发布时间:2020-07-22 00:02:14 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

柴油机厂—— 时代的记忆

Diesel engine factory – memories of the times


The diesel engine plant is located at the junction of Changdi Road along the Yangtze River in Shunde and Industrial Road perpendicular to Changdi. Industrial Road starts from Rongqi Ferry in the north and goes to Nanhuan Road in the south, with a total length of more than 700 meters. It is the place where many older people in Shunde remember. Most of these old buildings are now empty and glorious, but they are preserved as a testimony of an era.

▼项目外观,external view of the project

二期项目主要范围是在整个厂区的西面和北面,厂房位于相对靠里的位置,根据厂区的楼栋编号,二期的主要范围为2、 3、 4号楼及6号楼组团,建筑面积约1万平方米。项目的每一栋建筑都有着自身极其鲜明的特点,设计过程中我们尊重旧建筑的“个性”,将其保留下来,分别围绕它们做出独特的设计,以新瓶装“原浆”,重新赋予旧建筑新的生命力。

The main scope of the second phase of the project is in the west and north of the entire plant. The plant is located relatively inside. According to the building number of the plant, the main scope of the second phase is the building of buildings 2, 3, 4 and 6 The area is about 10,000 square meters. Each building of the project has its own very distinctive characteristics. During the design process, we respect the “individuality” of the old building, retain it, and make unique designs around them, and re-grant the “raw pulp” in new bottles. New vitality of old buildings.

▼项目顶视图,top view of the project


New connections and roaming


The old buildings in the No. 2 and No. 3 buildings of the Diesel Engine Factory have different functions on each floor, so the height of each floor of the two buildings is also different. In order to realize the interconnection of floors with different heights between the two buildings, the original designer designed a complex staircase in the patio space between the two buildings. During the renovation, this space was retained as a key point, and the elements of the old factory area memory were added to create a “staircase museum”.

▼联系多个标高的”旧楼梯博物馆”,old staircase museum connecting different levels

▼从外侧看项目中独特的楼梯,view to the unique staircase from the outside

▼项目入口,entrance of the project

▼中庭中的红色楼梯系统,red stair system in the patio


At the same time, in order to be suitable for future commercial use, we studied the height difference between the buildings in the park, and connected more buildings through corridors, stairs, steps, etc. to create a connection space with the old The “new connection” space in the same vein. In the future, people can roam the entire park along this new connection system.

▼廊道和楼梯连接不同空间,stairs and corridors connecting different spaces


New gray space and large space


After the transformation of the diesel engine plant, it needs to be converted into office and commercial space, and the depth of the old building is too large, and the lighting cannot adapt to the new demand. In order to solve the problems of depth and lighting, we left traffic space in the middle of the building and became a new city street. We hope that this space is closer to a market or outdoor street “gray space”. Therefore, in order to better create an atmosphere close to an outdoor street, we used some outdoor materials, such as fired stone, outdoor anti-corrosion wood, and used some outdoor shop tricks and canopies on both sides of the street. To achieve the effect of indoor “outdoor”.

▼集市广场,新的城市空间,Market plaza, a new city space


The Workers’ Auditorium of the Diesel Engine Factory is the largest internal space in the renovation. We removed and replaced some of the walls between the lintels and beams with glass bricks, and removed some of the walls to enhance daylighting throughout the room. The iron windows and glass shutters originally used in the building are followed. We retained and repaired the external waterstone walls of the building facade. For the facade of the entire building, we basically focus on restoration and functional transformation.

▼礼堂入口,拆除部分墙面,提升室内采光效果,entrance of the auditorium, dismantle part of the external walls to increase the light quality of the interior space


The large space in the auditorium is spacious. In order to achieve the scale conversion of the old auditorium from the large space originally serving the needs of the assembly to the small space that meets the commercial needs, we dispose of a glass brick enclosed box space in the high space, and increase the spiral staircase. Add a mezzanine platform above the box to connect the second and third floors. Through this design, we newly placed a circular flow line around the glass brick box, and the box space naturally became the core and hub of the entire space, retaining the centrality and spirituality of the auditorium space.

