发布时间:2023-07-15 04:32:15 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}



Crissy Field: An Enduring Transformation |

Hargreaves Jones



自2001年开放以来,Crissy Field已成为旧金山的标志性景点,每年有超过100万游客前来参观。这处位于金门大桥下的独特场地曾经是一片潮汐沼泽,1915年时,为了举办泛太平洋博览会而进行了填埋,后又被美国军队占用。在最终移交给国家公园管理局时,Crissy Field已是一块被长期忽略的场地,它由45英亩的沥青地面、数英里长的铁丝网和废弃的建筑物组成。


Since opening in 2001, Crissy Field has become an iconic destination in San Francisco for over 1 million visitors each year. The dramatic site at the base of the Golden Gate Bridge was historically tidal marsh, then filled for the 1915 Pan-Pacific Exposition, later occupied by the U.S. Army, and finally transferred to the National Park Service – at that time, a neglected site comprised of 45 acres of asphalt, miles of chain link fence, and abandoned buildings.

The design transformed the site into a 100-acre national park, the first urban park in the system, and restored 44 acres of habitat, including an 18-acre tidal marsh. Its design challenges notions of urban wilderness as an either/or proposition, creating a hybrid space in which both cultural and ecological systems thrive, immersing visitors in a reestablished tidal marsh, coastal dune field and a restored grass airfield. This vibrant urban park attracts hikers, bikers, runners, windsurfers, paragliders, dogwalkers, school groups and families from the Bay Area and across the globe.

▲位于金门大桥与旧金山市之间的海滨场地。“Crissy Field的修复是国家公园管理局有史以来最大的工程,我们对其伟大的转变感到无比自豪。它将成为世界上最令人惊叹的海滨区域之一。”Brian O’Neill, 金门国家旅游区负责人,2001年。The dramatic waterfront sites between the Golden Gate Bridge and the City of San Francisco.“Crissy Field’s restoration is the biggest job the National Park Service has ever undertaken. We take immense pride in this wonderful transformation. It will be one of the most marvelous waterfront areas in the world.” Brian O’Neill, GGNRA Superintendent, 2001.



在旧金山,很少有地方能像Crissy Field这样,既能反映当代公共生活,又包含丰富的文化与生态叙事。该项目的设计广泛地参考了一手资料和和档案研究,后者显示:在欧洲人于17世纪末来此定居之前,当地的Ohlone人曾经使用过一片广泛的后丘潮汐沼泽(backdune tidal marsh)。在19世纪,该沼泽被填埋,以便服务于1915年举办的巴拿马-太平洋国际博览会。后来,美国军队将该地用于军事,1994年,场地正式停用并移交给国家公园管理局(NPS)。



Crissy Field位于旧金山湾北部,毗邻住宅区、两个游艇码头和Presidio:一个占地1500英亩的军事基地,现已被重新开发为包含公园、栖息地、小径、住宅、办公和商业空间的综合项目。


Crissy Field的设计体现了功能、历史与生态的平衡,将一系列看似互不相容的用途结合起来。1.5英里的长廊统一了场地,提供了旧金山湾的广阔视野和通往公园各区域的路径。野生动物区并未被孤立于长廊的体验,分段式的坡度变化和被绿植掩映的栅栏为脆弱的潮汐沼泽与活跃的休闲区域提供了共享的边界。在每天或每周的间隔中,人们将会看见栖息地的肌理、颜色和潮汐周期都在不断地发生变化。人与动物的生活节奏以动态的方式混合在一起,提高了人们对该地文化与生态意义的理解。

公园的设计还关注了教育层面。Crissy Field中心支持各种教育和外展计划,包括青年露营、社区团体计划、高中领导力计划、青年环境科学计划、夏令营和野外旅行等。仅在2018年,就有来自70个不同学校的1.6万多名儿童参与其中。




该项目恢复了40英亩的生境,包括22英亩的植被沙丘和沙丘沼泽,以及18英亩的潮汐沼泽,使淡水和海水100年来首次在Crissy Field实现融合。沙丘和沼泽生境的恢复重新引入了近10万株植物,包括110个本地物种,其中还有7个地位特殊的物种,例如旧金山荆棘花(Chorizanthe cuspidata var. cuspidate)、沙丘吉莉草(Gilia capitata ssp. chamissonis)和旧金山沃罗(Erysimum franciscanum)。

