发布时间:2018-12-05 21:41:38 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The new site of the Banque de France is the second biggest cash handling facility in Europe. It will handle 25% of the national reserves.

▼从办公大楼看La Courneuve银行保险库中心,the fiduciary building and the “safe” from the office building

法国中央银行的巴黎La Courneuve中心坐落于一片4.5公顷的基地上。该基地沿着A86号高速公路,曾是前巴布科克钢厂的废弃场地。本项目是“大巴黎”行政规划挑战的产物,更应对了即将举办2024年奥运会的巴黎北部正在发生的巨大变化。La Courneuve中心的开幕标志着这片工业废地和整个片区即将获得新生,而即将开放的文化工厂则在保留了基地的工业历史意义的前提下,为该地区带来了额外的文化价值。通过创建符合当前目标的工业基地,这座新建筑不仅是法国中央银行重新考虑其现有财产的重要一环,其各项现代化设备也为它自身带来了重要的时代意义。

The Paris-La Courneuve center of the Banque de France (Central Bank) rises on the 4.5 ha wasteland of the former Babcock steel factory along the A86 motorway. This project is a reflection of the challenge that is the “Grand Paris” and the major changes happening north of the French capital, of which the Olympic Games in 2024 will be a part. The opening of the Banque de France is the sign of a renewal both for the industrial site and the entire area, the soon to open «Fabriques des Cultures» bringing an added cultural value to the area while preserving its industrial past. This new facility is a major step in the Banque de France’s plan to rethink its real estate and modernize its equipment with the creation of an industrial site compatible with its current objectives.

▼办公大楼的员工餐厅和La Courneuve银行保险库中心,the restaurant and the fiduciary center

为了能够更好地处理La Courneuve中心营业后总价值超过10亿的纸币(价值量占国家储备的25%),该项目选用特殊的材料和高科技基础设施,以支持高安全性和自动化的建筑设备。


▼银行保险库中心外观,outside the fiduciary building

So as to handle soon after opening over 1 billion banknotes (25% of the national reserves), this project involves a specific material and technological infrastructure suited for highly secured and automated facilities.

The nerve center of this architectural plan is a safe composed of three juxtaposed cubic volumes. Its main function is the high-speed automated control of banknotes. It is designed to automatically destroy worn out banknotes and put aside the ones deemed suspicious. Its secondary function is the storage of the banknotes in the 26-meter high safe.

▼银行保险库中心的种植庭院,planted patio inside the fiduciary building


▼白色陶瓷表皮呈现出一种虚实交错的纹理,the white ceramic facade presents an alternated hollow pattern

▼根据阳光量,白色陶瓷表皮创造出迷人的光影振动效果,the white ceramic facade creates a vibration depending on the amount of sunlight

Even though the building is supposed to be perfectly sealed, the emphasize on natural light is at the heart of the project. The white ceramic facade presents an alternated hollow pattern that softens the building’s defensive appearance and creates a vibration depending on the amount of sunlight. This attachment to natural light is also demonstrated inside the building where a triangular void was turned into a planted patio open to the staff.

▼银行保险库中心内部透视,the interior view of the fiduciary building

在La Courneuve的入口处有一座建于1923年的砖石和一座建于1987年的混凝土建筑,它们曾隶属于巴布科克钢厂,皆朝向La Courneuve的中心保险库。建筑师修复了这两座建筑并将它们有机地联系在了一起,作为对外营业的办公大楼。

At the entrance of the complex, two former Babcock buildings, dating back to 1923 for the brick one and 1987 for the concrete one, face the “safe”. These two units have been restored and organically connected to one another to be reborn as a unified office building that will be open to the public.

▼在La Courneuve的入口处有两座现存建筑,at the entrance of the complex, there are two existing buildings

▼项目还包括这两座前巴布科克钢厂大楼的翻修,the projects includes the major refurbishment of two buildings of the former Babcock Wilcox steel factor

▼改造后的办公大楼和其一层的员工餐厅,the office buildings and the staff cafeteria on the ground floor

总平面设计不仅为基地上的所有建筑提供了相互对话的机会,更使建筑与整个区域发生了联系。它不将自己局限于传统建筑设计中的场地开放性,而是专注于其功能要求,在满足建筑密封性的要求的前提下,将阳光引入了室内。此外,本项目还是Jean-Paul Viguier et Associés主要概念的一个表达:很好地处理了建筑遗迹与当代建筑之间的关系。

The general plan creates a dialogue between each entity of the site but also with the entire area. It questions the concept of the architectural openness of a site of which the primary function is to be fully sealed. The project is also a reflection of one of the main concerns of Jean-Paul Viguier et Associés’: the relation between heritage and contemporary architecture.

▼办公楼内的员工餐厅外观,exterior view of the staff cafeteria


Program: Major refurbishment of two buildings of the former Babcock Wilcox steel factory (1923 and 1987) and conversion into tertiary buildings (offices, service area open to the public and staff cafeteria) and construction of a highly secured fiduciary building.

▼从员工餐厅向外看,the view from the interior staff cafeteria

▼建筑楼梯细部,staircase details

▼总平面图,site plan


▼立面细部,detailed elevation ceramic

▼银行保险库中心陶瓷表皮与建筑主体连接细部平面图,the connection details between ceramic skin and the building

Assignement: Architecture, city planning, interior design

Location: La Courneuve, France

Built area: 23 500 m²

Tertiary built area (offices): 6.500 m², 4 levels above ground floor (capacity : 450 approx.)

Fiduciary built area (safe): 17.000 m²

Client: Banque de France

Contractor: Jean-Paul Viguier et Associés

Appointed contractor, engineering and process: Artelia

Engineering firms: Axeflow (Process), Alternative (Acoustics)

Landscape designers: Agence Babylone

Interior designers: Majorelle (space planning)

Construction firms: Léon Grosse (general construction firm), CBC (structural works), Ineo (CFO and CFA), Spie (plumbing), Jean Lefebvre (gardens and green spaces)

Suppliers: Moeding (extruded ceramic)

Certifications: NF HQE for tertiary buildings by Certivéa + «Sustainable logistic platform» 3* by Afilog


法国中央银行 La Courneuve 中心,现代室内设计融合历史遗迹
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