▼宽敞的礼堂中置入玻璃盒子,旋转楼梯连接夹层空间,glass boxes arranged in the spacious auditorium, spiral staircase connecting to the mezzanine

▼模糊室内外界限的灰空间,gray space blurring the boundary between the interior and the exterior

▼玻璃盒子细部,details of the glass box


New garden derived from old things


In the old canteen of the diesel engine factory, there is a traditional garden on the first and top floors. The garden is the most characteristic of the old era, and it is the witness of the old life scene of the diesel engine factory. We hope that through design and transformation, it will retain its most important characteristics while adapting it to the use of the new era, creating a contemporary ” New garden”.

▼首层园林,garden on the first floor


In the design process, we chose to retain the basic forms of rockery, pools, flower windows, pavilions and other elements in the garden, erase them as material attributes by whitewashing, and emphasize their symbolic symbolic meaning. At the same time, new materials such as bright glass and stainless steel were added to the garden, expressed in the form of original shutters, stones, window covers and so on. The concrete symbols solidified by being whitewashed and the new abstract expression are juxtaposed, reflecting each other, clearly expressing respect for history and yearning for the new era.

▼从室外看向顶层园林,view to the top floor garden from the outside

▼顶层园林,使用不锈钢、炫彩玻璃等新材料,garden on the top floor using new materials like stainless steel and bright glass


New creations and collages


The original building space of the No. 4 building of the Diesel Engine Factory is difficult to meet the future use requirements, so we decided to adopt the overall demolition and reconstruction method. The only thing to keep is a double-slope roof mountain wall with two consecutive spans. We hope to use this as a form motif in the design of Building No. 4, and design on this basis. We call this kind of transformation method of creating a brand new space in the old form “new creation”.

▼拼贴印象,collage image

▼新旧材料拼贴,collage of new and ole materials


We retreated the facade of the building, and then raised the top of the building to form a double-height facade. In order to be consistent with the original mountain wall surface, we made local adjustments according to the requirements of the plane and function, and finally formed a “hill” of high and low. The experience of walking on the rolling roof of an industrial plant adds rich changes in height to the experience of the entire roof walk, and it is also a re-creation of formal symbols.

▼轴测图和流线分析,axonometric and circulation analysis


Building 6 is the largest and most complex building group in the park. Most of the buildings in each building are large workshop spaces with a uniform structure. A rectangular volume was added to the roof, as if suspended in the air. The collage form of Building No. 6 came from the successive additions made by the diesel engine plant at that time to meet the needs of use, and the collage became a normal state in the transformation. We do not want to change the state of old and new collages, but continue the historical continuation of this functional transformation.

▼项目最终效果图,rendering of the project

▼2/3号楼一层平面图,first floor plan of #2/3 buildings


▼剖透视图,perspective sections

项目名称:IF1959: 顺德柴油机厂二期更新改造















Project Name: IF1959:Renovation of Shunde Diesel Engine Plant Phase II

Design: cnS

Design cycle: 2019.5-2019.10

Construction cycle: 2019-2020.1

Lead Designer: Guanqiu Zhong,Gang song,Zhiyuan Zhu

Project Manager: Hairui Lin

Design Team: Wenlang Liang,Shiying Xie,Shuwei Du,Houwang Jin,Xiaoyi Zhang

Structural Design: Xiaomin Sun,Zimao Zheng”

Project Location: Ronggui Town, Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province

Gross Built Area: 15,000 ㎡(Completed :5,000㎡, Under construction:10,000㎡)

Photo Credits: Siming Wu

Cooperative Design: Krypton design

Design Director: Yinghang Huang,Xianggeng Lin

Design Team: Xiaojie Kuang,Jiahui Qiu,Yashi Liang(Intern),Chengxuan Huang(Intern),Caiting Gan(Intern)

Clients: New Creation Cultural Development Co., Ltd.


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