沼泽和潟湖为太平洋航道上的候鸟(包括鸭子、远洋鸟类和滨鸟)提供了生境。受威胁的西部雪环颈鸻(Charadrius alexandrinus)得以在野生动物保护区域的海滩上栖息。该公园同时也是公民科学家参与eBird和iNaturalist数据收集的一处受欢迎的观鸟地点。仅在沼泽和潟湖区域就已发现超过200种鸟类。


作为国家公园系统(NPS)的第一个城市公园,Crissy Field是一个具有开创性的项目。场地中的土壤和地下水曾因军事用途而受到严重污染,大部分被沥青和混凝土路面覆盖;不甚宽阔的海滩上铺满了岩石碎片,留下的建筑和机库都处于空置的状态。45英亩的沥青跑道、路基和瓦砾被清除并回收,用于修建新的道路和停车场。该项目还通过低温热解吸方法修复了现场约3.8万立方码的污染土壤,节省了760万美元的清运费用。该公园是NPS历史上最可持续的建设项目。历史上的机库被重新利用并赋予了各种娱乐功能,如自行车出租、攀岩馆、游泳池和蹦床等。


Crissy Field已被全世界的大量出版物、讲座以及学术工作室和课程作为先例引用。该项目在2019年被选为景观建筑基金会CSI系列的研究案例,广泛展出并获得了大量奖项,包括MoMA的《浪潮:构建当代景观》展览及出版物。公园本身如同一个生动的实验场所,对体验式的环境教育和管理进行真实而确切的研究。


Crissy Field充满力量的设计以大幅度的介入为中心,并将长期持续下去。它建立了一个动态的景观,能够随着场地上不断恢复的自然系统而继续发展。这是一个向所有人开放的场所,且每年将为来自全市各地成千上万的学龄儿童服务——他们中有许多人从未接触过潮汐沼泽。文化景观(机场)和经过重建的自然景观(沼泽、沙丘和各类地貌)在轮廓上相映成趣,将该地的景观质感清晰地展现出来,并通过对比将各自的特征进一步放大。1994年,设计团队接到了打造公园的任务,希望它能够为当地带来显著的改变,同时又不会抹杀场地固有的、令人敬畏的品质与原始之美。今天,公园的成功证明了以上这些目标的圆满实现。

▲沼泽和飞机场的历史痕迹。Crissy Field曾经是旧金山湾潮汐生态系统的一部分。图中显示了场地从沼泽到1915年世博会垃圾填埋场,再到1920年代美国陆军机场的演变——这些阶段均为设计的重构提供了参考。Historic traces of marsh and airfield. Crissy Field was once part of San Francisco Bay’s tidal ecosystem. The overlays show the site’s evolution – marsh, landfill for the 1915 exposition, and the 1920’s U.S. Army airfield – which each informed the palimpsest approach to the design.

▲人行桥横跨于恢复后的潮汐沼泽。18英亩的潮汐沼泽和其他栖息地取代了45英亩的沥青地面和数英里的链式围栏,并引入了丰富的动植物种类。沼泽的挖掘产生了10万立方码泥土,均被重新利用至场地。A pedestrian bridge crosses 18-acres of restored tidal marsh. The 18-acre restored tidal marsh and other habitat areas replaced 45 acres of asphalt and miles of chain link fence and host a rich array of flora and fauna. Marsh excavation produced 100,000cy of dirt used on site.

▲重建后的草地机场。历史上的草地机场(旁边是1920年代修建的飞机库)如今充满了各种类型的休闲设施,如游泳池、攀岩墙和蹦床等。机场的平坦轮廓与城市的天际线相映成趣,同时也和旧金山的丘陵形成了鲜明对比。The reconstituted historic grass airfield. The historic grass airfield, bordered by 1920’s hangars – now filled with recreational destinations from swimming to rock climbing to trampoline venues – is set against the city skyline, its flatness in contrast to the hills of San Francisco.

