发布时间:2020-03-27 16:45:35 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

“在明尼苏达州的马里恩湖畔,林地和湿地占据了22英亩的土地。凭借轻盈的手法和创新性的材料再利用,设计师在景观中定义出了长度为一英里的道路网络。入侵物种被部分从场地中清除:它们成为了场地周围艺术装置的一部分。回收而来的白蜡树被用于铺设跨越湿地的木板路;在其他位置,狭窄的线性混凝土道路标示出生态区之间的过渡;更加宽阔的道路交汇点则形成了集会空间——漂浮的吊床花园、篝火坑和颇具禅意的冥想花园——沿着数条小径,人们如今可以更好地欣赏那些恢复之后的自然景观。”—— 2020年评审委员会

“A combination of woodlands and wetlands make up 22 acres at the edge of Minnesota’s Lake Marion, where the designers employed a light touch and creative reuse of materials to define a mile-long network of pathways through the landscape. Invasive species were removed, though not entirely: their materials were incorporated into art installations around the site. Reclaimed ash makes up wetland boardwalks, and elsewhere, the narrow, linear concrete paths define transitions between ecological zones, with broader path intersections forming gathering spaces—a floating hammock garden, a fire pit, and a Zen meditation garden, among others—along the trails, allowing more communal appreciation of the restored natural surroundings.”– 2020 Awards Jury




Art, ecology, and restoration merge in a dynamic circulation network of exploration and reflection surrounding a residence on Lake Marion in Minnesota.

Twenty-two acres of ecologically degraded landscape were delicately restored around the residence, and an interdependent network of art and accessible pathways was designed to immerse users in their surrounding environment.

Linear paths extend in dramatic contrast to the undulating landscape and exaggerate the characteristic topography of the area.

Removed invasive species provide the raw material for five distinct art installations that vary dramatically with seasonal cycles.

Intersections form striking nodes for contemplation and relaxation amidst the rare diversity of the restored landscape.

平面图:设计概念始于一个较为保守的想法:创造一个以直线连接的道路网络,从住宅处开始延伸,以尽可能地减少干扰。Plan: The design concept began with a modest idea: to create a network of linked paths with straight lines that extend from the house with minimal interruption. ©Coen+Partners









为了恢复并改善三种截然不同的生物群落的多样性,设计团队花费三年时间与湿地生境恢复组织(Wetland Habitat Restorations)进行了合作,探索并实施了多项管理和设计策略。在覆盖了半岛大部分地区的橡树草原,雪松和一些品质较低的树木被从中移除,使橡树的树冠得以生长得更加繁茂,同时也有助于改善朝向周围湿地和湖泊的视野。在同一个生物群落内,团队专门定制了组合型的矮草种植方案,以恢复低矮、紧凑而又鲜艳的下层植被和草地。









Biome Restoration Strategies. Lake Marion covers twenty-two acres of oak savannas, woodlands, wetlands, and lakeshore. From the project’s inception, the clients were deeply committed to restoring the landscape to its native splendor, requesting that the entire area be accessible while minimizing ecological impacts.©Coen+Partners


Site Program. Straight, linear paths were extended in dramatic contrast to the surrounding landscape, exaggerating topographical changes innate to the ecological zones. The convergence of straight lines were developed into places for rest, contemplation, and enjoyment of nature.©Coen+Partners

▲马里恩湖/谨慎的修复:住宅本身坐落在一块已经开发的小型土地上,这让设计师能够在将环境干扰降至最低的前提下,专注于制定周全的修复计划和深入广阔景观的路径。Lake Marion//Thoughtful Restoration. The home itself sits within a small pocket of developed land allowing the landscape architect to focus on thoughtful restoration plans and careful circulation throughout the broader landscape, in a manner that emphasized minimal impact of the work and design.© Peter Kerze

▲马里恩湖/视野:紧邻住宅的区域被赋予了最大化的视野,能够充分欣赏到修复后的景观,并与更远处的道路、泳池露台以及下沉花园相互呼应。Lake Marion//Views. The areas immediately surrounding the house are designed to maximize views to the restored landscape and echo the distant pathways with complementary programming including pool terraces and sunken gardens.© Peter Kerze

▲林间步道:线性的路径在材料上逐渐过渡,带来更加集中的视野。Woodland Walk. Linear paths with material transitions direct people to focused views.© Peter Kerze

▲白蜡木栈道:这些跨越湿地,穿过橡树草原和枫-椴树林,最后通向湖边。 Ash Boardwalks. Reclaimed ash boardwalks glide over wetlands, traverse the oak savanna, and weave through the maple-basswood forest, and provide access to the lake.© Peter Kerze

▲步道:交通网络使用了极简的材料搭配,强调出周围景观的活力。Pathways. The minimal material palette of the circulation network emphasizes the dynamism of the surrounding landscape.© Peter Kerze

▲道路交汇点被设置在生态过渡区域,起到了调解直线形态的作用。道路在这里演变为墙壁、嵌入式的座位和长椅。每个空间都利用了其特有的生态资源。Intersections. Pathway intersections are placed in transitional ecological zones – their role in mediating the geometry of the straight lines. The path warps into walls, recessed seating, and benches capitalizing on the characteristic assets of its particular ecology.© Peter Kerze

▲在枫-椴树林与湿地的交汇处,道路形成一个可供停留、冥想和沉思的地方。Contemplation. A place for pause, meditation, and contemplation was created at the convergence of paths between the maple-basswood forest and wetland.© Peter Kerze


