发布时间:2022-01-05 22:09:02 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Ribbon是由The Urban Conga与Hive Public Space以及Long Island City Partnership合作设计的,属于Hive PS制作的LIC (Re)Connects艺术系列的一部分,作为唤起纽约长岛市众多区域联系的方式。

Ribbon was designed by The Urban Conga in collaboration with Hive Public Space and the Long Island City Partnership.  Ribbon is a part of the LIC (Re)Connects art series produced by Hive PS as a way to evoke communal connection within a multitude of areas throughout Long Island City, NY.

▼项目概览,general view ©Savannah Lauren


Ribbon is just one component of an ecosystem of playful urban activations happening throughout the city, from murals to augmented reality experiences, all focused on reconnecting the community to one another. As we all begin to be reintroduced into social environments, we are becoming increasingly aware of the need for inclusive ways to reconnect with one another. Ribbon was developed as a temporary installation that looks at new ways of adapting existing spaces and infrastructure to become platforms for social interaction and communal activity through open-ended play design.

▼装置单体,single installation ©Savannah Lauren


Ribbon acts as a playful gesture, wrapping around and framing out different moments throughout several pedestrian pathways and communal spaces within Long Island City. The piece begins to playfully disrupt one’s daily routine and encourages them to begin to look at their surrounding context in new ways. The flowing motion of the work acts like a piece of ribbon guiding you off your path and into areas you may not have explored previously.

▼如同丝带般延展的装置,the installation stretching like a ribbon ©Savannah Lauren

▼装置遍布人行道和公共空间 ©Savannah Lauren the installations are spread over pedestrian pathways and communal spaces


The work becomes a series of timeless landmarks, always changing and responding to the people, the landscape, and the interactions between them, and sparking memorable experiences that keep encouraging people to come back and engage with the work, the surrounding spaces, and each other in new ways. The work steps off the pedestal and allows users to physically engage and manipulate the pieces by rotating each of the units attached to the main structure. As one begins to move the kinetic pieces, they begin to not only transform the work itself, but also manipulate the surrounding area through the work’s ability to reflect and refract light onto the built environment.

▼市民与装置的互动,interaction between citizens and installations ©Savannah Lauren

▼可转动的部件,rotatable pieces ©Savannah Lauren

The units not only provide a filtered perspective of the space, but also contain love notes to Long Island City written by community members. These love notes are submitted by community members through a QR code on the ground at the site, and are added to the work over time. These love notes range from poems to motivational quotes written by the community and visitors, and become drivers for conversations within the space. Ribbon becomes a collaborative, communal platform existing in harmony with the surrounding context brought to life through the engagement of its users.

▼市民观看装置上的爱心留言,citizens watch the love notes on installations ©Savannah Lauren

▼显示屏细部,detail ©Savannah Lauren

▼透过显示屏看城市,the city through the screen ©Savannah Lauren

凭借The Urban Conga、Hive Public Space、几家私营企业、纽约市公园和娱乐部、Boyce Technologies以及Long Island City Partnership的合作,该项目得以实现。它采用模块化形式,以便拆卸并运输到城市的其他空间。随着装置的游历,它将继续分享各个社区的爱心留言,并展示多样的城市透视以及它带给不同社区成员的东西。

This project required coordination between The Urban Conga, Hive Public Space, several private businesses, NYC Parks and Recreation, Boyce Technologies, and the Long Island City Partnership to make it happen. The project was developed in modular forms to allow easy disassembly and the ability to be transported into another space within the city. As it travels around, it will continue to share the communities’ love notes provided in each area, and will display the various perceptions of the city and what it has provided for different community members.

▼平面图,plan ©The Urban Conga

▼立面图,elevation ©The Urban Conga

Client: Long Island City Partnership and New York City Parks and Recreation Year: 2021 Location: Long Island City, NY – USA Project Size: 528 ft Designers: The Urban Conga & Hive Public Spaces Fabrication: Boyce Technologies


“Ribbon”临时装置,纽约长岛 / The Urban Conga
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