▲沿着海岸沙丘栖息地伸展的长廊。与长廊相邻的,是一个开阔且受保护的沿海沙丘栖息地,边缘设有低矮的、对野生动物友好的栅栏。步行者、跑步者和骑行者可以在此享受到本地植物随季节变化的色彩、质地与香气。Promenade along the coastal dune habitat. Running alongside the promenade is an extensive, protected coastal dune habitat areas bounded by low wildlife-friendly fences. Walkers, runners, and bikers alike are immersed in the seasonally changing colors, textures, fragrances of these native plants.

▲公园将旧金山市与修复后的沼泽连接起来。作为第一个城市中的国家公园,Crissy Field为旧金山城区带来了自然的体验,同时建立了强大的景观,成为受到居民和游客欢迎与重视的目的地。The park connects the City of San Francisco to the restored marsh. The first urban national park, Crissy Field brings the experiences of nature to the city and has established a robust landscape as a destination valued by residents and sought out by visitors.

▲“城市荒野”是一个让文化和生态系统蓬勃发展的混合空间。为了给沼泽提供补给,22英亩的沿海沙丘栖息地得到恢复,在海湾与公园之间创造了生态丰富的梯度。早期的植物构建监测显示,在该生境区,本地物种的丰富程度有所增加。Urban wilderness is a hybrid space where cultural and ecological systems thrive. To supplement the marsh, 22 acres of coastal dune habitat was restored, creating an ecologically rich gradient between the bay and park. Early plant establishment monitoring showed an increase in native species richness in this habitat zone.

▲地形悬崖带来了壮观的景色,并提供了可以享受海湾的风障。西悬崖区的独特地貌将停车场遮挡起来,带来了朝向桥梁的视野,创造了一个游玩的环境,并为聚会和野餐提供了风障,使体验得以延伸到远处的码头。Landform bluffs frame dramatic views and provide wind screens to enjoy the Bay. The west bluff area’s dramatic landforms screen parking, afford views to the bridge, create a play environment, and provide windscreens for gatherings and picnics, seemingly extending to the pier beyond.

▲沼泽入口处的人行桥在标志性的背景下将游客与潮汐的日常动态联系起来。长达1.5英里的长廊在沼泽入口处成为高架的桥梁,带来旧金山湾的广阔视野。游客可以从这里体验到每日的潮汐波动,以及沼泽从高水位到泥滩的变化。Pedestrian bridge over the marsh inlet connects visitors to daily tidal dynamics against an iconic background. The 1.5-mile-long promenade bridges over the marsh inlet and provides sweeping views of San Francisco Bay.  From here visitors can experience daily tidal fluctuations and changes to the marsh – from high water to mudflats.

▲远离城市的绿洲。Crissy Field受到广泛人群的喜爱,包括寻找休息空间的人、骑行者、跑步者、徒步旅行者、采摘者、游客、家庭和学校团体。An oasis from the City. Crissy Field is beloved by those seeking respite as well as cyclists, runners, hikers, picknickers, tourists, families, and school groups.

▲灵活的草场可以容纳日常的使用,如投球、扔飞盘、放风筝和遛狗,偶尔也用于举办特殊活动,如大型的雕塑展览。The flexible grass field hosts everyday uses and special exhibits. The grass field hosts day to day uses such as ball tossing, frisbee throwing, kite flying, dog running and occasional special events such as major sculpture exhibitions.

▲经过修复的海滩邀请所有年龄段的游客前来放松和娱乐。Crissy Field是旧金山市的“前场”,自2001年开放以来,已成为该市的标志性景点,每年接待超过100万游客。经过修复的海滩受到了家庭、冲浪者和徒步旅行者的喜爱。A restored beach invites visitors of all ages to find respite and joy. Crissy Field is the City’s front yard, and since its opening in 2001 has become an iconic destination in San Francisco for over 1 million visitors each year. The restored beach is popular with families, board sailors, and hikers.

