and the University of Aveiro respond coherently in the creation of this building.

▼户外露台,outdoor terrace

▼设计的关键点在于通过高效的机械控制来定义能源的走向和应用,the key lies in an architectural conception that attributes to the architecture itself the ability to effectively control the mechanisms that determine the flow and application of energy




▼场地平面图,site plan




ARCHITECTURE: Joaquim morais Oliveira, architect at the university of Aveiro

PHOTOGRAPHS: Joao Margalha


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