发布时间:2022-04-12 23:11:34 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Overall Concept and Goal



Once carrying the branch line of Zhenru freight rail and later Caoyang Farmers’ Market, the near to 1-kilometer-long and 10- to 15-meter-wide site has been re-programmed as a fresh, multilevel and mixed-use park, walkable and community-centered, shortly after the market’s closure in 2019.

Conceived as ‘3K Corridors’, Caoyang Centennial Park brings art to community life, echoing the theme of 2021 Shanghai SUSAS. Site contexts were discovered and scenes reimagined, so as to design a vine-and-melon-like walking belt, from north to south, to reshape the streets’ grassland system, giving a further step of organic renewal of Caoyang Community.

▼七夕廊桥鸟瞰,aerial view of the love bridge ©朱润资


The special linear site, having served as a railway-land and then a market for over 20 years, is a typical left-over space in megacities. We realize at first sight that even in a familiar city are there unexpected and surprising offcut spaces, and we must consider how to recycle them in the time of urban redevelopment.

▼兰溪路跨街天桥,Lanxi road overpass ©朱润资

▼中段过街天桥望向环球港双子塔,view towards the Star Global Port Tower on the overpass bridge ©朱润资

背景与机缘 Background and Opportunity



Caoyang Xincun, the earliest planned workers’ community by the PRC’s government, bears special collective memories and historical processes of that age. Close to workers’ residences were market houses built along the abandoned railway in the site. To improve the standard of living and spatial quality of Caoyang, the district government and its sub-district office adjusted the place to a city park for future leisure, cultural, and daily events.

The project was on a tight schedule: 2 days to sketch a design and 2 weeks to improve and firm it up. After that, under the coordination of several departments, all works were carried out smoothly. Design followed by drawings, and concreting by steel-framing. Within 1 year, the idea of the park is becoming a reality and put in use.

▼设计草图,design sketch ©刘宇扬建筑事务所




Through a multilevel strategy, the narrow site expands itself threefold for different use by different people in nearby residences, schools, and offices. With limitation on distances to underground tunnel basis and building of surroundings, it is excavated just 1 meter deep for a semi-basement. The first level is raised to 1.4 meters to spare more space for the semi-basement as a social ‘container’ for temporary programmes like artist exhibition, community activities, creative markets, etc. Besides, the highline way is limited to 3.8 meters high to avoid that the public space possibly disturbs surrounding residential houses.

▼项目区位,project location ©刘宇扬建筑事务所

▼景观节点与周边环境分析,analysis of the landscape joints and the surrounding environment ©刘宇扬建筑事务所






我们希望尽可能地增加一些绿化,见缝插针地去种一些树,一些草,一些花,让这个整个空间除了钢铁,  也有绿意。

▼景观长廊上设置十组不同场景,ten scenarios in the park ©刘宇扬建筑事务所

In the 880-meter-long park, divided into north and south part, 10 scenarios are conceived to serve public functions such as gathering, activity, entertainment, leisure, sports, etc.

Spreading from middle to the north and south ends, the corridor connects social energy and forms multilevel spaces in separation from yet with dialogue to each other.

The north gate is a main entrance. With nearby Lianong Building’s and Zhongqiao Tower’s façade design integrated, the ground floor level and the highline define together the entrance, facing to Caoyang, as a city hall, where visitors can stroll and overlook.

In the middle passes a double-line highway over Lanxi Road, integrating the park’s walking experience on both sides. Life on streets with walking residents and running cars all together then consists part of scenes in the park.

A circular corridor connects two ways of the highline in the south section, with two hackberry trees standing through voids among the structure. With branches stretching and leaves tangling, visitor can touch the green while walking on the highline.

We hope as much green as possible in the park. Planting some trees, some grass and some flowers makes it an ivy of steel.

