发布时间:2022-02-13 14:18:40 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


▼建筑南向近景,close up view of the building from the south©许昊皓


(左)自然村落与规划安置区的现状并置关系,(left) juxtaposition of Natural Villages and Planned Settlement Areas ©孟俊丞 (右)远眺建筑与水口镇整体环境的关系,(right)distant view of the relationship between the building and the overall environment of Shuikou Town ©许昊皓

▼当地村民自建房常见类型,common types of the self-built houses for the local villagers ©左:地方工作室,右:欧阳胜

The project is located in Shuikou Town, Jianghua Yao Autonomous County, Yongzhou City, Hunan Province. The old town of Shuikou was located in the flooded area of the tearful river reservoir expansion project, but now it is located in an area surrounded by longitudinal mountains and relatively flat. This area is a new town based on the tree distribution of the original natural villages, and the whole town was relocated and expanded from the old town.

▼南向鸟瞰 aerial view from the south ©许昊皓

▼北向鸟瞰 aerial view from the north©许昊皓


▼总平面图,项目分为三个台地 site plan, project divided into three terraces ©地方工作室

The project base has a height difference of about 2m from west to east, and the design divides the site into three terraces along the height difference. With the atrium stage as the center, the cultural service center and the special workshop are located on both sides. The three parts are linked through the corridor, so that each part is independent and connected to each other.

▼建筑顺场地高差设计,building designed following the height difference of the site©胡骉

▼东侧立面,east facade

▼东立面局部 partial view of the east facade©许昊皓

▼东南向实景,view of the building from the southeast side©许昊皓

南侧临山的村民广场,village square on the south in the direction to the mountains©许昊皓


▼檐廊空间构成,composition of the eaves porch©地方工作室

▼主入口立面,main entrance facade ©胡骉

▼主入口立面局部,partial view of the main entrance facade©胡骉

▼“格栅”片墙与檐廊,grille piece wall and gable©许昊皓

The gable and staircase:The gable and staircase are the more prominent spatial elements in the building, forming a three-dimensional circulation path from the outside to the inside of the building. The gable, which is the leading space of the building, adapts to the local hot and rainy summer climate while enhancing the building’s openness and public participation. Meanwhile, the staircase not only carries the vertical traffic function, but also serves as an spacial element and a graphical language implanted in the architectural space.

▼南侧楼梯近景 close up view to the staircase on the south facade©许昊皓

▼戏台上空楼梯与边庭 the staircase and the side court over the theater©胡骉

围绕着戏台的楼梯 the staircase around the theater©胡骉

二层檐廊与中庭的对话,dialogue between the second floor eaves and the atrium©胡骉

▼戏台上空楼梯看向中庭,looking into the atrium from the staircase over the theater©胡骉

▼文化服务中心边庭楼梯看向中庭戏台,view from the stairs of the side court of the Cultural Service Center to the atrium©胡骉


▼天井与“堂屋”轴剖解析图,analysis of the shaft of the patio and the hall©地方工作室

Hall and patio:The spatial prototype of the atrium stage comes from the halls and patios of the old and new houses in the region. In addition to the daily life of the Yao people, the hall also performs special ceremonial functions. The hall, the patio and the atrium theater stage construct the spatial sequence of “row gate – courtyard – patio – hall” by combining the gable, atrium, patio and theater stage.

▼天井与“堂屋”南侧实景 view of the south side of the patio and hall©胡骉

▼天井与“堂屋” hall and patio©欧阳胜

▼天井与“堂屋”,从东侧看向西侧 hall and patio, view from the east©胡骉

▼天井与戏台 patio and theater©胡骉

▼中庭天井的光与影 light and shadow in the atrium patio©胡骉

▼中庭戏台举行活动的瑶族小朋友,Yao children holding activities in the atrium stage©许昊皓

▼村民瑶族长鼓舞表演,Yao long-drum dance performance©如意村委会


It is gratifying to see that the project has been generally accepted by the local government leaders and villagers after completion. Perhaps because the strategy adopted in the design is relatively simple and pure. The designer chose to keep the building in line with the local villagers’ self-built houses, i.e. using local low-cost materials such as red bricks, cement blocks and concrete, which are commonly found in the area. Meanwhile, by extracting some of the original elements of the local traditional houses and translating them, the designers try to construct a different kind of space, and make the local villagers feel some kind of “familiarity” when they are in “strange” or “alien” places.

▼儿童书屋和村务办公,children’s bookstore and the village office©许昊皓

▼特色工坊一层展厅,the first floor showroom of the specialty workshop©欧阳胜

▼特色工坊三层展厅局部,the third floor exhibition hall of the specialty workshop©许昊皓

▼东南侧鸟瞰夜景,aerial view from the southeast side in the night©许昊皓

夜晚的主立面与局部,main facade and partial view in the night©胡骉


一层平面图,first floor plan©地方工作室

▼二层平面图,second floor plan©地方工作室

▼三层平面图,third floor plan©地方工作室


▼空间剖视图,spatial section perspective©地方工作室


▼墙体砌筑解析,analysis of wall masonry methods©地方工作室

▼墙身大样图,wall details©地方工作室


Project Name:Cultural Service Center and Local Workshops of Ruyi Village, Shuikou Town,Yao Autonomous County of Jianghua

The Design Team:Regional Studio& Hunan University Design and Research Institute Co.,Ldt.

Architects:Chunyu Wei , Sheng Ouyang , Rong Ren

Location: Jianghua Yao Autonomous County, Hunan Province

Owner:Shuikou Township People’s Government,Jianghua Yao autonomous county,Hunan

Support Unit:Propaganda Department of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China

Design time: 2019Completion date: 2021

Design team :Regional Studio:Guang Cao、Juncheng Meng、Sainan Zhu、Xing Chen、Qian Tan、Zifei Xie、Shuaidong Hou、Xin Tu / Hunan University Design and Research Institute Co., Ldt.:JianHua Zhu、Yuan Deng、Jian Liu、Molan Sun、Ning Zhang

Base area:1835 m2

Building area:2093 m2

Structure form:Frame structure

Photographer:Biao Hu, Haohao Xu



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