发布时间:2018-02-09 22:20:03 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The project to expand and rehabilitate the Gon-Gar Workshop involves the reorganization of an organically growing industrial cluster consisting of two industrial buildings and the owners’home, which make up this agricultural machinery repair company. The complex has been located for almost 50 years in the centre of the compact urban area of Benissanet, a small, essentially rural and agricultural town of barely 1,200 inhabitants, located on the right bank of the lower River Ebre.

▼建筑外观,exterior view

▼位于场地转角处的南向和东向立面被赋予了新的面貌,the project gives form to the new urban front of the cluster with the definition of a new corner façade perimeter facing south and east

项目将一栋废弃的仓库改建为办公楼(建筑B2),并在其旁边新建了一座拥有开放平面的工业建筑,作为机械车间和展厅使用(建筑B3)。通过将办公空间置于综合体的中心位置并建造新的车间,建筑的内部空间被赋予了连贯性,工人们的工作环境也得到了改善。最终建筑总面积达到了 2,610平方米,较原先增加了938平方米。从城市规划的角度看,旧仓库的重生和新工厂的诞生使这座三层的、每隔五米便形成一个尖顶的连栋房屋充分融入了其所在的环境。位于场地转角处的南向和东向立面被赋予了新的面貌,在呼应室内空间特征及功能的同时也与城市景观融为一体。

The project consists of the conversion of an abandoned pre-existing warehouse into an office building (Building B2), and the construction of a new open-plan industrial building attached to the former, which will be used as a mechanical workshop and exhibition area (Building B3). The relocation of the offices in the centre of the cluster and the construction of the new workshop has made it possible to multiply the internal connectivity of the complex and improve the quality of working life of its workers, increasing the surface area by 938m², creating a total of 2,610m². In town planning terms, the recovery of the pre-existing warehouse and the construction of the new industrial workshop blend the complex into the surroundings, consisting mainly of three-storey terraced houses with a gable roofs constructed rhythmically every 5 m. The project gives form to the new urban front of the cluster with the definition of a new corner façade perimeter facing south and east that responds to the needs and characteristics of its interior space and, at the same time, to its integration and adaptation to the urban landscape.

▼建筑立面在呼应室内空间特征及功能的同时与城市景观融为一体,the new facade responds to the needs and characteristics of its interior space and, at the same time, to its integration and adaptation to the urban landscape



The project is thus conceived as a double intervention with very different characteristics. The transformation of the old warehouse is implemented through various specific actions that interrelate with the pre-existing features, such as the formation of a new double space, the opening of new windows and new skylights to improve the lighting and spatial conditions of the building, and the construction of lightweight wooden structures to define private offices and furniture. Emptying, trimming and inserting while trying to preserve the essence of the original construction.

▼旧仓库的改造在维护建筑原始面貌的前提下进行,the transformation of the old warehouse was based on the aim to preserve the essence of the original construction

▼旧仓库中构建了新的双层高空间,a new double space

▼为改善采光和空间品质增加了新的窗户和天窗,the opening of new windows and new skylights improve the lighting and spatial conditions of the building

▼交通空间,circulation area


On the other hand, the new workshop is conceived as a newly constructed 625m² open-plan building adapted to the limits of its trapezoidal plot by means of a lightweight steel structure supported by perimeter pillars. The structural framework that supports the roof incorporates a series of north-facing triangular skylights to illuminate the interior space in a natural way. The feeling of lightness of the interior space of the building contrasts with a more emphatic and contextualized exterior intended to blend with the surroundings.

▼新的车间是一座开放式体量,the new workshop is conceived as a newly constructed open-plan building

▼建筑由轻型的钢架结构提供支撑,the new building has a lightweight steel structure supported by perimeter pillars

▼屋顶的结构框架中包含一系列朝北的三角形天窗,the structural framework that supports the roof incorporates a series of north-facing triangular skylights


Despite being two very different pieces, each with its own character, one of the keys of the project has been the search for continuity, dialogue and consistency between the two constructions and their relationship with the pre-existing elements and the urban landscape. In the first place, the main structure of the new workshop has been designed following the main axes of the existing building structure. The preservation of the orientation and module of the structure of the old building orders and links the two buildings and at the same time allows the oblique side of the trapezium to be resolved in the same way, absorbing the geometric deformation in the structural section of the main façade. Meanwhile, the two buildings are functionally connected inside on the ground floor thanks to the opening of new connections in strategic places that allow the transit of machinery and products between the different buildings in the complex. At the same time, at the first floor level, the new workshop incorporates an attic built with laminated wood that houses the company’s new meeting room. This room, which contrasts with the emptying of the double space of the existing building from where it is accessible on the first floor, merges the two buildings and is visible from the outside through a large window that illuminates one of the most representative spaces in the complex and is intended to link the two buildings volumetrically.

▼会议室,meeting room


Finally, the reinterpretation of the traditional geometric and compositional rules of Benissanet’s residential urban fabric makes it possible to integrate and establish the necessary urban continuity between the new workshop, the existing warehouse and the surroundings. The dimensions of the structural bays, the rhythm of the slopes of the roof and the profile of the side façade, the size, location, and proportion of the gaps, and the textural treatment of the thermo-clay walls partially covered with mortar intend to modulate, defragment, and integrate the new volume of approximately 20x30m of façade in the existing urban morphology.

▼夜景,night view



▼场地平面图,site plan

▼首层平面图,plan level 0

▼二层平面图,plan level 1

▼顶层平面图,roof plan

▼平面+剖面,plan + section

▼屋顶平面+立面,roof plan + facades


Architects: NUA arquitectures (Ferran Tiñena, Arnau Tiñena, Maria Rius). Technical architect: Teresa Arnal. Structural calculation: Windmill Structural Consultants SLP. Construction company: Germans Llarch SL. Structure: Maifersa SL. Joinery: DM Espai Fusta SL Electricity: Electricitat Sarroca SL HVAC: Climartí SL Location: Benissanet, Tarragona. Area: 938m² Budget: €454/m² Photographs: Adrià Goula


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