▼部分节点生成分析,generation analysis ©刘宇扬建筑事务所

ALYA的三个比较重要的线型的公共空间——吴淞江边上的爱特公园、浦东民生码头贯通、杨浦滨江贯通,后两个也分别是2017年和2019年上海城市空间艺术季SUSAS的展场。 曹杨百禧公园的设计总结了我们过往几个项目的经验, 但它有别于一江一河的独特场景,它所处的环境恰恰是一个如此有烟火气,又如此容易被忽略的的典型社区场地中的非典型剩余空间。 如何能够在这些剩余空间中找到新的潜力与能量,是我们下阶段工作与研究的重要启示。

Three important linear public spaces designed by ALYA: Aite Riverfront Park along Suzhou Creek, Pudong Minsheng pier connection project and Yangpu riverside connection project along Huangpu River. The latter two served separately as 2017 and 2019 Shanghai SUSAS exhibition sites.

We summed up experience of these projects in the design of Caoyang Centennial Park, which, however, differs from riverside spaces. It is located in such a typical context, a worldly community, while playing an untypical role likely to be neglected.

The project is an important revelation for us to study and work out in the next step how to creatively exploit potentials and harness energies in these left-over spaces.

▼北段曹杨路入口鸟瞰,aerial view of the north entrance at Caoyang road ©朱润资

▼北段曹杨路入口,view of the north entrance at Caoyang road ©朱润资


Colour Match



We took a long time in colour matching, with no clear idea at the beginning. We hoped it would be mild and fitting on the whole, while worrying that mere silver or grey colour cannot convey the energy of communities. We tried more than 10 schemes of colour combination and finally decided to keep the main structure silver-grey and paint the inner sides orange, in the hope that the colour comparison would express a sense of vigour.

▼北段兰溪路端小广场与艺术墙,银色钢结构内侧喷涂橙色 north plaza and the art wall, inner sides are painted in orange color ©朱润资


▼北段半地下室入口,entrance of north part semi-underground ©朱润资

▼北段底层开敞空间,廊桥内侧喷涂黄色 open space of north semi-underground,the inner sides are painted in yellow color ©朱润资

▼北段半地下空间,north part semi-underground space ©朱润资

▼北段地下展廊,semi-underground gallery space of north ©朱润资

We considered specially for the space under 1.4 meters high. The semi-basement, differing from light and open ground floor space, is dark and narrow. We chose the combination of silver-white and yellow for the dark to make it harmonize with places above the ground. The silver-white colour is somehow like pearl, mixed with much metal powder, looking apparently different from the silver-grey colour painted on the structures above. We weighed the experience in the semi-basement over the unitarity of colours, a decision unlikely to be made by most architects. This challenge is unprecedented for us and demands some breakthroughs.

▼廊桥与南段地下室入口,bridge and the south semi-underground entrance ©朱润资


space with different height level ©朱润资


entrance space of the south semi-underground ©朱润资

▼南段底层开敞空间,open space of the south part semi-underground ©朱润资

▼南段半地下室入口及宝特瓶,south semi-underground entrance and the BOTTLE space ©朱润资

▼南段宝特瓶下植物生态装置,plant installation under the South BOTTLE space ©朱润资

▼南段桥下景观空间,landscape space under the bridge of South part ©朱润资



We consciously designed a series of lightly structured arc canopies, membraned for sunshade. The membrane is not waterproof out of two considerations: first, we encourage to feel the nature in such a linear open park; second, technically, the canopy would bear more wind load if membraned waterproof, making the structural comparison invalid of lightness of canopies and heaviness of the highline.

▼轻质拱棚结构,lightly structured arc canopies ©朱润资

▼从小广场看向拱棚,view to the canopy from the outdoor stage ©朱润资

拱棚形式上的意义是勾起我们这种对铁路的记忆——曾经绿皮火车徐徐入月台的场景。 月台有很多种形式,我们就选择一个最简单的拱形做不同的串联,也选择了五种不同颜色。 因为样式是重复的、颜色是变化的,于是拱棚有了给整个公园分区的意义——在端头是一个蓝色,再往前有一个粉色——通过颜色可以简单地定位人的位置。

Arc canopies are reminiscent of railway platforms by which traditional trains slowly pulled in. There were many forms for railway platforms, and we chose one of the simplest and colouring it in five different ways. With the same form but changing colours, the light structures afford a clear zoning for the park. Blue here and pink ahead, visitors can easily locate themselves through these arc canopies.