▲公园为湾区的70多所学校举办了青少年活动。得益于与湾区学校之间牢固的伙伴关系,公园主办了广泛的青年项目,包括营地和实地考察等,强调了包容性和环境正义。The park hosts youth programs for over 70 Bay Area schools. With strong partnerships with Bay Area schools, the Park is host to extensive youth programs including camps and field trips with an emphasis on inclusivity and environmental justice.

▲学习关于流域的知识。除了社区活动,如由护林员带领的徒步活动、自然漫步和场外篝火,公园还开展了为期一年的环境科学流域项目,即WISE项目,鼓励学生参与到他们自己的科学探索中。Learning about watersheds. In addition to community programs such as ranger-led hikes, nature walks, and offsite campfires, the Park is home to a year-long environmental sciences watershed program, Project WISE, that engages students to conduct their own scientific explorations.

▲区域性的目的地。100英亩的公园是广泛倡议项目中的第一阶段,将Presidio重新利用为一个混合功能的场地和大规模的公园。在曾经的机库周围,如今已遍布着各种类型的娱乐设施。A regional destination. The 100-acre park was the first phase of a larger initiative to repurpose The Presidio as a mixed-use development and extensive park. Historic hangars surrounding the airfield now house various recreational facilitie.

▲设计和建成后的说明性计划。经过批准的设计方案(底图)描述了公园以原案为基准的设计方法。方案在施工过程中进行了调整,以实现潮汐棱线的优先方案,以及在沼泽挖掘过程中发现的Ohlone贝丘场地。Design and as-built illustrative plans. The approved design plan (bottom) depicts the palimpsest design approach to the park. During construction adjustments were made to achieve a preferred tidal prism and for Ohlone midden grounds discovered during marsh excavation.

Project Narrative

Few places in San Francisco reflect contemporary public life yet contain as rich cultural and ecological narratives as Crissy Field. The design was heavily informed by primary source, archival research which revealed an extensive backdune tidal marsh used by the native Ohlone people prior to European settlement in the late 17th century. The marsh was filled in the 19th century for use during the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition and then by the U.S. Army for their military installation. In 1994 the site was decommissioned and transferred to the National Park Service (NPS).

Traces of these man-made features and patterns of use remain. This palimpsest was a primary catalyst for the park’s design, with no one period of history dominating but rather many periods overlain on one another. The result is a hybrid space that is both a biodiverse ecological hotspot and intensely used and beloved urban waterfront park.

Community Context

Crissy Field is located along a northern portion of San Francisco Bay adjacent to residential neighborhoods, two marinas, and the Presidio, a 1,500-acre military post which has been repurposed as a mixed-use development of park, habitat, trails, residential, office, and commercial spaces.

In addition to a deeply complex, polluted site, the designers found passionate constituents who had differing ideas for the park. There were those who valued the site for its significance to military aviation history, environmentalists who wanted to restore the tidal marsh, and boardsailors and dog walkers who wanted to expand their activities. All felt that their preferred use should prevail. As the transition from informal use to a public park began, an extensive public process unfolded over the course of two years including 25 community meetings and multiple reviews by legislating agencies. Through compromise and consensus, integrating both ecological habitat and recreation became the overarching goal.

Crissy Field’s design creates a balance of program, history, and ecology, juxtaposing these seemingly incompatible uses. The site is united by a 1.5-mile promenade that provides sweeping views to the San Francisco Bay and access to the spectrum of park uses. Wildlife areas are not segregated or removed from the promenade experience. Sectional grade changes and fencing hidden by planting allow the fragile tidal marsh to share its boundary with areas of active recreation. The changing textures, colors, and tidal cycles of the habitat areas are witnessed over time, through daily or weekly visits. The dynamic rhythms of human and non-human life are comingled, heightening one’s understanding of the cultural and ecological significance of the site.

The park was also designed with a focus on education. The park’s Crissy Field Center supports a variety of education and outreach programs including youth camping, community group programs, high school leadership programs, youth environmental science programs, summer camps, and field trips. In 2018 alone, over 16,000 children from 70 different schools were served.

