发布时间:2020-12-17 21:49:44 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


QIDI Design: In urban life, how to live with forests and symbiosis with nature? Half ecological and half modern is the most ideal living condition.

▼雪景鸟瞰 Snow scene


Let’s cross the forest realm and step into the cloud habitat. Listen to the gurgling water, and embrace the lush growing plants. Step onto a forest trestle bridge and a dream home. Forget the hustle and bustle of the world for a while and return to nature.

01 分析 Analysis


原生的一林一水构成了场地独特的气蕴。然而红线内外存在 3 米高差,红线内场地面积较小,红线外为原生自然绿化带。如何巧妙的利用场地竖向高差串联红线内外,同时又与周边环境融合共生?设计师意图重新梳理高差,营造出一个个可听、可感、可赏、可戏的空间。

The project is located at the junction of the Silihe block and the old city block in Luyang District, Hefei. It is adjacent to the Silihe Waterfront Ecological Park on the east side, with abundant natural green resources, beautiful scenery, and convenient transportation.

The original forest and water constitute the unique atmosphere of the site. However, there is a 3-meter height difference between the inside and outside of the property line. The site area is small and surrounded by the green belt. How to cleverly use the vertical height difference of the site to connect the inside and outside space, while at the same time integrating and symbiosis with the surrounding environment? The designer intends to reorganize the height difference and create an audible, sensible, enjoyable, and playable space.

▼场地区位 Site location

02 概念 Concept 听水韵,感林影,依托于一湾水、一片林的生态背景,穿越林中之桥,抵达理想的居所。为保护场地原生林木,设计师遵循“不砍一乔一木”的原则,进行现场勘查、测量,调整平面构图。以“林境探秘”为故事脉络,打造“入林—飞虹—幽谷—行云—雲栖”五大故事点。

Listen to the water rhyme and watch the dance of the forest shadow. Relying on the ecological background of the water and the forest, the design achieves an ideal residence through a bridge in the woods. To protect the native trees on the site, the designer followed the principle of “not cutting a single tree” to conduct on-site surveys, measures, and plan composition adjustment. With “Exploring the Secrets of the Forest” as the context, we created five stories: Forest Entrance -Flying Rainbow – Silent Valley – Dancing Clouds – Clouds Habitat.

▼方案节点 Design nodes

壹|| 入林 Forest Entrance


The white slender retaining walls are scattered and hidden in the forest belt, with a low-key and pure appearance. The roads and forest belts are properly divided. The building shows up in the lush forest shadows. The sea of forest dances with the wind, with a little faint gleam like the fireflies in the forest.

贰|| 飛虹 FlyingRainbow


People are wandering into the woods. The trees cast mottled shadows on the ground, and the surging wind swayed the branches. Sunlight flows down from the treetops, wandering freely in the green.


To reduce the damage to the original site, the plank path was built like a bridge, following the rhythm of nature to walk through the poetic and romantic natural forest, making each turning point blend with the site.


Walking in the forest, visitors can walk with the trees, or sit under the trees and listen to the sounds of birds and cicadas.

叁|| 幽谷 The Silent Valley


When the grove faded away at the end of the brook, he found himself in front of a mountain with a small opening through which a light loomed. He thus left his boat and walked into the opening which at first was found to be so narrow that only one could pass through it. After walking forward for a few footsteps, he discovered that it led to an open and flat place.

悠然辗转,踏幽入谷。高墙耸立,极狭窄,极幽深。斜生乌桕的枝丫穿透高墙,打破 3M 高墙的压迫感,自然之景突破重围,恣意生长。

Tossing around leisurely, one is stepping into the valley. The high walls are very narrow and deep. The branches of the oblique Chinese tallow penetrate the high wall, breaking the pressure of the 3-meter high wall. The natural scenery breaks through the encirclement and grows widely.

肆|| 行雲 The dancing clouds


Upwards the steps, the mottled tree shadows are reflected on the trail, adding an interesting texture to the pavement pattern. People step on the ground and feel like touching the leaves.


Sitting quietly under the forest, walking slowly in the water, one can experience the leaf growth and the interweaving and resonance between the site and nature.

伍|| 雲栖 TheCloudHabitat 穿过天光云影,走进转角的宁静;孤树、孤雪、孤石,孤水,绘成四时更迭的禅意之景。“一念一清静,心是莲花开;一树一菩提,一叶一如来。

Passing through the sky and clouds, let us step into the tranquility of the corner. The lonely tree, the white snow, the single stone, and the solitary water are framed into a Zen painting that changes in the four seasons. “Meditation is a lotus blossom; the tree and the bodhi, one leaf habitats the Tathagata.”


Time goes by, one can feel the state of dwelling in the heart. With the vast sky coming with the wind, in a trance, it is like being in an idyllic home where “the moon is shining between the pine and the spring is flowing upon the stone”. In the depths, there is a blue lake. Minimalist buildings with a simple design are exquisite works of art reflecting in the mirror-like water surface. The overlapping of physical and virtual light and shadow effects produces a spatial effect with multi-layers of texture.



The small backcourt creates a quiet and warm atmosphere. The translucent glass bricks are intertwined with mixed colors, staggered, and half-covered to attract people to come and explore. The sun is warm and the breeze is soft. The body and mind meet nature. The fatigue and tiredness of pedestrians have gone and the comfort and joy of returning home are back.

深林秘境 The Secret Forest


Deep in the forest, if people stop and listen carefully, there can hear the sound of all things. Outside there is gurgling water on the banks of the Four Miles River. Inside is the whispering of the springs, making people feel comfortable and peaceful.


As night falls, the building is like a forest castle in a fairy tale. The bright lights inside the house bring dreams and magic into the world.










摄影师:DID STUDIO 唐岩祥生地产

Project Name: Shinsun·Luzhou Yunjing

Completion: 2020

Project Area: Landscape design area – 4453㎡

Project Location: Luyang District, Hefei City, Anhui Province

Design Company: QIDI Design

Lead Designer: Xu Yue

Design Team: Liu Qingsong, Shen Ying, Luo Ying, Ding Zesheng, Shi Xue, Lu Jing, Zhang Qiuxia, Su Juan

Client: Shinsun Real Estate Hefei Business Department

Architectural Design: Shanghai Tianhua Architectural Design Co., Ltd

Photographer: DID STUDIO, Tang Yan / Shinsun Real Estate


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