UNITY This project "UNITY" addresses the dismal conditions of foreign workers’ living quarters. It proposes an integrated living space within existing work spaces for better work, play and live spaces. It aims to explore the old industrial premises into a modern 3 storiesgreen industrial complex that caters to the needs of the residing workers. New spaces have been created to enhance wider space, green open-air areas that eventually produce a better work, business, leisure and living place for tomorrow.
The entire surrounding can be a evening exercise and running track for them.The circular modules act as a discussion/dining area for them. It brings more life into a space.The spaces at level 2 delivers vibrant and desirable place for workers to work, live and relax. Colourful aluminium booths are built for showcase exhibition and season sales. This allow them to hold a mini exhibition for consumers to satisify their needs.Office and light weight multi-purpose premises for existing and new owners. Diamond shaped concept with glass panels structure at level 3 will eventually give bright beam into the premises.An upgraded backyard completed with round circular tables and steel bars for dining and clothes hanging.The added small garden enable workers to favour their planting.