The design concept of the building for the Association of the Northwest German Textile and Garment Industry aims to provide all employees with a view of the picturesque landscape to the north and to welcome those arriving from the south with a strong textile image. The elongated structure is enclosed on three sides by a completely closed brick facade. The volume, closed to the east, south and west and open to the north, is the basis for an energy-optimized office building.
▼三个立面由砖块组成,three sides made by a completely closed brick facade
在Leipzig Bilder博物馆内有一尊Max Klinger制作的贝多芬雕像,砖墙立面的设计灵感就源于此雕像上的雪花石膏褶皱。Max在雕像上营造了一个矛盾的视觉点。观赏雕像的人会看到一个仿佛很柔软轻便的围巾盖在贝多芬的腿上,但实际上它是由坚硬的石头构成。根据贝多芬雕像给人的感觉,建筑师采用了六种特殊石材,营造出渐变的效果,立面随着光影产生变化,类似于贝多芬雕像上仿佛可以随风而动的织物。
The inspiration for the brick facade is the alabaster fold of the Beethoven statue by Max Klinger, which is located in the Leipzig Bilder Museum. Max Klinger created a paradoxical perception here. The viewer sees a seemingly fluent light scarf over the knees of Beethoven and recognizes at the same time that it consists of solid stone. Following this image, behet bondzio lin architekten employ six special stones with a gradient that increases in gradient, creating a seemingly moving facade of light and shadow. The analogy to a light cloth over which the wind blows arises.
▼墙面随着光影产生变化,a seemingly moving facade of light and shadow
▼有梯度的砖块,special stones with a gradient
The separation and easy movement of the building volume creates a pre-area that receives the users and visitors and leads them into the building. To the north it opens almost completely over a glass facade to the exceptionally beautiful landscape. Due to the north orientation, all rooms are well supplied with daylight and do not require sun protection. This allows even in midsummer the full-time view of the employees in the countryside.
▼房间既保证了充足日照又不需要额外的遮阳设施,all rooms are well supplied with daylight and do not require sun protection
▼总平面,site plan
▼一层平面图,ground floor plan
▼二层平面图,first floor plan
▼三层平面图,second floor plan
▼砖墙面透视图,perspective view of brick wall