发布时间:2021-05-14 13:40:20 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

项目坐落于伦敦水晶宫公园恐龙岛,公园的独特环境,以及对安全通道的需求,激发了摇摆桥的设计灵感。设计团队Tonkin Liu数十年来一直受到仿生学研究的启发,而本项目则在该基础上展现出三个具体的创新方向,分别表现在:1. 通过桥身的旋转摆动来连接两岸;2. 运用波形几何结构增强桥身强度;3. 桥梁梳形伸缩缝施工工艺。

The unique circumstances of the Crystal Palace Park Dinosaur Islands and the need for a secure crossing inspired the structural artwork of Swing Bridge. Informed by Tonkin Liu team’s decade-long immersion in biomimetic studies, the project delivers three specific innovations: swinging to access the banks, undulating geometry for structural strength, and the comb construction technique.

▼由林间看桥梁,viewing the bridge from the woods ©Tonkin Liu

▼桥梁与附近的恐龙雕塑,the bridge and the dinosaur sculpture nearby ©Tonkin Liu


The 167-year-old, Grade I Listed concrete Dinosaur sculptures were configured to depict extinct animals in the lost worlds of deep geological time. The team chose the bridge’s location to mark the start of this sequence, helping to tell a story of evolution, which in turn inspiring the reference to the prehistoric bony fish, the precursor to the Dinosaurs and the evolutionary timeline depicted on the islands.

▼桥梁整体概览,overall of the bridge ©Tonkin Liu

▼雪景,snow day view ©Tonkin Liu


To protect access to the Dinosaur Islands, the bridge has been designed to remain in the water and only make its connection to land when access is given for education and for maintenance. This negates the need for a large protective barrier, keeps its distance from the Dinosaurs, and requires only one central foundation. Crystal Palace Park in turn enjoys, when the bridge is not in use, a sculptural artwork floating in water.

▼人与桥梁的互动,interaction between people and the bridge ©Tonkin Liu


Form gives strength through geometry in each of the component of the structure. A triangular spine beam delivers load to the central bearing, its tailored form is minimised in response to the bending moments. The skeletal deck structure projects out from the beam’s backbone like form. The bridge form gains overall strength from being widest and tallest over its central support. Minimal thickness of the steel sheet is achieved by optimising resistance through the geometry.

▼宛如硬骨鱼的桥梁外观,the bony fish appearance of the bridge ©Tonkin Liu

▼桥身细部,detail of the bridge ©Tonkin Liu

▼扶手细部,detail of the handrail ©Tonkin Liu


In the evolution of the first bony fish, an undulating movement produces a force that propels it forward. The undulating form of the balustrade and deck resists forces applied to the handrail through a push-pull action. The balusters lean backward and forward along the length of the undulating deck, the outer acting as a strut and the inner acting as a tie. The multiple bent and welded prongs act together like spokes in a wheel to give the undulating form lateral stiffness. The frequency and pitch of the oscillation have been engineered to find the optimum form.

▼吊装过程,installation ©Tonkin Liu

▼3d效果图,3d rendering ©Tonkin Liu

▼桥梁旋转运动示意图,Diagram of bridge rotation motion ©Tonkin Liu

▼平面图,plan ©Tonkin Liu

▼剖面图,section ©Tonkin Liu

Project size:8 m2 Completion date:2020 Project team:Main Contractor, Fabricator, and sub-structure design:Cake Industries Design:Tonkin Liu Structural Engineer:ARUP


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