America Macmillan Publishing Company office
设计团队:TPG Architecture
TPG Architecture设计团队为麦克米伦出版公司,在美国纽约打造了一间新办公室。这个面积177000平方英尺的大办公室位于纽约广场一号。开放式的办公布局,能够为近一千名员工提供宽敞的大会议空间,还有各种规格的会谈室和办公设施。麦克米伦公司这个新办公室的最大特点,是接待处非常开阔,这里还有一架将接待处和上层工作座位区连接在一起的大型中央楼梯。
TPG Architecture has developed the new offices of publishing company Macmillan Publishers located in New York City.TPG was engaged by Macmillan Publishers to design a 177,000 square foot new office space at 1 New York Plaza. This new open-plan office accommodates around 1,000 people and provides ample conferencing and meeting facilities.Macmillan’s new space features an expansive reception which includes a central staircase that connects reception and the workstations on the upper level.
One the right side off reception is a large conference room suite, while the left side leads into a large pantry, which features moveable seating, as well as beautiful views of lower Manhattan and 1 WTC. Each floor features an open workspace that is broken up by higher benches that allow for collaboration. Additionally, on each floor there are color coded huddle booths which feature whiteboard walls, phones and privacy booths.