发布时间:2020-03-31 13:54:52 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The stadium imagery is based on associations with Volga nature themes – water and wind.The stadium and the landscaped park area around it are located in the area of Nizhny Novgorod Strelka – an elongated plot of land located on the low bank at the Oka and Volga confluence.

体育场鸟瞰图,bird-eye’s view of the stadium©Stroytransgaz

体育场毗邻该城市的历史建筑区,著名的建筑景点——亚历山大涅夫斯基大教堂(Alexander Nevsky Cathedral)便坐落于此。从城市中部的高地俯瞰,可以清晰地看到本体育场和教堂。根据城市规划,斯特雷尔卡区域的各个地段都可以通过一条人行大道联系起来。因此本项目得以建在一个休闲综合体片区内,以方便城市居民和游客前来参观。

The site allocated for the stadium construction, adjacent to the historical buildings area, where an architectural monument – Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is situated, and is clearly visible from the heights of the central part of the city.

▼体育场远景,与亚历山大涅夫斯基大教堂相对,distant view of the stadium that islocateddjacent to the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral©Stroytransgaz

项目基地位于河边的一片废弃场地上,这里原是十九世纪下诺夫哥罗德博览会的旧址,最大限度地拉开了从亚历山大涅夫斯基大教堂到贝当古街的距离。同时,得益于其优越的地理位置,本项目顺利地实现以下三个目标:- 在该地区的主轴线上打造一个不可或缺的城市发展单元——即伏尔加河河堤片区,以便确定基地的建筑形式、空间组织和规划布局等;- 维持了亚历山大涅夫斯基大教堂在该区域内的主导地位;- 将斯特雷尔卡三角洲从价值较低的仓库和港口建筑群中解放出来,并沿着伏尔加河的河堤,以亚历山大涅夫斯基大教堂以及其他历史和文化建筑所在的历史区为起点,以体育场的项目基地为终点,创建一个公园空间。

The successful placement of the stadium on an abandoned beyond river territory where a famous Nizhny Novgorod fair was situated in the XIX century, now lost, with a maximum distance from Alexander Nevsky Cathedral to the street Betancourt allows:– to form an important urban development unit on the main compositional axis – the Volga river embankment, which determines the architectural, spatial and planning organization of the projected territory;

– to save the dominant role of Alexander Nevsky Cathedral;

– to free the Strelka triangle from low-value warehouse port buildings and to create a park along the Volga river embankment from the historical zone in the area of Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, including historical and cultural monuments, to the stadium territory.

▼临河而建的体育场,distant view of the stadium built beyond river territory©Stroytransgaz


▼体育场轴测图,axon of the stadium©PI ARENA

Regular framework formed by arranged in a circle triangular pillars, bears a translucent roof over the spectator lobby and tribunes.The building is surrounded by a pedestrian gallery, on which ladders lead, directed at a tangent trajectory.The facade is a membrane structure attached to the reinforced concrete columns that support the compression beam of the covering (inner perimeter columns). Membrane panels are attached to the outer side of the column on one side and to the inner side on the other. The panels are in the form of “sails” and in the unloaded state are almost flat. The panels intersect within the columns perimeter and are attached to both outer and inner side of the reinforced concrete columns with the help of inserts mounted on chemical anchors. Mortgages for attaching ropes repeat the rounded shape of the column. Membrane panels on the long sides are attached to the ropes stretched between the columns.

体育场外观,体育场的外围是一圈由三角形立柱组成的规则框架,exterior view of the stadium with the regular framework formed by arranged in a circle triangular pillars at the periphery © Stroytransgaz

▼体育场外观局部,外立面由蓝白两色的膜结构构成,partial exterior view of the stadium,the facade is a membrane structure in blue and white colors©Stroytransgaz

▼体育场局部,立面的膜结构面板采用“风帆”的造型,partial interior view of the stadium,themembrane structure panels are in the form of “sails”©Stroytransgaz

▼在布置时,膜结构面板的一端位于柱子的前表面,另一端位于柱子的后表面,the membrane panels are attached to the outer side of the column on one side and to the inner side on the other©Stroytransgaz


Construction basis is a pile foundation under the columns, located by bushes, united by reinforced concrete grillage. The constructive scheme of the tribunes and under-tribune premises of the building is due to the accepted space-planning decision made in the form of a monolithic reinforced concrete frame, which is a system of multi-storey monolithic reinforced concrete frames located around the football field perpendicular to it ("radial" direction), and in the corner zones along the radius directed to the corners of the field.

▼看台及其下方空间剖透视图,perspective section of the tribunes and under-tribune © PI ARENA


▼屋顶结构图,covering structure diagram©PI ARENA

Bearing structures above the foyer block – 88 radial sprengel beams with the span from 22.41 to 40.81 m, pivotally supported by the beams of the inner support ring. Sprengel beams are located in the same plane with the radial trusses of the tribune covering, pivotally supported by the outer row of reinforced concrete columns through fixed pillars, the pillars are connected to each other by bracing. The overall stability of the covering is provided by the joint operation of the radial-ring rod system with bracing and vertical bracing between the pillars along the axes of the inner row of columns in four panels.

