发布时间:2020-09-20 06:17:04 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

TROP:Terrains+Open Space:  La Vela 位于khao lak 最宁静的Bang Niang 沙滩,距离普吉岛国际机场有1小时车程。Khao Lak 以棕榈环绕的沙滩、晴朗的天空、翠绿的森林和蓝宝石色的水域而出名。对于喜欢冒险的人,这里是热带自然之旅的理想地点。

酒店所在的Bang Niang海滩有更延绵的沙滩和更少的游客。这片曾经被低估的沙滩正在重新定义自己。

TROP:Terrains+Open Space:  LA VELA is located on Khao Lak’s most beautiful beach – Bang Niang. It is just an hour’s drive north of Phuket’s international airport. Khao Lak is home to palm-fringe beaches, clear skies, beautiful forests, waters and islands. Here you can be adventurous and chilled as you wish. If you are a nature lover, it is exciting to plan out your tropical trips into Khao Lak’s natural setting.

But, BangNiang beach is an even quieter version of beach with more beautiful beaches and fewer people. Actually, this often-underestimated beach is redefining itself.

客户目标定位 Design Background

La Vela Khao Lak 和 Kokulo Beach Club 是La Flora集团的最新开发项目,此项目中包括La Flora Resort, Spa Khao Lak (2004) 和带全泳池别墅的Casa de La Flora (2011) 。


LA VELAKHAO LAK and KOKULO BEACH CLUB are the latest properties of La Flora Group which includes La Flora Resort and Spa Khao Lak (Since 2004) and all-pool villa, cutting-edge designed resort “Casa de La Flora” (since 2011).

“Client’s desire for lifestyle with quality of spaces filled with ultra-modern amenities and in-room entertainment for guest to create their own unique experiences.”

设计阐述 Design Statement


Vela 是船帆座的意思。它指引着海上的船队前行。客户选择它为主题是为了向古老的海港Takola致敬。港口自古就是来自印度,阿拉伯和中国的航海船队主要目的地之一。靠星星指引他们的航路,抵达之后,船队与当地人进行香料和其他产品的贸易交换。经历千年,海上贸易的辉煌时代虽已经过去,文化的多样性确仍在这个港口生活呼吸。充满风情的当地建筑,进口的香料和美食,热闹的人群和热情的音乐,却又毫不打扰想要躲入自然中休息的疲惫游客。这就是开发者所勾画出的场地蓝图。

In the case of La Vela, solving problem is the top task instead of normal design. This time, landscape design all inspired from the land itself .

Vela is the name of a triangle-shaped sail shape constellation which is famous for its interstellar voyage. Client chose La Vela as the gift to one ancient seaport. The ancient seaport is their blueprint for ideal lifestyle. The seaport is Takola, This ancient seaport with rich cultural history was one of the destinations to sailors from India, Arabia, and China. Stars were sailors’ navigation. On arrival, they traded spices and many other products with the locals. Though the great era of maritime trade has passed, cultural diversity still lives in this seaport. Busy life here such as enjoying the spices, listening to the passionate music will not interrupt travelers who want to take a rest.

景观设计的轮廓与建筑、室内一样,也遵循船帆座的形态。这映射到地面的星座,一直都在指引着人们开启一段奇妙旅程。景观设计最初的轴线,来自于建筑之间错落交织的线条,也与最初落成的沙滩会所建筑形态相符合。巧合的是,这种场地上天然形成的三角形,随着项目的落成,与La Flora集团其他两个项目地图坐标也构成了一个大三角。

By draping La vela down to the land, the design followed its triangle form. The design retained the ambience of client’s blueprint. The original line has been turned into one axis, while other lines extended from the edges of the building and the beach club. This hotel and other two LA Flora projects formed a big triangle on the earth.

La Vela场地主要分为三部分,入口区,沙滩花园和泳池花园。

场地沙滩和酒店两大区的连接由一片公共绿地切断。项目初期,客户又分别将酒店建筑和沙滩会所交给两个风格迥异的建筑工作室设计,导致主体板块、建筑与周围景观不能契合。因此,TROP在项目委托初期,除了需要解决场地本身局限性,还需拾起空间碎片,合理分配酒店功能,提供场地使用多样性。尊重旅客对于超现代设施和丰富酒店休闲生活方式的渴望,打造独特的旅游经历,这也是La Flora集团的项目开发的初心。

La Vela site is consisted of three parts: the Arrival, the Beach Garden and Pool Garden.

The site has been cut by a public green space. In the early stage, client asked two architects to design architecture separately, which caused the site lack of connection. So, the top task for TROP is to collect the fragments, locate amenities, arrange function zones, and match the blueprint from client. The design needs to create a unique experience for travelers.


As to the main entrance, design team changed the original proposed U-shaped entrance.The original design has been changed into a triangle – shaped platform, which connected the visual link between western and eastern parts. Also, a sunken water featurehas been created to the lobby due to the changing, the journey of La vela starts here.


In the two areas, 4 buildings had been allocated in pool garden, while other 3 in the beach garden, with the beach club. The form of the architecture are very different to each other. So, creating the connection between each building and their surrounding is the key. In order to solve the problem, the design team examined landscape conditions and go back to site itself. Instead of applying theoretical design approach, the team consider all details of the site. Then, they extended the view from pool garden to the beach garden, fold and extend the landscape at the end. So, landscape became a part of beach club. This design solved the disconnection between two parts.


As to the connection between two gardens, designers designed a tunnel that cross under the main pool area. This tunnel perpendiculars to the lobby platform, cross through the green public space and the main pool at pool garden. The tunnel notonly leads the way from pool garden to the beach, but also separates the passive and active area. Then, how to deal with the pool structure height, load-bearing and waterproof maintenance? To solve the problem, designer designed a shallow water pool structure above the tunnel, this shallow structure plays its function as a step in the pool.


The La Vela has 181 rooms. Each room has large sofa, free standing bath tub, Jacuzzi, and smart control rain shower, etc. Every detail of this hotel matches to the vision of client. The vision is to create special experience for visitors. The triangle-shaped landscape not only ensured the movement, but also ensure visual connection from the rooms. The design has maximized the landscape value, and become the key of the site.

景观设计:  TROP: terrains + open space 沙滩俱乐部建筑设计:IF:Integrated Field  Co.,ltd. 酒店主体建筑设计:TIME Architecture Co.,ltd. 室内设计:Coquo Studio

Landscape design: TROP: terrains + open space Beach Club Architecture Design:IF:Integrated Field  Co.,ltd. Hotel Architecture Design:TIME Architecture Co.,ltd. Interior Design:Coquo Studio


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