发布时间:2019-10-11 18:13:38 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

位于河北青龙县的石城子村是2019年中国农民丰收节的河北主会场,会场需要搭建一处临时展廊来承载这次丰收节的主题展览,以及在一处闲置的农宅设计一处临时媒体采访和嘉宾休憩中心。原本的展览位置被安排到了村庄主路的一侧,采用标语式的展览方式,但这种方式不仅不能很好的展示展品也不能很好的与村庄的空间相结合。我们建议把展览与村庄的巷道结合起来,这样不仅有了一个相对完整的展示空间,还可以将游客吸引到村庄里来,全方位的感知别具特色的乡村空间。媒体中心位于一处极有当地特色的闲置农民宅院之中,相对安静,而且对室内进行一定的简易改造用于临时休息和会议。 这些所有设施活动结束后都要拆除,且尽可能降低对村庄环境影响。


Shichengzi village, located in Qinglong County, Hebei province, is the main venue of the 2019 Chinese farmers’ harvest festival in Hebei province. Temporary gallery facilities were needed to hold the theme exhibition of the harvest festival, and a temporary media interview and guest rest center was designed in an idle farm house. The original exhibition was arranged on the side of the main road of the village in a propaganda manner, but this method could not display the exhibits well. Neither integrate well with the village space. We propose combining the exhibition of the alley ways inside the village, which as a result not only have a relatively sophisticated exhibition space, but also attract tourists to the village and fully perceive its distinctive rural space. The media center is located in an indolent farmer’s house with local characteristics, which is relatively quiet and has been briefly renovated for temporary rest and meeting. All these facilities would be dismantled after the completion of activities. Thus the impact on the environment of the village could be minimized.

▼院落及巷道原貌,original appearance


Due to the limitation of time and money, the exhibition corridor needs at minimal cost, fast construction and recycled way of construction. As the village is located in the remote mountain area, material could hardly be purchased from the county, thus there was a very narrow material palette left to work with, and the construction process of the main work also can only rely on the villagers to achieve. In this way we then found out that the scaffold is almost the best and only option to meet the above requires at the same time. Scaffold is the most typical reusable material, with standardized components, various forms, and extremely convenient construction process. According to the existing steel pipe specifications from the scaffold leasing station, we designed a module system for the scaffold gallery, which can be built quickly according to the village public space without any impact on the existing environment. And we chose the common safety mesh which often used together with the scaffold as sunshade and decoration materials of the installation. Safety mesh has gorgeous color palette, and its material has a great range of specification, we chose the most common polyester federated mesh, enabling customized color and light transparent texture, which could achieve a unique hazy aesthetic effect when combined with a scaffold exhibits corridor. The safety mesh has a fixed size for the finished product; thus the scaffold installation was modified to fit the mesh. On the construction site, nylon plastic binding belt was utilized to complete the connection between the safety mesh and the scaffold, realizing the fast installation process.

▼媒体中心分解图,axon of the media center


The whole exhibits corridor installation was completed in just less than two days. This temporary exhibit installation made by scaffolds painted orange with orange safety mesh is like an orange ribbon, softly spreading in the village. The low-cost by-product in conventional construction process, the scaffold, has become the art piece itself, showing a fresh new look. Its original coarse materiality was mildewed with the vivid hazy safety mesh to set off the contrast.In addition to scaffolds and safety mesh, the media center also employed OSB board to serve as a temporary paving material for ground floor. OSB board has high intensity and low price, with downy and plain texture, which can be paved on site after very simple woodwork. The whole compound was quickly set up in a week.

▼展廊模块分解图,axon of the gallery


The alleyway gallery adds a layer of hazy and illusory skin to the roadway. The gate of the farm house on the alley facade was originally a node dividing “inside” and “outside”. The independence of the gallery space makes the gate become the defining node of “inside” and “outside” of the gallery. What used to be a traffic space has been transformed into a communal space where farmers, tourists and even tofu vendors in the village stop by. The gallery appears in different sections in the roadway, sometimes hidden, and sometimes undulating, where the sunshade through the orange mesh echoes the scattered roofs of the folk houses.

▼原本的作为交通空间的巷道变成了一个可供停留的公共空间,a traffic space has been transformed into a communal space

▼巷道展廊为巷道增加一层朦胧虚幻的表皮,the alleyway gallery adds a layer of hazy and illusory skin to the roadway

村中巷道有一处磨坊已经废弃多年,这座碾坊原本是石城子村民日常生活最熟悉的地方,随着生产方式的变化,碾坊昔日的繁忙不在,在丰收节之际我们重新将碾坊修整,策划了一个题为“莫因繁华失本真”小型影像展。搭建在外部的脚手架穿过门窗一直延伸的磨坊的内部,橘红色的钢架体系与老旧的磨坊建筑穿插交织在一起,展架上展出的当下村民的生活影像,新与旧这样直接冲撞又自然和睦,碾声不在,但生活依旧。 磨坊外部的展廊空间,我们策划了一个题为“石头也香甜”儿童主题展。乡村振兴不仅是产业和收入的改变,更应该给乡村儿童带来更多的关爱;同样,丰收节不应该只是一场成年人的演出,也应当给乡村里的孩子们留出一个舞台,乡村振兴最终是人的振兴,而孩子才是乡村的未来。我们联系了村里这个仅有28个学生的乡村小学,为孩子们拍摄了一组照片,并且收集了每一位学生的画在展廊里展出,孩子们稚拙的笔触成为了丰收节展廊里最美好的艺术品。