▼大厅空间上方的承重结构由沿径向排列的横梁构成,thebearing structures above the foyer block consist ofradial sprengel beams©Stroytransgaz


▼看台上方的圆环形屋顶,the covering over the tribunes of the stadium is a radial-ring shaft shell©Stroytransgaz

The covering of the circular structure with a diameter of 290.0 m consists of two parts: the covering above the tribunes and the covering above the foyer. The covering over the tribunes of the stadium is a radial-ring shaft shell. The geometry of the covering surface is close to the elliptical cone. Form of the coverage in plan: on the outer contour is an oval with the dimensions of major axis 243.8х206.7 m, but inside (the opening above the play area) – an oval with major axis dimensions of 123.0 x 85.9 m. The bearing structures system of covering – 44 radial triangular flat farms, located between the outer and inner contours. The radial farms overhang is around 60.29 m, the height from the opening is 14.5 m.The translucent roof of the stadium is made of polycarbonate.

体育场内部,interior view of the stadium©Stroytransgaz

▼体育场内部,屋顶的支撑结构由呈放射状的三角形平面桁架结构组成,位于屋顶的内外轮廓之间,interior view of the stadium,the bearing structures system of covering – radial triangular flat farms, are located between the outer and inner contours©Stroytransgaz

▼体育场内部,以屋顶的内轮廓为基准点,放射状的桁架支撑结构高14.5米,interior view of the stadium,the height of theradial farms from the opening is 14.5 m©Stroytransgaz

▼屋顶的三角形支撑结构形成了60.29米的悬挑,the radial farms overhang is around 60.29 m©Stroytransgaz

▼体育馆夜景鸟瞰图,bird-eye’s view of the stadium at night©Stroytransgaz

体育馆夜景,night view of the stadium©Stroytransgaz

▼项目区位图,situation plan©PI ARENA

▼总平面图,site plan©PI ARENA

一层平面图,1F plan©PI ARENA

▼四层平面图,4F plan©PI ARENA

▼屋顶平面图,roof plan©PI ARENA

立面图,elevation©PI ARENA

▼体育场剖面图,sections of the stadium©PI ARENA

Location: Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, in quarter Betancora street, the Volga River embankment, Dolzhanskaya street, Samarkandskaya street.

Use:FIFA period: Football stadium for group stage matches, 1/8 finals and quarterfinals of the 2018 World Cup in Russia.

Legacy period: World-class (Excellent) football stadium, home arena of the football club “Nizhny Novgorod”, Multifunctional use (concerts, festivals, fitness).

Capacity: 45,000 seats for spectators

Site Area: 21,6 hectares

Landscape Area: 15,7 hectares

Building Area: 58 440 m²

Total Floor Area: 133 860 m²

Number of storeys: five floors / upper mark – 53.6 m.

Bldg. coverage Ratio: Coverage over all tribunes.

Building Scope (Construction volume): 428800 m³.

Design Period: 2009 ÷ 2017.Construction Period: 2014 ÷ 2017.

BIM Usage (and other Software): AUTODESK REVIT, blockchain, 3D-visualization

Project Architect: Dmitry Bush – The Leader of the design team.

Design Team:Architects: Dmitry Bush, Tatiana Kirdina, Elena Ivanova, Alexey Orlov, Anton Zakluchaev, Julia Olofinskaya, Ekaterina Puzanova, Maria Nizhnik, Andrey Tsyplakov, Sergey Korobkov.

General plan: Larisa Davydova, Kristina Kharitonova, Marina Osintseva.

Engineers: Erlan Bekmukhamedov, Anton Mukhin, Larisa Esina.

Constructors: Dmitry Axelrod, Mark Livshin, Sergey Lubenets, Aleksandr Belostotskiy, Michail Tambovtsev, Denis Svirskiy.

Architectural and sports lighting: Galina Orlova, Elena Ivanova;

Environmental protection: Aleksey Ivanov;

Disability Access Measures: Aleksandr Ustavitskiy;

Visualizers – Pavel Kuritsyn, Vadim Kuchuk, Maxim Arkhipov, Alexey Cherednikov.

At the concept stage, GMP, “Schlaich Bergermann & partner”, AECOM, JonesLangLaSalle took part in the development of design solutions.

Collaborator: At the concept stage, GMP, “Schlaich Bergermann & partner”, AECOM, JonesLangLaSalle took part in the development of design solutions

Client: FSUE “Sport-Engeneering”Construction: JSC “Stroytransgaz”Photographer: Photo owner – JSC “Stroytransgaz”


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