发布时间:2022-09-10 14:24:37 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


▼中学部主入口,Main entrance of the Middle School

As the city of Taishan in Jiangmen, Guangdong Province, is known as the ‘first overseas Chinese town’, ‘overseas Chinese character’ was naturally the most frequently mentioned term in this design process. From an outsider’s point of view, the distinctive spatial pattern of settlements in the diaspora has both internal and external aspects. On the one hand, the endless hills and valleys of the Lingnan region and the subtropical climate have given rise to a unique and complex social environment, which in turn has given rise to a pattern of settlement construction in which the ancestors interact with the macro landscape and social environment in small-scale, defensive settlement units. On the other hand, in the process of colliding with foreign cultures, the richness of the ‘modern’ elements belonging to a specific historical period created an eclectic and diverse style of architecture in the diaspora, conveying the ambition of the ancestors to open their eyes to the world. The so-called ‘character’ lies in the adaptation to the geographical, climatic and social environment, as well as in the pursuit of ‘newness’ and ‘modernity’.

▼场地原貌,The original site


▼中学部鸟瞰,Bird’s eye view of the Middle School

▼建设中的校园,Campus under construction

The campus is sited on the edge of the new southern area of Taishan City, with a large scale modern urban new area grid after levelling to the west and a natural hilly environment beyond the pioneering urban boundary to the east. The two hills to the north and south of the site occupy 86% of the campus site, with a vertical difference of approximately 63 M. The 20M high cliff berm between the hills on the south side of the site and the flat urban road highlights the ambition of the city and its ability to transform the environment, but also somewhat speaks of regret that after the changes of the sea, children will no longer be able to experience, or at least see, the environmental substrate for which their ancestors fought. The so-called “cultural inheritance” is inevitably pale.

▼校园空间生成,Campus space generation


The hill to the north of the campus has been left relatively intact and forms the core of the spatial system of the campus, acting as a natural transition between the two school divisions, Years 1 to 6 and Years 7 to 12. A meandering path has been designed up the hill through the vegetation to link the living and teaching areas. At the top of the hill, which is also the high point of the site, we have set up a small courtyard where, through the light shadow and listening to the sounds of autumn, the children can explore the world and look out over the distant hills in a quiet corner.

中学部教学区,Middle School teaching area


Outdoor staircase and platform



Standard teaching unit space composition

▼教学楼立面,Facade of the teaching building

▼单元式教学空间,Unit teaching space

▼资源中心,Resource center

▼从室外走廊看向资源中心,View to the resource center from the outdoor corridor

▼从庭院看向资源中心,View to the resource center from the courtyard


▼土方工程分析计算,Earthwork analysis and calculation

▼运动场下空间利用,Space utilization under sports field

The 400M sports field is placed on a rare flat area of the site – a valley between two hills to the north and south. In order to promote the efficiency of the use of the valley area, the whole of the playing field has been raised in elevation and the lower elevated space has been built in for sports and cultural activities, a restaurant, a garage and a pick-up station. accordingly, the overall daily activity surface of the campus has been raised to a relatively reasonable elevation to avoid inconvenience to the children’s daily activities due to the extreme differences in the campus grounds. A similar strategy was adopted for the relatively flat area in the north-east corner, with a 200M sports field for the primary section and space for activities and motor vehicle passage.


Lower elevated space

▼依地形变化形成层次丰富的室外活动空间,According to the change of terrain, it forms a rich outdoor activity space

上层平台,Upper platforms


View to the diverse spaces from the platform


▼剖面视线分析,Profile line of sight analysis

The natural skeleton of the mountain has been preserved relatively intact, allowing each building to unfold with a sense of purpose. The building forms twist, grow and fall in accordance with the shape of the mountains, with each courtyard containing a piece of heaven and earth, and each window containing a curtain of mountain scenery. Walking through the campus, you can read quietly in the classrooms, or play in the corridors and gardens in groups, or join hands on the roof terraces to envision your own poetry and the distance.

▼教学区庭院,Teaching area courtyard


Facade facing the courtyard

▼教学楼外的草坪,Lawn outside the teaching buildings

▼标准教学单元中庭,Standard teaching unit atrium

▼立面细节,The facade details

▼从立面的弧形开洞看向入口广场,View to the entrance plaza through the arched openings on the facade




▼校园夜景,The campus at night

A large budget that would have been used to open the mountain and level the site has been redirected to enriching experiences within the reach of the children, which is a much more desirable and acceptable way of dealing with the construction and all parties involved. I first read typology, teacher always used the phrase “there is a method but not a formula” as a cautionary tale, asking me to read the “yuan” behind it. Just as Mr. Gu Yanwu said: ” A fisherman’s father need not have his own person, and an apricot altar need not have its own place.” The so-called regional characteristics and cultural traditions have their own extra-formal “yuan”, so there is no need to put on a symbol that is not even indigenous to the region to boast of its “orthodoxy” and its metaphysical “heritage” that is not supported by the environmental matrix.

▼总平面图,General layout

▼中学部一层平面图,Floor plan of the Middle School

▼中学部二层平面图,The second floor plan of the Middle School

▼中学部三层平面图,The third floor plan of the Middle School

▼中学部立面图,Elevation of secondary school

▼资源中心剖面图,Section of the Resource center

项目名称:台山市广旭实验学校 GRAND SOLAR SCHOOL,TAISHAN设计方:山东建筑大学建筑城规学院象外营造工作室设计时间:2020.9-2021.12竣工时间:2022.8(一期)主创及设计团队:主持建筑师:刘伟波 项目建筑师:张增武、于文原 建筑方案团队:焦尔桐、司道强、张洪川、王洪强、马筠茹、王帅、王书琪、李成成、王家熹、张恩蔚、刘元建、王雅姝、王子晗、雒凤伟、李海旭、张瀚铭 施工图团队:广东金辉华集团有限公司 景观设计团队:良树溪林景观工作室项目地址:广东省江门市台山市南新区建筑面积:13.33万㎡/8.41万㎡(一期)摄影版权:崔旭峰 时差影像


品牌:混凝土 穿孔铝板


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