▼磨坊画廊轴测图,axon of the mill gallery


▼磨坊外部的展廊空间,in the gallery space outside the mill

▼孩子们稚拙的笔触成为了丰收节展廊里最美好的艺术品,the brushwork of the children became the most beautiful art in the gallery of the harvest festival

▼搭建在外部的脚手架穿过门窗一直延伸的磨坊的内部,the exterior scaffolding extends through the doors and windows inside of the mill


▼媒体中心轴侧图,media center axis side diagram

The media center is an old house with distinctive features in the village. The construction of the temporary media center not only needs to meet the interview demand during the harvest festival, but also provides a window for a large number of courtyards in the village to display and promote to the outside world through the display of this courtyard, so as to seek the possibility for the old courtyard to regain its vitality. As it is a temporary facility, it needs to be completely dismantled after the festival without any damage to the old courtyard. The entire scaffold system is designed to be nested in the courtyard. Inlays in the alley entrance after a first scaffolding promenade, make into the yard of the ceremony are reinforced, new building, in the form of completely independent and between the architecture and traditional architecture and natural environment to get the maximum retention, in the industrialized, comparing to the style of the scaffold traditional space has become more recognition, people’s collective memory of the traditional space be preserved, and emphasized by opposing structures.

▼媒体中心入口长廊,entrance gallery of media center

▼脚手架与院内的山楂树相互穿插,the scaffolding and hawthorn trees in the yard are interspersed

▼整个脚手架系统的设计是嵌套在院落之中,the entire scaffold system is designed to be nested in the courtyard


In the past rural weddings, funerals and many large-scale activities require the make shift tent, many big cities such as Beijing and even has a “tentman” as the folk professional, some large festival activities to build large temporary arched, now although “tent maker” this traditional industry has not, but many will still need to set up temporary tents, scaffolding often appear in many temporary structures, scaffolding workers became the “canopy”. In the courtyard, a huge canopy is erected with scaffolding, which provides temporary shelter and activity space. The yellow safety mesh on the top floor is interwoven with the blue sky, while the scaffolding and hawthorn trees in the yard are interspersed, making the sunlight in the yard become psychedelic and changeable. The courtyard floor is covered with warm OSB boards that completely remold the courtyard in a warm and bright tone. The warm OSB boards are like wooden carpets extending from the courtyard to the interior. After the transformation of the courtyard revitalized with interesting special change under safety mesh and scaffold. The old courtyards, which has long been slept inside the remote mountain, declared their own value with this kind of almost art way of intervention and insertion of new programs.

▼院子地面覆盖的暖色欧松板整个将院子重新映射在温暖而明亮的色调之中,the courtyard floor is covered with warm OSB boards that completely remold the courtyard in a warm and bright tone

▼顶层交错编织的黄色安全网与蓝色的天空互相叠加在一起,the yellow safety mesh on the top floor is interwoven with the blue sky

乡村的振兴不仅体现在增产和增收的需求,更多的是冲破固有观念的限制。在乡村建设形式的选择上,古色古香似乎成了很多地方乡村建设的尚方宝剑。在方案的实施过程中脚手架展廊的搭建一度被叫停和拆除,这种用在工地上的常见临时搭建材料用来作为乡村建设的建筑材料似乎不太容易被接受,脚手架临时构筑物这种在设计上并不前卫的做法在丰收节上遭遇了挑战,用南瓜玉米蔬菜摆出各种造型和图案似乎才是丰收节上的标准答案。但工期、取材、人工的种种限制,使得脚手架展廊这种性价比最高的务实选择成为了最终得以实施的关键,而这段小插曲也映射出当下乡建的现状。展廊和院落的搭建以极低的造价和极快的速度完成,花费仅仅不到一万元人民币,除去搭建脚手架由专业工人完成以外,其他的工作均由村民参与完成,安全网和展板的安装由于用了尼龙绑扎带,没有受过训练的普通村民也可以方便和快速的安装绑扎。原本废弃的磨坊焕然一新重获生机,尘封多年的石碾被游人再次推动,历史与未来在新生的磨坊展廊空间得以交织。 节庆过后,所有构筑可拆卸、可回收,一切了无痕迹,巷道依旧安静,石头依然温暖。这是工业时代的我们,所能赋予这座山村的最诚恳的温情。

▼棚帐细部,details of the tents

Rural revitalization not only reflected in the demand for increasing production and income, but more is to break through the limitations of the inherent ideas. In the choice of the form for rural renovation, antique style seems to have become the noble and “root password” in many construction projects. In the implement process, the scaffold exhibits corridor was one time halted and asked to be removed. This material, with an image being common temporary construction materials, doesn’t seem easy to be accepted by rural authorities. As a not so avant-garde design scheme, scaffold installation on the harvest festival encountered challenges, because using pumpkins and corn to pose all sorts of modelling was perhaps the standard answer for the harvest festival. However, due to various limitations of time, materials and labor, the scaffolding gallery has become the key to the final implementation as it was the most cost-effective practical choice. This episode also reflects the current situation of rural construction. Exhibits corridor and the construction of the compound at a low cost and fast speed, cost less than ten thousand yuan. Despite that the implementation of scaffolds lead by professional workers, all other jobs are done by villagers. Safety mesh and panel installed with nylon tie belt, that ordinary villagers without experience can install fast and conveniently. The abandoned mill has been restored to life, and the old stone mill has been pushed by visitors again. History and future are interwoven in the new mill gallery space. After the festival, all the constructions are detachable and recyclable. Nothing is left. The alleys are still quiet and the stones are still warm. This is the industrial age we can give this mountain village the most sincere warmth.

▼媒体中心院落,courtyard of the media center

▼媒体中心室内,interior of the media center


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