Auditorium in North Campus was originally used as a lecture hall. The renovation is designed to expand the space and improve the quality of the equipment, which will be used to host international conferences, and to serve as the student activity center. In the traditional concept, auditorium symbolizes sense of honor and order, which presents introverted and stylized stability. However, based on the current open and flexible teaching atmosphere of college, we define the auditorium as a part of the public space of the campus, and make it a diversified interactive place for campus activities, academic exchanges, assemblies and so on.
▼由校园北区入口看建筑,Auditorium from north area entrance
空间拓展|Spatial Expansion
The biggest problem of the auditorium is the constraint of the internal public space and the disorder and waste of the external environment. First of all, we knocked off the outer facade so that the original narrow front office can extend to the square. Secondly, we removed the wall of the south side of the hall, so that the abandoned flower-shelves were incorporated into the interior, and designed a miniature garden with adjacent green space, making it an independent reading area facing the landscape. Finally, we enlarged the area of the foyer of entrance, and added a path from the side to the reading area, forming a courtyard surrounding the landscape on the south side of the building.
▼原始基地情况,The site
▼空间生成概念,Space generation process
窗景与舞台|Window Scenery and Stage
The facade of the building is a huge folding window, 6 meters high and 20 meters wide. In the daytime, it incorporates the exterior landscape into the interior to get maximum lighting and an open view. At night, looking from the outside to the inside, because the indoor platform is 90 cm higher compared to the outdoor ground, so it forms a stage facing the external square naturally. The inner activity is like a vivid stage play.
▼建筑正立面的折面关系,The folding facade
▼从室外看内部空间的层次关系,Hierarchy of internal space from exterior
▼立面的通透性与室内平台的舞台感,The permeability of facade and the stage feeling of indoor platform
The folding steel plate newly constructed and the original building components intersect each other to form several continuous windows. These windows change from privacy to openness as people walk. Its core meaning lies in breaking the boundary between indoor and outdoor, and creating an open, vivid and interesting activity place for students.
▼沿车道透过庭院看南侧立面的视窗,Windows from vehicle lane through the courtyard
▼视窗与庭院的围合,Windows & the courtyard
The widows formed due to the juxtaposition of old and new structures with the intervention of miniature garden, the south side effectively isolates the indoor and external square environment. People’s activities inside the building attract people outside through the courtyard to create the interest of peeping.
▼入口南侧加建通往阅读区的回廊,Cloister at south side of the entrance to the reading area
▼从入口看扩建后由花架改造的阅读区,Reading area from entrance
▼从阅读区看向前厅,Front hall from reading area
红与黑的空间构成|The Space Composition of Red and Black
Piet Mondrian said, real modeling was purely abstract compositions that expressed a dynamic balance through black grid lines and blocks of primary colors on white and grey grounds. Inspired by this, the red of the stair has the effect that controls composition and balances in the space. The frame formed after the removal of original outer wall was reinforced into two huge window frames. Through them, stair showed the graphic relation of black and red. When people stand outside the window, they can feel the dramatism overlapping of shape and color through the frame. The stair also becomes a show field full of sense of form.
▼室内休息平台与室外景观,Outdoor scenery from rest platform
▼正面墙体拆除后所形成的镜框与楼梯的对景,Frame & staircase
▼楼梯与前厅的对应关系,The corresponding relationship between staircase and front hall
▼楼梯栏杆与休息平台的视线穿插,The sight line between the staircase balustrade and the rest platform
▼行走在具有仪式感的红色楼梯上,Walking on a red staircase with ceremonial sense
The significance of the existence of campus public space is to make teachers and students have the desire to use, as “use” is an important way to realize the interaction between human and space. Behind the rational and rigorous grey brick architecture in the Central Academy of Fine Arts is various scenes of art and cultural life with disorder and vitality. We hope the space after renovation can be the stage to show these scenes.
▼礼堂天花折板对照明的隐藏,The hiding of illumination in the smallpox of the auditorium
▼改造后的台口所强化的舞台感,The stage feeling strengthened by the reconstructed platform