发布时间:2018-09-06 09:16:26 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The Guangxi Culture & Art Center in the Nanning metropolis in southern China has been ceremonially opened. Following the completion of similar projects in Tianjin, Chongqing und Qingdao, this is the fourth grand theater to be completed by von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp) in China. Nanning, the capital of Guangxi province, now has the benefit of this type of venue which, with its wide-ranging cultural events program, is very popular in China and thus adds to the city’s attractiveness. Following the completion of Nanning’s trade exhibition and conference center, this is gmp’s second building for the city that adds its distinct appearance to the city’s skyline.

▼大剧院鸟瞰,aerial view © Christian Gahl

▼东南侧视角,southeast view © Christian Gahl


The Guangxi Culture & Art Center in Nanning has opened its doors. It is a grand theater of the kind that is very popular in China and serves as a venue for a wide range of musical and cultural programs: in addition to classical works in the European tradition of operas, events include concerts, musicals, and gala shows.

▼歌剧厅大型室外阶梯,flight of stairs leading to the opera house © Christian Gahl

▼歌剧厅和音乐厅之间通道,between concert hall and opera house ©Christian Gahl

Three concert halls have been arranged as separate volumes on a natural stone-clad plinth building that accommodates the service functions. The opera house to the south-west with its 1,600 seats and a 600 square-meter stage opens out to a newly created lake. Following the tradition of classical opera houses, the seating has been laid out in the shape of a horseshoe. The stalls and balconies are reached via a foyer and an arrangement of stairs. Softly curved wood-paneled surfaces create a warm interior atmosphere, and the reverberation time of 1.5 to 1.8 seconds provides ideal acoustic conditions.

▼环形走廊内视角,view of the ring corridor © Christian Gahl

▼木质表皮保证了出色的空间声学效果,softly curved wood-paneled surfaces create a warm interior atmosphere with ideal acoustic conditions © Christian Gahl


The concert hall with its 1,200 seats is located on the eastern side and has been designed as an oblong hexagon with a rounded stage area. It features an organ with 64 registers and is therefore suitable for a wide repertoire of musical performances ranging from chamber music to symphony concerts by composers like Bruckner. Wide wooden stripes on walls and ceilings provide a certain rhythmic order to the visual appearance. The smallest hall, with 550 seats, is a multi-functional hall and is located to the north. Its electronically controlled acoustics ensure that the reverberation time can be adjusted with infinite variability. Different stage scenarios for music, ballet, and theater performances as well as fashion shows can be created with the help of lift platforms.

▼音乐厅平面设计为长六角形,the concert hall has been designed as an oblong hexagon © Christian Gahl

▼音乐厅内舞台以及管风琴,stage of the concert hall featuring an organ © Christian Gahl


▼邕江畔西北侧视角,view from northwest along Yong river © Christian Gahl

The three venue buildings are unified by a shared, seemingly floating roof. Similar to the facades, it appears as a large structure of louvers, which has been constructed with a steel frame substructure and white folded aluminum panels as cladding. When viewed from the opposite bank of the River Yong or from the approach via Nanning Bridge, the radiant white shape of this outstanding culture center of Nanning and the Guangxi province appears confidently in contrast to its surroundings. Depending on the viewpoint, the silhouette of the building changes dynamically, evoking associations with the natural karst formations that are so typical of the Guangxi landscape.

▼黄昏时刻西南视角,southwestern facade at dawn © Christian Gahl

▼西南视角夜景,southwestern facade at night © Christian Gahl

▼一层平面图,plan level 1 © gmp Architects

▼二层平面图,plan level 2 © gmp Architects

▼大剧院剖面图,section of the opera house © gmp Architects

▼音乐厅剖面图,section of the concert hall © gmp Architects

国际设计竞赛:2014年一等奖 设计:曼哈德·冯·格康和尼古劳斯·格茨以及德克·海勒 项目负责人:德克·赛费特 竞赛阶段设计团队:克里斯多夫·贝勒,汉娜·蒂尔斯,杰西卡·拉斯特,米凯尔·斯腾贝格,吴子恒,徐欣凌 实施阶段设计团队:克里斯多夫·贝勒,冯彩,麦克·耶格,王莉雯·克诺尔,杰西卡·拉斯特,霍格·施穆克,亚历山大·施尼伯,米凯尔·斯腾贝格,马库斯·坦岑,徐欣凌 中国项目管理:吴镝,林巍,王征,潘梅,刘杨姣 业主:南宁威宁投资集团有限责任公司 中方合作设计单位:华东建筑设计研究总院 结构顾问:施莱希-贝尔格曼工程师事务所,斯图加特,上海 幕墙咨询:SuP 幕墙设计,达姆施塔特,北京 境外景观设计单位:WES景观事务所,汉堡 照明设计:AG-Licht,波恩 声学顾问:德国Mueller-BBM (集团)公司,慕尼黑 舞台设备顾问:昆克剧院工程咨询有限公司,比尔施塔特 建筑面积:113764平方米 Design Meinhard von Gerkan and Nikolaus Goetze with Dirk Heller Project managent Dirk Seyffert Competition design team Christoph Berle, Hanna Diers, Jessica Last, Mikael Stenberg, Wu Ziheng, Xu Xinling Detailed design team Christoph Berle, Cai Feng, Maike Jäger, Liwen Knoll, Jessica Last, Holger Schmücker, Alexander Schnieber, Mikael Stenberg, Marcus Tanzen, Xu Xinling Project management China Wu Di, Lin Wei, Wang Zheng, Pan Mei, Liu Yangjiao Client Weining Ltd., Nanning, China GFA 113,764 m2 Seats 1,600 (opera house), 1,200 (concert hall), 550 (multipurpose hall) Partner practice in China ECADI, Shanghai & Shanghai Modern Structural design schlaich bergermann partner GmbH, Stuttgart/Shanghai Fassade consultants SuP Facade Design, Darmstadt/Beijing Landscape design WES, Hamburg Lighting design ag-Licht, Bonn Media technology / Acoustics Müller BBM, Munich Stage technology / Stage lighting Kunkel Consulting, Bürstadt


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