发布时间:2021-06-07 06:42:25 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


PDS: The grass is bearing its seeds, The wind is shaking its leaves, We just stood and said nothing, It’s wonderful.

秋风起,候鸟归|Autumn winds rise, migratory birds return

气候宜人的惠东巽寮湾山海半岛是候鸟们越寒的胜地,每年有各种候鸟来到这里安居繁衍,成群结队的候鸟正是山海半岛宜人宜居的象征。伯劳也是迁徙候鸟中的一员,现在就让伯劳带着惠东山海半岛 · 风语乐园的地图,和我们一起寻找风,寻找快乐。

The Shanhai peninsula of Xunliao Bay in Huidong with pleasant climate is a popular destination for migratory birds which come to live and breed here in large flocks every year. The flocks of migratory birds are the symbol of the pleasant and livable Shanhai Peninsula and the Shrike is also one of them. Now let the Shrike take the map of the Huidong Shanhai peninsula-Wind Whispering Paradise with us to find the wind and happiness.

▼风语乐园鸟瞰 Aerial view of Wind Whispering Paradise

▼总览平面图 Overview floor plan

风车塔楼|Windmill Tower


At the first stop, looking for the location of the wind, we came to the Windmill Tower. The tower as a whole consists of four boxes stacked as if they had fallen from a height, with grilles on both side of the boxes resembling the plumes of migratory birds, and orange acrylic windows inlaid on the other side, adding highlights to the overall look. The wood-based frame makes the windmill tower more in tune with its natural surroundings.

▼以远山与树丛为背景 With distant mountains and bushes as the background

▼坐落于自然环境中的风车塔楼 The Windmill Towers nestled in the natural environment

孩子们从第一层的盒子,经过攀爬筒,穿越到第二层游戏空间,他们可以选择滑梯回到一层或是继续登上顶端。而第三层游戏空间逐渐增加了游戏难度与刺激感,从外置的钻筒进入第四层空间,登上塔顶的胜者,将会体验到乐园内最高的 7 米滑梯,像小鸟一般滑翔而下。

From the box on the first level, the children pass through the climbing tube and traverse to the second level of the game space, where they can choose to slide back to the first level or continue to the top. The third level of the game space gradually increases the difficulty and excitement of the game. The winner who enters the fourth level from the external drill tube and reaches the top of the tower will experience the highest 7m slide in the park and glide down like a bird.

▼二层的小滑梯&外置的攀爬网增加挑战感 Small slide on the second floor & Exterior climbing net increases the sense of challenge

快乐匣子|Game Boxes


Hidden on the slope are three wooden boxes that look like they were scattered from the Windmill Tower, containing a variety of games that entice children to step in and unlock the game levels, creating fun and laughter.

▼草坪上散落的快乐匣子 Game Boxes scattered on the lawn


The Game Boxes are full of challenges, drilling, climbing, threading and walking, and they are available to witness who is the ultimate crack winner.

快乐匣子里的游戏关卡 Game levels in the Game Boxes

▼躲进网兜里看天窗&通透的立面可以看到外面的景色 Hiding in the net to look at the skylight & The transparent facade has a view of the outside

攀岩山地|Climbing Mountain


攀岩山地鸟瞰 Aerial view of the Climbing Mountain

▼攀岩点与攀岩绳助力 Climbing point with climbing rope assistance

▼释放天性去冒险 Unleash your nature to adventure

▼攀岩山顶-- 纯手工主题墙绘 Rock Climbing Mountain Top-Handmade Theme Wall Painting

▼顺着滑梯一路追风&通过钻洞穿越到下层空间 Chasing the wind all the way along the slide & Through drilling holes to the lower space



Following Shrike all the way to chase the wind, we arrived at the third stop – the Shallow Stream. The washed stones polished the rounded smooth terrain to create a terrace-style water playing space. Children shook out water from a water dispenser on the platform, and the water flowed down the terrain and into the pool at the bottom. Parents pedal interactive bicycles on the platform to activate the interactive fountain on the lower terrace, and children have fun playing with the water.

▼台地式戏水空间 Terrace-style water playing space

▼顺着浅溪溯流而上 Follow the Shallow Stream upstream

▼互动取水器 Interactive water dispensers

飓风塔|Hurricane Tower


A hurricane brought us to this tropical island-like paradise, with a swaying coconut grove and trees on the sand island, and a Hurricane Tower standing in the middle of the sand island, throwing out a long tail hovering up. Following this wind track, multiple game levels were set up in the middle, with steep slopes, balance beams, climbing nets, drilling cylinders and slides interspersed, adding difficulty to the game and exercising the children’s physical ability and limb flexibility.

▼沙岛上的飓风塔 Hurricane Tower on sand island

▼与飓风塔呼应的弧形休息坐凳 Arc-shaped resting stool that echoes the Hurricane Tower

▼螺旋上升的飓风轨道 A spiraling Hurricane Track

▼盘旋而下的探索滑梯 Exploratory slide hovering down

▼螺旋飓风轨道入口 Spiral hurricane track entrance

▼螺旋上升的飓风轨道&颇有难度的爬筒 A spiraling Hurricane Track & Climbing Tube

▼屋顶上吹泡泡的伯劳 Shrike on the roof blowing bubbles

极速穿越|Speeding Strop


The Speed Crossing is a favorite item for both kids and adults alike, leaping from a high platform to enjoy the thrill and excitement of the Speed Crossing. Take off as fast as you like, and parents will escort you.

