发布时间:2021-10-29 23:27:28 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Surfacedesign, Inc.:仙粉黛葡萄巷住宅坐落在纳帕山谷平地,凸显了加州最古老的仙粉黛葡萄园简洁与优雅的乡土风情。景观设计师利用有限的材料与色调以突出现场环境,同时在建筑内部以及场地周围创造不同的功能空间。橡树环绕着住宅边缘,指向一条橄榄色碎石车道和一棵作为场地标志的保留橡树。花园里的白色花朵反射着月光,勾勒出住宅入口柚木门廊的轮廓。繁茂的多年生植物形成了建筑的框架,将人们的视线引向远处的山峦,保留的古老橄榄树与特色木质仓库相融成景,山谷橡树掩映着通向泳池的石质露台,映出远处广阔的葡萄园和仓库景色。

Surfacedesign, Inc.:Set on the floor of Napa Valley, the Zinfandel Lane residence captures the simple, elegant vernacular of one of California’s oldest Zinfandel vineyards.  Using a restrained palette of materials, the landscape architect strove to highlight the existing context while creating a variety of functional spaces within and around the building footprint. Oaks border the property edge, gesturing towards an Olive-lined gravel driveway and heritage Oak that anchors the site. A garden of white blooms, reflecting the moon, outline the teak porch at the entrance to the house. Exuberant perennial planting frame the architecture, drawing the eye out to the hills in the distance. Salvaged, ancient Olive trees draw the character of the reclaimed wood barn into the landscape. A Valley Oak shades a stone patio that layers up to the pool, reflecting the vast expanse of vineyards and barn beyond.


Set within one of the oldest vineyards in California, the Zinfandel Lane residence floats above the surrounding vines, extending the landscape into the house and pulling life out into the garden. An olive-tree lined gravel driveway frames the entrance to the St Helena property, and culminates in the oak-lined property edge, where an existing heritage oak anchors the property. This oak orients the site, marking the central axis of the house, pool and—through the vineyard— the barn. Salvaged ancient Olive trees are integrated into the barn landscape, tying into the reclaimed wood of the barn siding and framing the entrances to the building.


Exuberant perennial plantings frame the trees and provide seasonal interest—nepeta flowers and pennisetum grasses bloom in early spring followed by a flurry of summer color from agastache, perovskia, lavendula and gaura.


Framing the teak porch at the entrance to the house, the Moon Garden is comprised of a series of white blooms that reflect the light of the moon. White digitalis spires weave through gardenias and ranunculus, with light groupings of white lavendula and gaura providing a backdrop to seasonal anenomes and rose blooms.


Moving through the house, windows frame the foreground of perennial plantings and pull the eye out to the greater vineyard and the hills beyond. At the pool patio, a Valley oak anchors the patio and is accented by smaller scale chitalpa trees that emerge from the teak deck and stone patio. Set within the patio is a smaller garden, filled with fragrant citrus and mint. The pool edge is softened by a larger perennial garden that bleeds into the vineyard and brings butterflies and hummingbirds to the edge of the pool.




项目地点:加州 圣赫勒拿岛

景观/建筑公司:Surfacedesign, Inc.

首席设计师:Roderick Wyllie, Michal Kapitulnik

合作伙伴:Field Architects, Dexter Landscape

图片来源:Marion Brenner

Project name: Zinfandel Lane

Completion Year: 2017

Size: 2.25 acres

Project location: St Helena, CA

Landscape/Architecture Firm: Surfacedesign, Inc.

Lead Designers: Roderick Wyllie and Michal Kapitulnik

Collaborators: Field Architects, Dexter Landscape

Photo credits: Marion Brenner

“ 繁茂的多年生植物形成了建筑的框架,将人们的视线引向远处的山峦,保留的古老橄榄树与特色木质仓库相融成景。”

审稿编辑: Simin


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