Among lots of restaurants in JoyCity, Chaoyang district, an organic restaurant appeared, who base on Jin Fu Frame (which got the organic certification in 2016) .It will offer an organic food and confortable environment for the citizen people.
▼餐厅内景,interior view
The concept of design is mixed with their marketing strategy: how to attract maxim customers shopping in this mall ? Diver the public zone around the restaurant to different areas according to the varies vegetables and different subjects ; it includes organic vegetable bar, organic soya bean area, “Karesansui ”area and art area, passengers from different direction will be attracted by different subjects then go to the entrance. At the entrance, planted a big tree, which provide these customers to take a rest while they are waiting.
▼入口旋转楼梯,the spiral stairs at the entrance
▼入口一棵人造的大树,the artificial tree at the entrance
Alcove ( pavilion )is the main concept for interior areas: everyone take meal around this alcove where has two plant stands grow up just like the all vitality plant . According to the season to change the vegetable stand, and these stands can be moved or changed to make all environment always green.
▼中式凉亭用餐氛围,alcove is the main concept for interior areas
▼把陈列架量化成为最小单元种植区,the display shelves are designed as planting boxes
On the north wall where has a display stand made by the plexiglass that can get maxim sunlight to have Hydroponic plants grow upon the wall. On the west, the terrace shape get varies spaces.
▼有机玻璃展架可以让室内捕获自然光,a display stand made by the plexiglass that can get maxim sunlight
▼厚实木块拼成弧形增加空间多样性,the terrace shape get varies spaces
The” birdcage “room is not only for Beijing life style but also add some fun to the restaurant. If you like, there’s chili just closed to you to get . At entrance where added an bronze sculpture : a man fall sleeping after having a great meal which is not just for fun but also echo the owner’s artistic compassion.
▼鸟笼包间和入口铜雕增加空间趣味性,the birdcage room and the bronze sculpture make the space more enjoyable
Project Name: Jinfu farm Project type:Dining space Architect (Design company): Atelier de L’A.V.I.S Design team: Cai Zongzhi ,LiSai , ZhangPian Built area: 1600㎡ Completion (date): 2016.07 Project Address: Beijing Chaoyang Joy City Photographer: Sun Xiangyu