"Form and urbanity” underscore the project’s drive for reimagining the links between high-rise entities in the Moroccan city.
该公司强调,卡萨布兰卡强大的建筑遗产是将该项目视为一种手段,在CASA ANFA带来新的形式和新的身份-以及对生物多样性的高度关注-的推动力。
The firm stresses the powerful architectural heritage of Casablanca as a driving force in thinking of the project as a means to bring a new form and new identity – along with heightened attention to biodiversity – in Casa Anfa.
Hamonic Masson关于更新Casa-ANFA的建议除了该项目的可持续性和形式外,还借鉴了摩洛哥的文化遗产。第65-2号地段为该地区的居民提供了新的生活方式,但更广泛地说,要求整个卡萨布兰卡的公民重新考虑将该地区作为城市的一个焦点。
Hamonic+Masson’s proposal for the renewal of Casa-Anfa draws upon the cultural heritage of Morocco in addition to the sustainability and form of the project. Lot 65-2 presents new ways of living for residents in the district, but, more broadly, challenges citizens across Casablanca to reconsider the area as a focal point of the city.
Perspectives: Luxigon
News Via: Hamonic+Masson & Associés