Venice architecture biennale south Korean pavilion
位置:意大利 威尼斯
图片来源:Minsuk Cho
韩国策展人Minsuk Cho在14届威尼斯建筑双年展上用一幅巨大的两韩的形象图来展示,以“Crow’s Eye View:The Korean Peninsula”(韩半岛乌瞰图)作为策展主题,呈现南北韩自分裂后的建筑史,无论是地貌或建筑表现上两者间产生的变化。希望借此进会来宣扬统一的朝鲜民族的潜力以及相互文化对其建筑的影响。虽然韩方曾多次试探朝方是否有意与韩国共同参展,但最终还是未能成行。韩国馆内每件作品皆蕴含了丰富的讯息,也将南北韩的建筑风貌进行了有意思的比较。在韩国馆展间中央,相当显眼地并排摆上了南韩首都首尔与北韩首都平壤的照片,清楚而直接地点出了策展人的企图心。全馆分别以摄影、模型、绘画、纪录片等素材,完整说明韩国馆主题,呈现了南北韩的关系与建筑发展。
译者: Jasereen
Mass Studies founder Minsuk Cho curates an “epic-scale show about both Koreas” with one of the most politically ambitious projects at this year’s Venice Architecture Biennale. The South Korean pavilion hosts an exhibition involving almost 40 projects, which together aim to demonstrate the potential of a unified Korea by bringing together and interrogating the architecture of both cultures.
“The trick is to actually look back to work to move forward,” explained Cho about his response to the brief from Rem Koolhaas, this year’s biennale curator, who invited the international participants to create an exhibition around the theme Absorbing Modernity. “Something we thought it important is to look a both parts of Korea because 100 years ago it wasn’t the same, right? Because it was actually one entity, it was the beginning of Japanese colonisation,” said Cho, who acted as both commissioner and co-curator of the pavilion alongside architectural historians and critics Hyungmin Pai and Changmo Ahn.
“It became quite an epic-scale show about both Koreas, about architecture in both Koreas – but not by both Koreas. I think we have 39 entries in this quite intricately urban scenario and, somehow a lot of things came out of the collaboration.” “There are no North Koreans. But they’re the mediators, they’re the windows that allow us to experience.” Titled Crow’s Eye View: The Korean Peninsula, the exhibition features projects from international contributors focused around four main areas of research.