发布时间:2019-08-06 12:05:37 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

The Bridge办公楼是对社会经济背景下的越南城市空间和景观的一种设计回应。该办公楼位于河内老城区的中心区域,坐落在一个仓库和数座物流服务大楼的中间,十分隐蔽,将为投资公司OpenAsia Group旗下的一系列奢侈品牌团队提供办公空间。

The Bridge embodies a design solution responding to the context of the spatial and socio-economic landscape of urban Vietnam. Housing the teams of the several luxury brands that make up the OpenAsia Group, typologically located between warehouse and logistic service buildings, the structure will stand enigmatically in the middle of Old Hanoi.

▼办公楼鸟瞰图,bird-eye’s view of the Bridge


▼办公楼外观局部,坐落于高城市密度的老城区内,partial exterior view of the office building that is located in an old area with a high density

▼办公楼外观局部,入口立面采用金属丝网外表皮,并在丝网的某些间隙中嵌入小金属片,partial exterior view of the office building with a mesh net on the entrance side, some small metal pieces are embedded into the mesh

▼入口立面金属丝网表皮细节,details of the mesh skin on the entrance side

The mesh net on the entrance side and green façade cabling at the rear of the building provides passive shading and brings a sense of intimacy. In the back of the building, the open vertical space allows the site to generate its own light and ventilation, a soft filter from the nearby chaos.

▼办公楼后立面外观,通透的立面外设有可供植物攀爬的铁丝网,exterior view of the green façade cabling at the rear of the building

▼办公楼后立面外观,exterior view of the rear of the building


Here G8A proposes to diverge density with a structural and visual porosity, the door-less entrance of the building seemingly an extension of the sidewalk and the building’s north-south exposure permitting an open platform. Facades are placed voluntarily in recess to absorb the potential construction of surrounding buildings, in anticipation of further growth in the coming years.

▼办公楼主入口,入口不设置传统意义上的门体,看上去就像是人行道的延伸,the entrance of the office building, the door-less entrance of the building seemingly an extension of the sidewalk


This sensation of space brings forth the particularity of the building, in stark contrast to the surrounding density the platforms open to the environment offering users a rare context of open space. These sweeping office areas represent synergies and transparency, allowing for a maximum of flexibility for any future use.

▼办公楼一层后侧的室外平台,the rear outdoor terrace on the first floor of the office building

▼办公楼中的室外平台,向周围开放,在拥挤的环境中创造出罕见的开放式空间,the outdoor platforms open to the environment, offering users a rare context of open space



▼无柱的开放式办公空间,位于两个混凝土核心筒之间,使用浅色调的粗糙混凝土,the open space free of any columns made of the brut texture of concrete in relation to light hues, it is located in-between the concrete cores

▼无柱的开放式办公空间,两侧设有宽敞的大窗户,the open space free of any columns that opens widely on both sides to large windows

▼室内办公区域,透过窗户可以看到金属丝网外表皮,the interior office area with the view of the mesh skin through the windows

The proposal envisioned the office building as a series of platforms lifted by two cores of concrete; one containing the circulation paths and main services, the second being the support for all documentation so called “the memory wall”. In-between can be found an open space, free of any columns, open widely on both sides to large windows creating unobstructed panoramic rooms across each floor.

Upon entering the building, we are met with cues of materiality that embody the OpenAsia philosophy “the transformation of raw material to fine product”. A prevailing use of the brut texture of concrete in relation to light hues and fine polished details of bronze, communicates the idea of transforming rough to precious and brut to polished. This precedes another sense of contrast as the user moves from the defined areas of circulation to the panoramic open work spaces.

▼黑色的混凝土核心筒,可作为交通空间,the black core of concrete containing the circulation paths

▼黑色的混凝土核心筒,容纳着主要的服务设施,the black core of concrete containing main services

在本项目中,G8A的设计团队采用了一种“可持续废墟”的设计理念,将这个原先存在于Hoa Lac高科技开发园区中的概念应用在了这个高城市密度的河内老城区中。这种设计理念创造出一种高适应性的结构系统,强调了办公楼强大的基础设施属性。在本项目中,设计团队优先考虑了建筑的气候环境、空间关系、外在的结构逻辑和强烈的身份特性,创造出一个可以适应未来功能需求的办公楼。

Here, G8A applies an adaptation of the “sustainable ruin” philosophy in the urban density of old Hanoi, a concept previously developed in the High-Tech Park of Hoa Lac. The ideology proposes creations of highly adaptable structural system underscoring the robust infrastructural nature of the building. Prioritizing the climatic answer, the spatial relationships, the exoskeleton constructive logic but also a strong identity expression that allows for future adaptation.

▼办公楼后立面夜景,night view of the rear elevation

▼办公楼入口立面夜景,night view of the entrance side

▼入口立面夜景局部,灯光从玻璃和金属丝网表皮透出来,partial night view of the entrance side, the light flows out through the glazed facade and mesh skin



Project: The Bridge Location: Hanoi, Vietnam Client: OpenAsia Group Site Area: 400 m2 Cost: Confidential Type: Commission Program: Office and facilities Year: 2016 – 2019 Photographer: Studio Periphery (Khoo Guo Jie) G8A (Le Hai Anh, Duy Thanh Nguyen)


河内老城区的开放式办公楼——The Bridge
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