发布时间:2021-06-07 07:38:05 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
gmp 事务所以“时间回廊”为设计理念,保留并重构原厂房结构,形成采光中庭,同时增强整体视觉协调性。

上海大学上海美术学院(吴淞院区)项目位于上海市宝山区吴淞创新城,本项目以打造以艺术教育为核心、国际艺术人才和资源高度集聚的吴淞国际艺术城核心区为目标。在国际方案招标中,gmp·冯·格康,玛格及合伙人建筑师事务所在本次竞赛一举夺魁,中标上海大学上海美术学院(吴淞院区)建筑设计。其他参与竞标的还有日本隈研吾建筑事务所、美国ennead建筑事务所、美国Perkins Will建筑设计事务所等国际著名建筑设计公司。

Located in Wusong Innovation City, Baoshan District, Shanghai, the Project of Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, Shanghai University (Wusong) aims to make art education, artists, and resources from all of the world the center of Wusong International Art City. In the international bidding,  gmp (von Gerkan, Marg und Partner Architekten) won the design competition to provide the architectural design for the Project. Other participants are Kengo Kuma and Associates from Japan,Ennead Architects from the United States and Perkins & Will from the United States.

▼南侧夜景鸟瞰,aerial night view of the south © Willmore

▼东南侧夜景鸟瞰,aerial night view of the southeast © Willmore

1985年,宝武钢铁不锈钢型钢厂房建成并投入使用。厂房以钢结构和砖砼为主,连续多跨支撑结构营造出宏伟壮观的空间尺度感,连续柱网、屋架结构形成极强的空间序列感,使其具备特定时期独特的工业粗犷美感。经过三十年的工业生产,不锈钢型钢厂已顺利完成了其历史使命,并将向新艺术教育园区进行转型。本次改造将包括型钢厂房主体建筑与构筑物,改造后总建筑面积约为 22 万平方米,包含教育用房和相关配套用房。

In 1985, the  stainless-steel plant building of China Baowu Steel Group was completed and put into service. With a primary structure of steel and brick concrete, the factory features a magnificent long-span structure and a strong spatial sequence  of uninterrupted columns  and roof trusses,  expressing the unique industrial aesthetics  from a specific period. After three decades of industrial production, the  stainless-steel factory has successfully completed its  mission and will transform into a new art education campus.  With a GFA of  220,000m2 after renovation, the project  includes educational and related supporting facilities.

▼基地现状,existing site © CreatAR Images


▼设计理念:时间回廊,design concept: time corridor © gmp

▼设计理念生成,generation of the design concept © gmp

With the concept of “time corridor”, gmp retains the continuous column grid and roof truss of the original plant to  preserve the original magnificent space and keep the imprints of the steel industry for the new functional  uses after transformation. The former plant extends nearly a kilometer from east to west, with several groups of  ventilation towers  aligned on the roof ridge as the icon of the plant. The design is inspired by  these towers. The sunlight  passes through these towers into the space below  generating a dramatic interior space. As the industrial mechanical equipment, steel structure and clerestories of the original site are highly worthy of preservation, the renovation  intends to “maximally keep the original plant structure”. After the damaged roof of the old plant is removed with exposed structure,  the ventilation towers are enhanced with arc stainless steel plate to reflect the sunlight  into the atrium, increasing the amount of daylight in the building.

▼西南侧鸟瞰,aerial night view of the southwest © Willmore

▼剖透视图,sectional perspective © gmp


The  towers extend downward to form a daylighting atrium at the heart of the building, flanked by  classrooms on either side.  Thisatrium also serves as a bridge among different zones, ensuring continuity and accessibility throughout the whole campus in traffic and vision.  An expanded metal mesh is  used for building exterior skin to reproduce the complete shape of the original plant and enhance the overall coherence .

▼西侧公众主入口广场,main entrance square on the west © gmp

The  array of frames  within the interior space  preserves the large-scale  and grandure of the old  factory. There are three functional zones, i.e. Core Education Zone, Graphic Information Center, and International Education Alliance and Neo-Shanghai Art Development Center. The building form follows  a functional layout with the Core Education Zone as the center and east-west blocks connected  by a bridge on the second floor. The second floor horizontally  continuous platform  crosses the roads on the ground floor to ensure the high accessibility of the whole campus.

▼艺术连廊,art gallery © gmp


The Core Education Zone consists of clusters of education departments,  laboratories, studios and classrooms. Each cluster is positioned along side of the middle structural frame of the  former factory, and the space at the bottom of each frame accommodates exhibition and an activity center  for each department,  forming a “time corridor”  when in sequence.

▼美术学院内部公共交流空间,communication space of the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts © gmp

▼美术学院内部共享中庭,common atrium of the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts © gmp

As the Project’s interface for outward extension, the International Education Center in the west and Graphic Information Center in the east connect with the Core Education Zone in the middle.The International Education Alliance and Neo-Shanghai Art Development Center in the west offers extensive spaces for cultural exchange, educational assistance and artist studios. The west square can stage art activities and directly lead to metro platform underground. It is the public activity center for the whole campus. The Graphic Information Center in the east is dominated by the museum, library and comprehensive gymnasium. The comprehensive gymnasium is across Xing Gang Dong Lu from the stadium, maximizing efficiency of SAFA’s sports facilities.


As the main campus of SAFA, the Project features an open, sharing and innovation-oriented environment  that makes the core area of Wusong International Art City an open, sharing and innovation-oriented campus. It is a classic example of industrial heritage revitalization, and lives up to the vision  to focus on art education and attract art talents and resources from all over the world.

▼艺术市集绿色空间,green space of the art market © gmp

▼总平面图,site plan © gmp

▼一层平面图,ground floor plan © gmp

▼采光、节能、通风策略,strategy of daylighting, energy saving and ventilation © gmp

设计竞赛:2021 中标 设计:曼哈德·冯·格康和尼古劳斯·格茨及玛德琳·唯斯 竞赛阶段项目负责人:李旸 竞赛阶段设计团队:郭强,Philipp Wüstenberg(吴非凡),RJ Tripodi(尔杰) , 苏文,Vincent Paar(巴文森),王晔晗,朱玲莉,郑艺林 中国项目管理:潘梅,章雅芸 结构顾问:sbp 施莱希工程设计咨询有限公司 节能顾问:Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH   通风顾问:同济大学暖通空调研究所 业主:上海宝钢不锈钢有限公司 建筑总面积:22万平方米

Competition 2021 bid winner Design Meinhard von Gerkan and Nikolaus Goetzewith Magdalene Weiss Competition Team Leader Li Yang ProjectManagement China Pan Mei, Zhang Yayun Competition Team Guo Qiang, Philipp Wüstenberg, RJ Tripodi, Su Wen, Vincent Paar, Wang Yehan, Zhu Lingli, Zheng Yilin Client Shanghai Baosteel Stainless Steel Co., Ltd. Structural Consultant schlaich bergermann partner Energy Consultant Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH HVAC consultant Institute of HVAC Engineering,Tongji University GFA 220,000m²


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