发布时间:2023-12-19 19:26:22 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

在一开始,气候宣言体育馆(Climate Pledge Arena)是一项被许多人认为永远不会实现的大胆计划。当“翡翠之城”西雅图(Seattle)开始重新规划和重建这座最初为1962年的21世纪博览会(Century 21 Exposition,又称西雅图世界博览会)而建的历史性地标时,世界顶尖的体育和娱乐建筑公司POPULOUS(博普乐思)颠覆了传统的体育馆模式,创造了一座前所未有的里程碑式的体育馆。

Climate Pledge Arena is the result of a bold undertaking many believed would never materialize. When the City of Seattle set out to reimagine and redevelop the historic landmark originally built for the 1962 World’s Fair, Populous flipped the traditional arena model on its head to create a first-of-its-kind arena.

▼建筑概览,Overall view of the building ©Populous

气候宣言体育馆是该地区最大的体育馆,也是在原有建筑屋顶下建造的全新场馆,它不仅振兴了历史地标,还为两支主场球队——北美冰球职业联盟西雅图海怪队(NHL’s Seattle Kraken)和美国女子职业篮球联盟西雅图风暴队(WNBA’s Seattle Storm)的球迷,以及演唱会和其他活动的粉丝带来了极致体验。不同的场地模式下,该体育馆可容纳1.71万人观看冰球比赛,或是1.83万人观看篮球比赛。美国互联网巨头亚马逊公司(Amazon)为其冠名合作伙伴,POPULOUS也因此调整了可持续设计方法,以满足“气候宣言”的要求——这是一项由亚马逊牵头的全球倡议,签署方须承诺在2040年前实现其所有业务的零碳排放。

Climate Pledge Arena is the region’s largest arena — an entirely new venue built under an existing roof — that revitalizes a historic landmark and cultivates the ultimate experience for fans of the NHL’s Seattle Kraken, WNBA’s Seattle Storm, concerts and other events. With Amazon as the arena’s naming rights partner, Populous transformed its sustainable design approach to meet The Climate Pledge, a global initiative that commits signatories to net zero carbon across their businesses by 2040.

▼一座公园里的体育馆,An arena in natural environment ©Populous

2021年10月,气候宣言体育馆竣工并以一场慈善音乐会的形式正式向公众开放。2023年10月,气候宣言体育馆成为了世界上第一座获得国际未来生活研究所(IFLI)零碳认证(Zero Carbon Certification)的体育馆,也是迄今为止世界上获得IFIL零碳认证的最大建筑。IFLI是一家全球性非营利组织,采用严格的数据标准来测评碳中和。其在认证过程会审查连续12个月的性能数据,以确定建筑是否在日常运营中实现了净零碳排放和抵消了施工期间的碳排放。测评碳中和的过程基于IFLI制定的严格要求,其中包括场馆使用的能源须100%来自可再生能源渠道、利用零可燃燃料(zero combustible fuel)以及减少建筑结构中的总体隐含碳(overall embodied carbon)。

In October 2021, Climate Pledge Arena was completed and officially opened to the public with a charity concert. In October 2023, the arena has become the first arena in the world to achieve Zero Carbon Certification from the International Living Future Institute (IFLI), a global nonprofit that uses strict, data-based standards to determine carbon neutrality. The ILFI certification process reviews 12 consecutive months of performance data to decide if a structure achieves net zero carbon emissions in its day-to-day operations and has offset the emissions from its construction period. The process to determine carbon neutrality is based on rigorous requirements set by the IFLI, which include sourcing 100% of the energy used in the arena from renewable energy avenues, utilizing zero combustible fuel types and reducing overall embodied carbon in the structure.

▼体育馆立面,Facade of the arena ©Populous

气候宣言体育馆完全就是一座公园里的体育馆,这在类似的大型公共集会场所中都是很罕见的,更不用说那些位于市区的体育场馆了。该体育馆在尊重其设计初衷的同时,还激活并加强了以行人为中心的城市规划,与临近的娱乐综合区西雅图中心(Seattle Center)相连接,并成为周围社区的开放式公共空间。

Climate Pledge Arena is quite literally an arena in a park, something unheard of for a large public assembly venue, let alone one set in an urban neighborhood. The arena honors its original design intent while activating and enhancing a pedestrian-focused plan, giving the site back to the Seattle Center campus and serving as open public space for the neighboring community.

▼夜色中的体育馆,Night view of the arena ©Populous

“POPULOUS设计了世界上最美丽的体育馆,海怪队为能把它当作自己的主场球场而感到自豪。我们很高兴球迷们能在比赛日走进气候宣言体育馆,在为自己喜爱的球员加油的同时,被它的美丽所震撼,并获得一流的观赛体验。” ——西雅图海怪队首席执行官托德·雷韦克(Tod Leiweke) “Populous has designed the most beautiful arena in the world, and the Kraken are proud to call it home. We’re excited for fans to walk into Climate Pledge Arena on game day and be blown away by its beauty and have a first-class experience while cheering on their favorite players.” —TOD LEIWEKE, CEO of the Seattle Kraken

▼气候宣言体育馆和同样为21世纪博览会兴建的太空针塔 The Climate Declaration Arena and the Space Needle, also built for the 21st Century Exposition ©Populous


The new construction required the 44-million-pound roof to be lifted and suspended above the site while another 680,000 cubic yards of soil were removed underneath to nearly double the size of the former venue and create 360-degree pedestrian access. The beautiful curtain walls of glass were also restored, making Climate Pledge Arena the first in North America where someone can walk entirely around the facility while never losing sight of what’s inside.

