发布时间:2021-09-10 11:10:38 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

丰塔纳是南加州内陆中心的一座不断发展的城市,拥有广阔的商业环境。位于圣贝纳迪诺山脚下的地理位置致使丰塔纳目前和未来的居民面临着空气污染的问题,为此,市政官员制定了一个为期30年的计划,旨在增加城市整体的树木覆盖率(目前仅为0.36%),改善空气质量并创造一个更加友好的居住环境。通过保护现有树木,调整城市主干道的规模以服务绿地而非汽车,丰塔纳将在一个全新的框架下发展:节能减排,同时改善居民的空间公平性。”- 2020年评审委员会

"In the heart of Southern California’s Inland Empire, Fontana is a growing city within a largely commercial setting. Considering the issues of air quality issues resulting from its position at the base of the San Bernadino Mountains for current and future residents, city officials have worked to develop a three-decade plan to increase overall tree coverage—currently just 0.36 percent—to improve air quality and create a more hospitable environment. By preserving existing trees and re-sizing several thoroughfares to emphasize canopy over cars, Fontana has set a framework that will reduce its emissions and improve spatial equity for its residents."

– 2020 Awards Jury

ASLA Design Workshop, Inc.




Landlocked within California’s semi-arid Inland Empire, residents of Fontana are exposed to air quality that is worse than 95% of census tracts in California. Its urban forest – a mere 0.36% coverage – is distinctly less than other communities in Los Angeles Basin. This statistic, when considered with the influence of major transportation corridors, notable industrial hubs, frequent regional wildfires, and projected population growth, is at further risk as outdated and unconsolidated landscape regulations face increased development pressures.

Grounded by quantitative research, the Fontana Urban Greening Master Plan applies scientific knowledge to explore various dimensions of air quality. In doing so, the Plan creates a multi-scalar, green infrastructure vision that influences development patterns, improves individual health, and creates a resilient future for Fontana. Through bilingual community engagement, the design team implemented a four-step planning process – Discover, Guide, Prioritize, and Implement. Transferable in its approach for other communities, the Plan achieved immediate policy change with its ambitious, long-term goal of increasing tree canopy coverage to 5% by 2050 – a transformational increase of over 1300%.











过去的研究反映了树木覆盖率和收入水平之间的相关性,并得出了以下结论:空气污染和城市热岛带来的消极影响不成比例地落在了有色人种和低收入人群的身上。在丰塔纳也是相同的情况。为应对这一问题,该计划试图通过改善全体居民的生活条件来实现空间的公平性。最初的几个步骤是依据洛杉矶盆地内的同等级城市来建立基线和目标。丰塔纳的城市树木覆盖率仅为0.36%,远远低于其他具有相似人口数量的城市,例如兰丘库卡蒙加和雷德兰兹等。在与比弗利等更加赋予的社区相比时,差异就变得更加明显。在城市范围内,根据人口统计学和CalEnvironScreen 3.0的叠加数据显示,丰塔纳本就有限的绿地还存在分布不均的问题。此项分析也进一步激发了市民对于空气污染研究工作的支持(占80%),同时确立了在2050年之前将城市的树木覆盖率提升至5%、未来提升至25%的宏伟目标。



1) 树木尺度



Addressing Spatial Equity: In Fontana, the impact of air pollution and urban heat island falls disproportionately upon people of color and lower income populations. The plan prioritizes early phase urban greening to occur in disadvantaged neighborhoods.©Southern California Association of Governments

▲“发现”、“指导”、“确定优先次序”和“实施”:在18个月的时间里,景观团队分四个阶段实施了双语社区参与过程。该计划提出的方法可以灵活转移至其他社区,受到了公众的持续支持,并且直接引发了政策的变化,其总体目标是使树木覆盖率提高1300%以上。Discover, Guide, Prioritize and Implement: Over the course of 18 months, the landscape architect executed a four-step, bilingual community engagement process. Transferable in its approach, the Plan achieved sustained public support and immediate policy change with its goal of increasing canopy by over 1300%.© Design Workshop, Inc.