▼拱棚下的桥上空间,walkway under the canopy ©朱润资

▼沙田月台下活动空间_Activity space under the Shatian Platform ©朱润资



Our design team, together with the sub-district office, have had earnest dialogues with each residence nearby. 11 residences and several public institutions surround Centennial Park. Setting boundary between the formers and the latter actually needed communications, through which we got to know their requirements and problems, thus able to connect in a better and more suitable way.

▼七夕廊桥与老墙,love bridge and the old wall ©朱润资


Love bridge structure with view to the art wall behind ©朱润资



▼钢铁廊桥与绿植墙,steel bridge and green plant facade ©朱润资

▼施工过程,construction process ©朱润资

▼节点模型,models of the joints ©刘宇扬建筑事务所

▼平面图,plans ©刘宇扬建筑事务所

▼剖面图,sections ©刘宇扬建筑事务所

▼细部,details ©刘宇扬建筑事务所

项目名称:曹杨百禧公园 项目地点:上海市普陀区曹杨新村街道曹杨路875号 项目类型:市政景观

基地面积:10165 平方米 建筑面积:2892 平方米 设计时间:2020.10-2021.08 建设时间:2021.01-2021.09

设计单位:刘宇扬建筑事务所 概念阶段:刘宇扬、梁俊杰、刘泽弘、吴祺琳(实习生) 深化阶段:刘宇扬、吴从宝、刘泽弘、徐嘉瑞、赵明明、刘玉、王茵、钱铮、孙宇昂(实习生)、侯睿菲(实习生) 施工配合:刘宇扬、吴从宝、刘泽弘 项目管理:吴从宝、刘泽弘 设计范围:总体规划、建筑设计、灯光设计、标识设计

景观设计:上海市园林设计研究总院有限公司 导视设计:萬邦智合|聿凡数字科技(上海)有限公司 结构及机电设计:华东建筑设计研究院有限公司 施工总包:中国中铁市政环境建设有限公司 建设单位:上海市普陀区人民政府曹杨新村街道办事处

结构类型:钢结构 主要建筑材料:EPDM塑胶地面、不锈钢条筛板、玻璃钢格栅+双层玻璃(可上人天窗)、镀锌钢格栅、不锈钢绳网、丝印玻璃、氟碳漆喷涂钢板 主要室内材料:环氧树脂地坪、GRC挂板 主要景观材料:花岗岩、水洗石

摄影:朱润资,梁俊豪 撰文:刘宇扬, 梁俊杰

Project Name: Putuo Caoyang Centennial Park Location: 875 Caoyang Road, Caoyang Xincun Sub-district, Putuo District, Shanghai Type: Landscape Infrastructure

Site Area: 10165 sqm Building Area: 2892 sqm Design Stage: 2020.10-2021.08 Construction Stage: 2021.01-2021.09

Design Team: Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects Concept Design: Liu Yuyang, Leung Edward, Liu Zehong, Wu Qilin (Intern) Developed Design: Liu Yuyang, Wu Congbao, Liu Zehong, Xu Jiarui, Zhao Mingming, Liu Yu, Wang Yin, Qian Zheng, Sun Yuang (Intern), Hou Ruifei (Intern) Site Supervision: Liu Yuyang, Wu Congbao, Liu Zehong Project Management: Wu Congbao, Liu Zehong Design Content: Overall Plan, Architecture, Lighting, Signage

Landscape: Shanghai Landscape-Architecture Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. Signage: Vanguard Design Studio Structure & MEP: East China Architectural Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd. Contractor: Municipal Environmental Construction Co., Ltd. Of CREC Client: Caoyang Xincun Sub-district Office of Putuo District Municipal Government

Structural Type: Steel Structure Main Architectural Material: EPDM rubber floor, stainless steel sifting plate, glass-fibre reinforced plastic grille plate + double-glazed glass (accessible sunroof floor), galvanized steel grille plate, stainless steel wire rope net, silk-screen printing glass, fluorocarbon-coated steel plate Main Interior Material: phenolic resin epoxy floor, GRC panel Main Landscape Material: granite, washed stone

Photography: Zhu Runzi, Liang Junhao Text: Liu Yuyang, Leung Edward


曹杨百禧公园,上海 / 刘宇扬建筑事务所
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