▼体育馆周围的360度步行通道,360-degree walkway around the stadium ©Populous


The new venue pushes the boundaries on other visual aspects as well. Unlike other arena video displays, Climate Pledge Arena boasts the world’s first dual suspended professional arena scoreboards. Behind this signature design lies a thorough analysis of on-ice and on-court action for hockey and basketball, spectator and athlete sightlines, and flexibility for shows and concerts. This placement bolsters the fan experience and connects the audience to the action of faceoffs, free throws and inbounding plays. There are 59 luxury suites, 19 of which are tunnel club suites situated under the seating bowl, giving fans a close-up view of the players as they walk from the locker room to the ice or court.

▼透过玻璃幕墙可以看到体育馆的内部情况 The interior situation can be seen through the curtain wall ©Populous


The arena is also designed to employ numerous sustainable practices and operations. The original roof was not dismantled, but reused in the renovation, significantly reducing footprint of the construction process. The facility is powered solely on renewable energy sources, including on-site solar energy on the atrium roof. The site design builds strong connections with the monorail and provides space for electric vehicle charging stations and bike valet services. The design also supports water conservation systems — such as harvesting rainwater from the roof to turn it into the greenest ice in the NHL — and zero waste initiatives. The venue is home to a 200-foot living wall with greenery hanging overhead, an Amazon vision that Populous brought to life. The space also features an LED wall that details the importance of developing a zero carbon arena.

▼体育馆内正在进行篮球比赛的场地转换(上方为全球首创的悬挂式双计分牌) The gymnasium is undergoing a court change for a basketball game (with the world’s first hanging double scoreboard above) ©Populous

除了屋顶太阳能电池板产生的电力外,气候宣言体育馆和亚马逊还购买并兑换了超过10万兆瓦时的可再生能源证书(RECs),其中一些来自普吉特海湾能源公司的下蛇河风力发电场(Puget Sound Energy’s Lower Snake River Wind Farm)。该体育馆还承诺成为西雅图城市之光电力公司(Seattle City Light)“可再生+”(Renewable Plus) 计划的首批商业客户之一——该计划旨在为气候宣言体育馆提供可再生能源服务,预计将于2025年投入使用。

In addition to the electricity generated by the rooftop solar panels, Climate Pledge Arena and Amazon purchased and retired more than 100,000 megawatt hours of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), some of which are from Puget Sound Energy’s Lower Snake River wind farm. The arena has also pledged to be one of the first commercial customers for Seattle City Light’s Renewable Plus program, a program structured to provide renewable energy for the arena, which is projected to be available in 2025.

▼体育馆内正在进行冰球比赛,Hockey game being played in the stadium ©Populous

▼体育馆的座席碗其实位于地下,The stadium’s seating bowl is actually located underground ©Populous


The arena goes beyond its actions to achieve carbon neutrality and employs sustainable practices in its client-facing operations, such as eliminating single-use plastics and offering free public transit with every game or event ticket.

▼豪华包厢,luxury seating area ©Populous


Climate Pledge Arena is one of the Pacific Northwest’s most significant private investments in sports and entertainment history. The Populous design challenges the status quo to create a functional and iconic arena from the videoboards to the expansive, universally accessible outdoor plaza. It also contributes to a critical movement within the industry to transition the built environment from a major contributor of greenhouse gas emissions to a central solution to the climate crisis. These sustainable design strategies and ambitious targets set a new bar for the global sports and events industry.

▼在通道俱乐部包厢里可以近距离观看球员入场 Get a close-up view of the players’ entrance in the channel club box ©Populous


As the first arena to achieve Zero Carbon Certification, Climate Pledge Arena is sending a powerful message to the world: it is possible to create complicated, intricate, beautiful structures that are environmentally sustainable and contain every contemporary amenity. This achievement aligns with Populous’ commitment to delivery zero carbon projects by 2030.

▼挂满绿植的“生长”墙,The “Growth wall” is full of green plants ©Populous

今年12月6日,在英国曼彻斯特举办的《体育场馆商业志》2023设计与开发大奖(TheStadiumBusiness Design & Development Awards 2023)颁奖仪式上,由POPULOUS设计的气候宣言体育馆夺得了“年度项目”(Project of the Year)的最高奖项,有力地证明了保护自然、与自然共存的重要性。

On 6 December, Climate Pledge Arena designed by Populous won the top award in the “Project of the Year” category at the StadiumBusiness Design & Development Awards 2023 ceremony in Manchester, UK. This is a powerful testament to the importance of protecting and coexisting with our natural world.

▼普及零碳场馆知识的LED墙,The LED wall is showing the information of the arena ©Populous


气候宣言体育馆,美国 / POPULOUS
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