▲发现问题和需求:对既有条件的分析揭示出了一些可以通过规划来解决的社会和环境问题。丰塔纳是一座以重型商业和工业发展为主的城市,它被三条主要公路贯穿,并且拥有大面积的公路和空地。Discover Issues & Needs: Analysis of existing conditions revealed social and environment needs that could be addressed through the Plan. Fontana is transected by three major highways and includes heavy commercial and industrial use with large expanses of pavement and tracts of vacant land.©Southern California Association of Governments

转变观念:三次社区研讨会和两次在线调查从很大程度上改变了人们对“美化”项目的固有看法,并且使他们了解到树木的多种益处,以及城市绿化如何帮助他们实现建立完整社区的目标。Changing Perceptions: Three community workshops and two online surveys helped citizens move beyond initial perceptions of a “beautification” project, instead educating them on the multiple benefits of trees and how urban greening can support their goals of becoming a complete community.©Southern California Association of Governments


The Case for Preservation: Absence of enforcement has resulted in significant canopy loss for Fontana. By just preserving existing trees, Fontana could potentially reach 5% coverage in 50 years. A proposed policy strengthens preservation regulations to allow trees to become an invaluable community asset.© Design Workshop, Inc.


Not All Trees Are Created Equal: Benefits associated with carbon sequestration, volatile organic compounds, ozone reduction and pollen differ significantly amongst species. The team synthesized benefits with other environmental considerations, including water consumption, groundwater recharge potential and drought- wind- and fire-resistance to produce a distinct palette.©Southern California Association of Governments


Urban Greening Framework: At the city scale, the Plan establishes a framework for implementation. Green Streets are composed of best scenarios of all street types, vegetated highways and gateways, achieving a connected green system, while Green Places include all land use typologies.©Southern California Association of Governments


Green Streets: The landscape architect analyzed the city’s 71,574 existing street trees using the i-Tree and National Tree Benefits Calculator. Quantitative benefits, including Atmospheric Carbon Absorption; Stormwater Interception; Property Value; Energy Conservation; and Annual Dollar Benefits, were identified for individual species.©Southern California Association of Governments

▲案例研究 – Sierra大街:在场地尺度下,项目团队思考了如何将城市绿化融入城市形态当中。通过与交通规划师的密切合作,景观设计师选出了一系列优先级的街道,其中涵盖了所有的街景类型和层次结构。Case Study | Sierra Avenue: Narrowing down into site scale, the team considered how to integrate urban greening into urban morphology. Working in close collaboration with transportation planners, the landscape architect selected a series of priority streets that covered all streetscape typologies and hierarchies.©Southern California Association of Governments

▲案例研究 – Foothill大道:在为每条街道塑造独特性的同时,该规划还重新组织了尺度过大、主要为汽车服务的街道,为树木和林下植被的生长提供了充足的空间,同时还改善了步行和骑行空间的舒适度,避免行人直接吸入由汽车排放的PM2.5。Case Study | Foothill Boulevard: While establishing a distinct character for each street typology, the Plan reorganizes oversized, car dominant streets to provide ample space for trees and understory planting, improve bicyclist comfort, and protect pedestrians against inhalation of PM2.5 directly from cars.©Southern California Association of Governments


Green Places: Focus then shifted towards tailoring best-case scenarios to public and private land uses, which could contribute 12.6% tree canopy coverage citywide. The landscape architect selected case study sites from each typology and outlined professional best practices and target metrics.©Southern California Association of Governments


Green Places: Proposed designs and regulations maximized potential for urban greening while optimizing function. Each of the six typologies were then measured in before and after scenarios. Metrics include canopy coverage, landscape area, permeable and impermeable surface, and greenhouse gas reduction.©Southern California Association of Governments


Affecting Change: 82% of property in Fontana is privately owned, with residential accounting for the largest land use. The Plan calls for a 12% increase in canopy coverage, and a 20% increase in areas that include landscape, permeable surfaces and green roofs.©Southern California Association of Governments

▲城市之肺:自Olmsted以来,公园空间一直被景观设计师视为“城市之肺”。然而,实际改善的程度到底如何?本次计划是景观设计师首次通过整合相关研究、计算效益和交流影响来对该观点进行论证。Lungs of the City: Since Olmsted, landscape architects have taken it on faith that parks are the ”Lungs of the City”. But to what degree? The Plan represents the first known attempt to quantify research, calculate benefits and communicate impacts to confirm this principle.©Southern California Association of Governments