Historic Traces

The tidal marsh that once dominated the site was re-established on the eastern side of the park along with coastal dune fields and a public beach. Excavated fill from creating of the marsh was reused to create the dunes as well as recreate the historic grass airfield, which is now a flexible event space supporting a variety of large-scale activities. The kidney bean shape of the airfield is derived from a wooden automobile racetrack built for the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition.

Urban Wilderness

The project restored 40 acres of habitat consisting of 22 acres of vegetated dune and dune swale habitat and 18 acres of tidal marsh, allowing fresh and salt water to merge at Crissy Field for the first time in 100 years. The restoration of dune and marsh habitats reintroduced nearly 100,000 plants comprised of 110 native species, including seven special status species such as San Francisco Spineflower (Chorizanthe cuspidata var. cuspidate), Dune Gilia (Gilia capitata ssp. chamissonis), and San Francisco Wallower (Erysimum franciscanum).

The marsh and lagoon support migratory birds along the Pacific Flyway including ducks, pelagic birds, and shorebirds. The federally threatened Western Snowy Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) roosts on the beach in a Wildlife Protection Area. The Park is a popular bird watching location for citizen scientists participating in eBird and iNaturalist data collection. Over 200 bird species have been identified in the marsh and lagoon alone.

Groundbreaking National Park Service Project

The first urban park in the National Park System, Crissy Field was a groundbreaking project for the NPS. The site’s soils and groundwater were significantly polluted from military use, and it was mostly covered by asphalt and concrete paving; its modest beach was covered in rocky debris, and structures and hangars were empty. Forty-five acres of asphalt airstrip, roadway, and rubble were removed and recycled for use beneath new pathways and parking areas. The project also remediated approximately 38,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil on-site through low temperature thermal desorption, saving $7.6 million in off-hauling costs. The Park was the most sustainably built in the history of the NPS. The historic hangars were repurposed for various recreation-based uses such as bike rentals, a climbing gym, swimming pools, and trampolines.

Enduring Impact

Crissy Field has been used as a precedent in countless publications, lectures, and in academic studios and courses around the world. The project was selected as a case study in 2019 as part of the Landscape Architectural Foundation’s CSI series and has been widely exhibited and awarded, including in MoMA’s Groundswell: Constructing the Contemporary Landscape exhibition and publication in 2005. The Park serves as a living laboratory for hands-on experiential environmental education as well as stewardship.

The Park’s design has also endured. The cypress trees that form the Park’s gateway have matured, the East Beach remains a destination for windsurfers as well as picnicking families, joggers, and hikers, who park on the grass grid around the shower and restroom facilities. The backdune area is comprised of windswept landforms that embrace the east edge of the marsh and protect a midden ground discovered during excavation. The marsh ebbs and flows and supports a diversity of flora and fauna, delighting visitors who experience it from the two cross bridges and the promenade. The 100,000 cubic yards of dirt excavated to create the marsh was used to form the backdunes and elevate the airfield, making it a positive and discernible landform against the context of the marsh. As one moves east to west the grass field transitions from above head height to grade level, marking the experience and the juxtaposed levels of the site. The field creates a vast green stage to the city skyline to the east, and Golden Gate Bridge to the west. The West Beach area uses landforms to screen adjacent parking, create wind-protected picnicking spots that are prized venues for birthdays and family reunions, make playful landscapes for kids, provide dramatic views, and form the slopes for a concrete stepped amphitheater near the popular Warming Hut.

Crissy Field’s robust design centered on large moves that have and will continue to endure. It established a dynamic landscape that will continue to evolve with the forces of natural systems restored on the site. It is a place that is welcoming to all and serves thousands of schoolkids from all over the city each year, many of whom have never experienced a tidal marsh. The flatness of the cultural landscape (the airfield) set against the rumpled landscape of the reconstituted nature (the marsh, dunes, and landforms) makes legible the made qualities of the site and by contrast amplifies the characteristics of each. In 1994 the designers were charged with making a park that would transform the site yet not obliterate its inherent, awe-inspiring qualities and raw beauty. Its success today attests to having met that charge.


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境迁庭 | 安吉考古博物馆庭园设计
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悬浮湿地上的玻璃盒子 | 深圳悬亭静泊
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