发布时间:2021-07-17 12:56:28 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

项目坐落于西班牙卡斯特利翁省河谷畔的Les Coves de Vinromà小镇,是一条沿着小镇边缘的景观步道。为了推动小镇陶瓷业的发展,当地举办了以景观为主体的设计竞赛,其中,由BONA FIDE TALLER事务所的设计方案脱颖而出。步道宛如一条陶瓷铺制的长毯,沿着现有的石墙徐徐展开,灵活而柔美地绕过树木与道路,而后在几处景观节点巧妙地形成混凝土座椅,使原本乏味的场地变得灵动而有趣了起来。步道石板的表面十分光滑,就如同用砂纸打磨过一般。其他设计元素,如扶手栏杆、护墙等,进一步增强了景观的流动性。

The project developed by Bona fide taller in the urban edge of the small town of Les Coves de Vinromà, in Castellón (Spain), is the result of a competition promoted by the ceramic industry of the region. Located on the edge of a small town by the river valley, the promenade is a landscape intervention on the side of a road, a ceramic carpet that has been unrolled following the line of the existing stone wall that holds the terrain. It creases and folds as the trees and roads cross its way, thus dragging stones of concrete in those backwaters, where one can sit. The surfaces of these slabs polished as if they were exposed to the sanding of use. Other elements such as bollards lead the flow.

▼项目远景, viewing the project from distance © Oleh Kardash Horlay

▼隐没于自然环境中的景观步道, the Promenade in rural environment © Oleh Kardash Horlay


The dry-stone wall that holds the court follows a footpath that goes down to the old wheel, coming from the high levels of the town above. Its stepped slope is solved with river stones in between salvaged bush-hammered masonry -as found in the nearby streets uphill-, all under the shade of the pines.

▼项目与城镇的老建筑风格相得益彰, The project complements the old architectural style of the town © Oleh Kardash Horlay

▼仰视上方的混凝土座椅, Looking up at the concrete seats above © Oleh Kardash Horlay

▼石材堆砌的墙面与台阶, Stone wall and steps © BONA FIDE TALLER


It descends and drains into a small plaza. Unlike the pathway, this space is of urban, domestic attributes. An outdoor room for meeting and rest. A fountain holds the center, expelling its water through an open drain to the natural terrain below. From its ledge of rusted mesh and stone the river can be seen, with all its white marbles, and the abandoned barns at the other side of the valley.

▼景观小径蜿蜒向下, the promenade descends nd drains into a small plaza © Oleh Kardash Horlay

▼路边的混凝土座椅, Concrete seats by the side of the road © BONA FIDE TALLER

▼路面与混凝土座椅近景, Close view of promenade and concrete seats © BONA FIDE TALLER

▼小广场与喷泉, Small plaza and fountain © Oleh Kardash Horlay


Materiality is key, particularly in such a delicate environment. Pavement is built using blocks of recycled low value ceramic stock, cut and reassembled, resulting in a warm red pinstripe. Along with stone work, stone paving of different sorts and rusted steel, the intervention blends into the palette of the landscape.

▼混凝土座椅与锈钢栏杆细部, Concrete seats and rusty steel railings details © BONA FIDE TALLER

▼路面细部, detail of the surface of the promenade © Oleh Kardash Horlay

▼陶瓷与石材的组合,combination of ceramic and stone © Oleh Kardash Horlay

从早期的概念阶段到最终的细节设计,设计师没有使用任何电脑软件,完全采用手工绘制,最终得到了一套精致且独一无二的项目图纸,将整个项目过程娓娓道来。在设计的过程中,BONA FIDE TALLER工作室的制图桌铺满了长达5米的图纸,这些图纸随着设计的深化不断更新,最后堆积成一座小山,所有的素材、想法、试验、细节以及指导文件都浓缩在这些图纸中,展现出项目完整的时间维度。设计中的每一个元素都经过了精心定义,具有自己明确的特性,最终以二维视图与三维空间的表现手法跃然纸上。整套图纸就如同一场视角与细节的舞蹈,在自由表达与严谨推算中达到平衡。

Designed from the early stages to the final details by hand, no software of any kind has been employed, resulting a beautiful set of drawings that narrate the whole process. During the development, the drafting table at the studio was held hostage by a 1/50 floor plan of roughly 5 meters of tracing paper. Drawings piled up and superseded the former in an untidy chronological process. The result gathers trials and errors, thoughts, ideas, details and work instructions; the temporal dimension of the process condensed in these documents. On the tablecloths of paper each element acquires its own nature, demanding space or even tridimensional representation outside the unfolding rules of the dihedral view, according to its needs for definition. A dance of pieces, partial views and details are choreographed by and referenced to the outline of the plan.

▼城镇肌理,urban texture © BONA FIDE TALLER

▼平面图,plans © BONA FIDE TALLER

▼三维表达,tridimensional representation © BONA FIDE TALLER

▼细部,details © BONA FIDE TALLER

Studio: BONA FIDE TALLER Instagram: @bona_fide_taller Photographer: Oleh Kardash Horlay Instagram: @olehkardash


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