Restoration+Art. To acknowledge the material-impact of ecological restoration and the human impact on the land the landscape architect designed art installations that utilize material harvested from the removed invasive species.©Coen+Partners

▲四季变化:回收的木材被重构为艺术装置,突显并回应了不同的季节。这些装置时隐时现,营造出一种持续变化的体验。随着时间的推移,再生的木材将完全融入周围的景观。Changing Seasons. The recycled timber were re-imagined as art installations highlighting and responding differently to the changing seasons, they fade away and reappear, creating an ever-changing experience. Over time, the reclaimed wood will dissolve into the soil through a process of rebirth.© Peter Kerze

▲扩展路径:鼠李木构成的装置穿过冥想花园,一直延伸至枫-椴树林内部。Extend the Path. The lines of the path extend past the meditation garden into the maple-basswood forest through the installation of buckthorn timber.© Peter Kerze

▲在冬季,小路、艺术装置和集会空间隐隐约约地露出雪地。Winter Lines. Paths, art installations, and the gathering spaces subtly expose themselves in the winter snow.© Peter Kerze


Movement Into the Forest. Art installation uses natural materials from the original landscape, extending the movement systems into the forest.© Peter Kerze


Surprising Panoramic Views. Subtle gestures of paths and art lines create surprising panoramic views.© Peter Kerze


The Lake Marion estate covers twenty-two acres of oak savannas, woodlands, wetlands, and lakeshore. From the project’s inception, the clients were deeply committed to restoring the landscape to its native splendor, requesting that the entire area be accessible while simultaneously minimizing ecological impacts.

The home itself sits within a small pocket of developed land, which allowed the landscape architect to focus on thoughtful restoration plans and careful circulation throughout the broader landscape, in a manner that emphasized minimal impact of the work and design. The areas immediately surrounding the house are designed to maximize views to the restored landscape and echo the distant pathways with complementary programming including pool terraces and sunken gardens.

Design Goals and Challenges

The design concept began with a modest idea: to create a network of linked paths with straight lines that extend from the house with minimal interruption. The goal was a circulation network that would provide accessibility to, and enjoyment of, the restored ecological diversity around Lake Marion. Simplicity of material and form accentuate the dynamism of the surrounding landscapes while ephemeral artworks amplify the circulation network at key ecological transitions and gathering nodes. Because the restoration and circulation networks were of primary importance to the client, the immediate environs of the house were designed to complement and amplify the surrounding environment and expansive circulation network.

To provide a robust framework of constraints and assets for the circulation network and art installations, it was essential to conduct accurate mapping and numerous field assessments of individual elements and ecological conditions. Site investigations involved a deep understanding of the native biomes and micro-ecologies of the site, as well as lengthy and numerous site visits throughout the entire process to document conditions and adjust the design to respond to miniscule but important characteristics. This included a comprehensive and detailed analysis of existing conditions, historic research, and a spectrum of desired restoration outcomes.

Three Ecosystems – Three Strategies

In order to restore and improve the diversity of three distinct biomes, numerous management and design strategies were explored and implemented in collaboration with Wetland Habitat Restorations over a three-year period. To enhance the oak canopy and improve views to the surrounding wetlands and lake, cedars and lesser quality trees were removed from the oak savanna that covers most of the peninsula. Within the same biome, a custom shortgrass prairie seed mix was designed to restore the short, compact and showy understory and forbs. In the upland maple-basswood forest adjacent to this, buckthorn and honeysuckle shrubs were removed, and shade-loving groundcovers of native sedges, wild ginger, and fern species were planted. To restore uniform textures of the shoreline and allow the native wetland to shine, hybrid cattails, reed canary grass, and other invasive species were removed along the water.

Movement and Convergence

A mile-long system of interconnected trails and boardwalks provides accessible circulation through 22 acres of restored landscape. The paths glide over wetlands, traverse the oak savanna, and weave through the maple-basswood forest, and provide access to the lake. The paths are laid out in straight lines that avoid mature trees, carefully designed to minimize ecological disturbance and maximize user experience. Additionally, this linearity exaggerates topographical changes characteristic of the glaciated lake region.

Pathway intersections are placed in transitional ecological zones – their role in mediating the geometry of the straight lines is a central component of the project’s success. These areas of convergence are spaces for gathering and contemplation, where the path warps into walls, recessed seating, and benches. Each space capitalizes on the characteristic assets of its particular ecology: a Zen raking meditation garden, a floating hammock garden, a recessed fire pit, a sculptural mound, and open areas for recreation.

The minimal material palette of the circulation network emphasizes the dynamism of the surrounding landscape. Paths placed on solid ground are cast-in-place concrete using locally-sourced granite aggregate. Gathering nodes are a mix of cast-in-place concrete and crushed granite aggregate and extensive custom formwork was necessary to manage topographic changes and design requirements. When crossing a body of water, the walkway transitions to a simple wooden boardwalk of reclaimed ash. These boardwalks are devoid of vertical articulation – simple horizontal lines that float over the water below. All pathways are a uniform 42” – narrow enough to accentuate the intimate and contemplative nature of the experience.

The landscape architect worked closely with the city to mitigate the impact of the path in and along the wetland edge while improving the performance of an additional 200,000 square feet of the site immediately adjacent to the path and wetland buffer.

Restoration and Art


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