亲子互动的滑索 Zipline for parent-child interactive


第五站风洞蹦床既好玩又不费力气,宽敞的蹦床足足可以容纳 6-8 个人,家长小朋友们都可以一同参与到这个游戏里面,享受腾空的惊险与刺激。

The fifth stop is a fun and effort-free tunnel trampoline with a spacious trampoline that can accommodate 6-8 people, so parents and children can participate in this game together and enjoy the thrills and excitement of being up in the air.

▼宽敞的蹦床 Spacious trampoline

▼与周边环境融为一体的蹦床 A trampoline that blends with the surrounding environment

▼丰富的参与形式有着不同的体验感 Rich forms of participation have a different sense of experience

露营草坪|Camping Lawn


The Shanhai Peninsula pradise is comfortable and warm at night, with the cool sea breeze blowing across the lawn and the forest of tents, bringing the coolness of autumn and the lingering warmth of summer, together with the open-air movies that tell the story of what is happening here.

▼静谧的草坪夜景 Quiet night view of lawn

▼露天电影 Open-air movies

▼夜晚露营的帐篷 Tents for night camping

后记,关于 IP 设计|About IP

每年都会有各种候鸟来到山海半岛“度假”,本项目的 IP——伯劳就是山海半岛候鸟中的一员。伯劳热情好客,热爱生活,喜欢美食,是一名度假体验官。结合项目的主题——风,以及项目的 IP 形象,我们将“风”这个看不见摸不着的形象,通过各种场景和道具与伯劳发生互动,转化为“看得见的风”。

Every year, various migratory birds come to the Shanhai Peninsula for “vacation”, and the project’s IP, Shrike, is one of them. Shrike is a hospitable holiday experience officer who loves life and delicacy. Combining the theme – wind – and the IP image of the project, we transformed the invisible and untouchable image of “wind” into a “visible wind” by interacting with Shrike through various scenes and props.乐园的 IP——伯劳&站在屋顶吹泡泡的伯劳 IP of the park – Shrike & Shrike standing on the roof blowing bubbles

▼形象选择 Image selection


Look! Shrike’s Windmill

▼我也来戴戴伯劳的帽子!Wear the Shrike hat too

关于标识系统|About Sign System

在这次项目中,我们也做了一整套标识系统的设计,包括总览指示牌、游乐设施的玩法和须知、警示铭牌以及植物铭牌的设计,充分结合了 IP 形象以及场地特征。

In this project, we designed a whole set of signage system, including general information signage, instructions of the entertainment equipment as well as warning nameplate and plant nameplate, fully integrated with IP image and site characteristics.

▼指示牌设计 Sign design

▼导视/须知牌设计 Guide/Notice Card

▼伯劳形象警示标识 Shrike image warning sign

▼植物铭牌设计 Plant nameplate

关于自然,关于材料|About Nature,About Material

我们一直相信,大自然是孩子最好的老师,自然中的一草一木,一虫一鸟,都能激发孩子们的好奇心与想象力,激发他们对生活的热爱,对知识的渴求。因此,在风语乐园中,我们用自然的材料,自然的色调,属于自然的 IP 形象,更具有野趣的植物,来守护住这份来之不易的自然空间。

We always believe that nature is the best teacher for children. Every grass, every tree, every insect and every bird in nature can stimulate children’s curiosity and imagination, inspire their love for life and thirst for knowledge. Therefore, we use natural materials, natural colors, IP images belonging to nature and wild plants to guard this hard-earned natural space in the Whispering Paradise.

关于施工,关于现场|About the Construction, About the Site


We believe that details make the quality, and the completion and landing of each project cannot be separated from the close cooperation of each part. These are embodied by the production of the entertainment equipment in the factory, the coordination of the work interface and unexpected situations on site and the continuous improvement and enhancement of the design during the construction process. At the same time, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to our client and all consultants and construction units for their help in the implementation of this project.

▼工厂加工游乐设备动图 Factory processing play equipment

▼施工过程动图 Construction process

▼团队现场勘察 Team Site Surveys






IP 形象与标识设计及制作施工:派澜儿童游乐设计有限公司&派澜空间艺术设计



设计时间:2021 年 1-4 月

建造时间:2021 年 5-7 月

竣工时间:2021 年 8 月

Project Name: Huidong Xunliao Bay Galaxy Shanhai Peninsula – Wind Whispering Paradise

Project Location: Huidong, Guangdong

Client: Galaxy Property Eastern Region – Huidong Company

Site Area: 20,500㎡

Playground Design and Facilities Landing: Partner Space Children Play Facilities Design CO.,LTD

IP Image & Signage Design & Production Construction: Partner Space Children Play Facilities Design CO.,LTD & Partner Space Art Design

Sculpture design and production construction: Partner Space Art Design

Photo Credit: Nancy Studio

Design period: January-April 2021

Construction date: May-July 2021

"以迁徙的候鸟伯劳为形象 IP,结合场地塑造地形,设计丰富的游乐设施,让孩童玩乐的同时接触大自然。

审稿编辑:王琪 -Maggie"


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