America Cards Against Corporate Office
位置:美国 芝加哥
设计团队:von Weise Associates
von Weise Associates设计团队,为不人道牌戏公司Cards Against Humanity,在美国伊利诺斯州的芝加哥打造了一间新办公室。这个办公室是创意型公司的孵化器,因为周边的邻居一直在不停的交错更迭,因此这里也是一个临时的跳板。对于整个办公室所有的公司来说,这里有一个可以记录广播和视频、视频游戏、或者进行视频面试的录音室。
von Weise Associates have designed a new office space for the irreverent card game Cards Against Humanity located in Chicago, Illinois.The office is an incubator for creative enterprise, and the springboard of a new community in a changing neighborhood.A recording studio is available to the community to record podcasts and videos,stream video games online, and conduct interviews.
Inside, the existing structure is largely left intact,with a minimal and contrasting paint scheme to highlight the bow-truss structure. Three shipping containers that shipped the actual game from China have been converted into conference rooms and phone booths. Upon opening the doors of the containers, Moroccan- and Japanese tea house-inspired conference rooms transport you far from the minimal office space outside.
美国Cards Against公司办公室室内实景图