店铺位于一栋旧楼的转角,作为社区店,我们思考空间如何可以更友好的融入社区。昭熹品牌概念源于太阳的东升西落的美好时刻,留住这个瞬间,何不为街角留一盏灯,照亮夜里疲惫归途的心灵。The store is located on the corner of an old building, and as a community store, how the space can be more friendly to the community is our top considering. The concept of the ZAOC brand is derived from the golden moment when the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, to keep this moment, why not leave a light for the street corner to illuminate the souls of tired returning at night.
主理人 Aisling 法国蓝带甜品烘焙双学位,师从日本甜点大师内田富夫先生,多年米其林餐厅职业经历。“从事甜品事业源于热爱,在工业化甜品的行业大环境下,昭熹坚持手作甜品的持续创意研发,希望能让大家感受到随性积极、有趣的生活态度,真诚且自信。”
室内售卖区相对紧凑,空间选择粗野的木纹和石材作为空间主材,与甜品的精致细腻形成强烈对比。而吧台空间是一面通透的全景玻璃,与室外社区广场的自然景观交融,圆形的操作台面就像一个自由的舞台。The indoor sales area is relatively compact, and the space chooses rough wood grain and stone as the main material of the space, which forms a strong contrast to the delicate dessert. while the bar space is a transparent panoramic glass, blending with the natural landscape of the outdoor community square, the circular operation table demonstrates a free stage.
In the compact functional configuration of 18㎡, ZAOC Studio forms its own world, a small but exquisite dessert research and development space. Amidst the profit-driven business environment, ZAOC maintains its original intention and determination towards dessert professionalism, using products and services to make its voice heard in the field of dessert.
▲ 地址: 深圳市南山区西丽新围村 118 栋 103
昭熹 ZAOC pâtisserie
项 目 地 点/Location
广东深圳南山西丽 366 大街
项 目 面 积/Scale
完 成 时 间/Completion Time
n Firm
E Studio 壹所设计工作室
主持设计师/Lead Designer:
Fan,Junjian 范君健
Zhou,Xuanyu 周炫焯
Zhou,Jing 周婧
Zhuang,Xiaoxia 庄晓霞
品牌设计公司/Brand Design:
Whatever Brand 肆意品牌设计
深圳市壹所设计有限公司 (ESStudio) 由范君健和周炫焯于 2018 年共同创立,是一家致力于探索商业空间设计的多元化创意服务机构。服务类型:提供前瞻性的建筑、室内、平面、品牌策划服务。
来自不同专业领域的壹所设计团队,善于运用跨界的设计思维为品牌打造独特的整体形象。ESStudio 于 2018 年由 Fan Junjian 和 Zhou Xuanzhuo 共同创立。我们是一家多元化的创意服务公司,致力于探索商业空间设计,提供前瞻性的建筑、室内、平面和品牌策划服务。
Estudio Space
D J I R e t a i l S t o r e
JIU MAO JIU Headquarter Office
SHURAN skin care Department
SHURANM amssage Department
On my oji Offline Entertainment and Exhibit Space