构建弹性未来:该计划为其他寻求改善交通、提高宜居性、实现空间公平和改善空气质量的城市提供了行动范例,目前它已被采纳为丰塔纳城市总体规划的一部分,为改善丰塔纳的建筑和景观环境提供了一份全面的、具有前瞻性和政策执行力的指南。Realizing a Resilient Future: The Plan creates a model for other cities seeking to improve mobility, human comfort, social equity and air quality. The Plan is becoming part of the General Plan, achieving a consolidated, visionary and policy-reinforced guide to transform Fontana’s built environment.©Southern California Association of Governments



Air pollution causes over 50,000 deaths each year in the United States and numerous other illnesses. Geographically landlocked, the Inland Empire of Southern California consistently ranks at the top of national lists for poorest air quality. Prevailing Santa Ana winds, when combined with eastward Pacific winds, trap air pollution generated within the Basin against a perimeter of mountains. This pattern, when exacerbated by abundant solar radiation, ozone, volatile organic compounds and fine particulate pollution, produces smog.

Resting near the base of the San Bernardino Mountains, Fontana (pop. 210,000) is transected by three major highways and comprised of heavy commercial and industrial use with large expanses of pavement and tracts of vacant land. The city is ethnically diverse – 71% identified as Hispanic origin – and possesses a median household income of $71,000, with lower income demographics concentrated mid-city. For those seeking affordability, Fontana is an attractive option with population growth projected at 4.4% over the next five years. However, existing landscape regulations are outdated, unconsolidated and inconsistently implemented, causing confusion and prolonged approvals as new developments rapidly emerge.


Recognizing these statistics, the City of Fontana and The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) commissioned the landscape architect to craft an Urban Greening Master Plan to increase citywide tree canopy, improve multi-modal mobility, catalyze economic development, consolidate various regulations, and update policies to improve visual character, conserve water and reduce maintenance. Furthermore, the Plan would build upon the recently adopted Fontana Forward General Plan, Active Transportation Plan, and the California Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. Beyond such goals, the landscape architect elevated the project’s purpose to explore how such a plan can directly improve air quality.


For centuries, landscape architects have taken it on faith that parks are the ”Lungs of the City”, capable of improving air quality. But to what degree? Can landscape architects support what we take as faith with proven scientific evidence? Surprisingly, little empirical data and research has been applied to this principle. To our knowledge, our Plan is the first known attempt to gather such research, calculate benefits and communicate impacts informed by science.


Through a bilingual engagement process, the team implemented a four-step planning process – Discover, Guide, Prioritize, and Implement. Three community workshops and two online surveys solicited feedback on visual preferences, priorities and vision, and tested the community’s openness and acceptance of “browner” native, drought-tolerant landscape versus lush, green, over-irrigated non-native landscape that currently dominates portions of the city. Changing perceptions, the adopted plant palette now includes overwhelmingly native and water-efficient planting materials. The process helped citizens move beyond initial perceptions of a “beautification” project, instead educating them on the multiple benefits of trees and how urban greening can support their goals of becoming a complete community.


Past research has drawn correlation between canopy coverage and income levels, concluding that the impact of air pollution and urban heat island falls disproportionately upon people of color and lower income populations. This correlation holds true in Fontana. As such, the Plan addresses spatial equity by improving conditions for all residents. Initial steps educated and established baseline metrics and targets as compared to peer cities within the Basin. With only 0.36% of the city’s land area possessing tree coverage, Fontana falls well below cities with similar demographics, including Rancho Cucamonga and Redlands. When compared to more affluent communities like Beverly Hills, the gap widens. At a city-scale, overlays of demographics and CalEnvironScreen 3.0 data revealed that Fontana’s limited tree canopy varies dramatically and is not equitably distributed. This analysis awoke citizens, with 80% responding in support that air pollution was worthy of the study, to establish 5% citywide tree canopy by 2050, and 25% long term.


The Plan creates a multi-scalar, green infrastructure vision that influences development patterns, improves individual health and quality of life, conserves water, channels and cleans stormwater runoff, enhances visual character and creates a more resilient future for the community and greater Basin.

1) At the Individual Tree Scale

The landscape architect conducted an


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