发布时间:2018-11-24 18:29:03 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The design process of the park started from research and workshops targeting value proposition for specific users. The park design aims to create activities for children from ages 6-14 years old where their families could also enjoy the programs that the park provides. Hence, programs, scales, and accessibilities had to reflect the needs and requirements of its target users. The program discovering process involved the developer, designers, and families of targeted user groups in the workshop. The outcome of the program discovery became a starting point for the landscape design.


Mega Park has double layers of circulation. The upper level of circulation connects from the interior of the shopping mall through a bridge structure. At the park, the elevated walkway continues through various nodes of design which feature an amphitheater, tree top walk, and tree house. In each feature, an integrated universal design ramp is provided, so that everyone could have a seamless connection between the elevated walkway and ground level. The structure of the elevated walkway not only provides the vantage point for a new walking experience, but it also becomes a covered shelter for the walkway at ground level. At the ground floor, a pathway system provides connections to the surrounding land plots around the park.

▼双层结构分析  The Structure Analysis

▼与商场内部相连的高架步道 The elevated walkway

▼同时为底层提供遮蔽的高架步道 The covered shelter for the walkway at ground level


Also, the red bike track loop provides another layer of activities such as cycling or jogging that could bring people to experience different parts of the park from the flowering field through the plaza and onto the open lawn area.

▼红色自行车环道 The red bike track loop


Activities for children such as a water maze feature, tree house, semi-indoor playground tucked underneath the amphitheater, and slider are located within close proximity to one another, so that children and their parents could engage with each activity easily. While children are playing, parents could either play along with them or could rest on the amphitheater seating and observe their children.

▼儿童活动空间-水迷宫 The water maze

▼树屋设计 The tree house

▼圆形剧场下的半室内游乐场 The semi-indoor playground


The park not only provides a space for community but also an environmental enhancement. Soft scape design for the park is an exposition of different horticultural showcases. Ironwood is a dominant species that mixes with other tropical trees to create a forest effect for the tree top walk. Combinations of tropical shrubs are planted along the walkway of the park so that children could learn about the local planting species which normally are not seen in the city area. Perennial plants in the flowering field are planted in 3-meter-wide strips. These strips provide food and habitat for different insect species such as bees and butterflies. In addition, children could have fun along the bike lane and also learn about local flora and fauna.

▼森林感的树梢步道 The tree top walk

▼鲜花草地植物种植 The planting in flowering field


Landscape design for Mega Park provides a place where families could spend their time together. The park design aims to create the safe environment and enjoyable experience for all users through a series of carefully planned and designed landscape features and diverse plantings. A deliberately thought out plan and design originating from its users.

项目名称:Mega Park 位置:泰国曼谷 完成年份:2019年 景观设计:Landscape Collaboration

Project name: Mega Park Location: Bangkok, Thailand Completed: 2019 Landscape Design: Landscape Collaboration


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