发布时间:2021-12-09 00:45:23 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

凭借83米高的壮观瀑布和优美的周边景观,蒙特伦西瀑布公园每年接待的游客数量超过80万人。在这样一个具有象征意义的、规模庞大且气势恢宏的场地中进行建筑干预,需要报以充分的尊重和谦逊的态度,如此才能让游客完全投入到对瀑布的体验与感悟当中。作为“Experience Chute”瀑布体验路径规划的一部分,本项目试图通过两处新设施来迎合公园的既有特征,以充分展现公园的自然之美。

More than 800,000 people visit the Parc de la Chute-Montmorency each year to enjoy the remarkable 83m high waterfall and the scenic surroundings. Intervening in such an emblematic, vast, and imposing site requires respect and humility so that the visitor’s experience is entirely dedicated to contemplation and experience of the falls. The new installations realized as part of the Experience Chute project showcase the natural beauty of the Parc by drawing on its existing character.


Maxime Brouillet


The project approach aims to create an intervention that responds to the program defined by Sépaq, while responding harmoniously and meaningfully with the site. The multi-phase analysis of the historical evolution of the Parc fed the design process. The project seeks to assert its own personality in harmony with the genius loci of the site from the scale of the overall design language down to the specific resolution of the detailed components.

▼总平面图,Master plan

Daoust Lestage Lizotte Stecker

▼场地原貌,Original site

Daoust Lestage Lizotte Stecker




The overall project is divided into two sub-sectors:

1. The Visitor Reception Area, south of the Chemin de fer Charlevoix aims to redefine the entrance route, reconfigure, and introduce landscape into the parking area, develop thematic gardens, interpret and highlight industrial remains and build a new service pavilion.

2. The Experience Chute Area, north of the railroad tracks, which consolidates a universally accessible circuit, allows visitors to approach the waterfall and complete a 4-segment tour around the river basin: The Contemplative Footbridge downstream from the basin; The Mineral Path and garden on the east side of the basin; The Semi-submerged Passerelle upstream of the basin; The Nature Path and welcome pavilion on the western shore of the basin.

▼项目局部鸟瞰,Aerial view

Maxime Brouillet

▼俯瞰勒沃伊铁路和沉思之桥,The Chemin de fer Charlevoix and the Contemplative Footbridge

Maxime Brouillet


Welcome Pavilion


The Welcome Pavilion defines the western segment of the path around the Montmorency Basin and marks the entry point to the Experience Chute. The new pavilion is located on a gentle slope towards the basin and is designed to respect the sensitive environment of the river shoreline and its flora.

▼从迎宾亭望向瀑布,View towards the fall from the pavilion

Maxime Brouillet

▼简约的钢结构,A minimalist steel structure

Maxime Brouillet

▼悬臂式的凉廊,The pergola of the cantilever

Maxime Brouillet


▼平面图,Plan – pavilion

Daoust Lestage Lizotte Stecker

Built on the site of an abandoned electrical substation, the pavilion serves as a landmark and focal point for visitors. Expressing a third dimension in the landscape, its minimalist steel structure – devoid of vertical bracing through the skillful integration of rigid frames – features a canopy cantilevering towards the water, emphasizing the horizontality of the construction and framing views of the landscape. The assembly details of this structure have been finely studied to conceal both the structural and drainage requirements of the roof. The waterproofing of the roof is contained within the thickness of the structure and is clad in whitewashed wood siding; a texture referencing the Manor’s cladding that characterizes the historic estate of the upper plateau of the Falls. The roof is a single, continuous plane; the pergola of the cantilever allows for a play of light and shadow on the ground that changes with the hours and seasons.

▼休息空间,Seating area

Maxime Brouillet

▼亭子和平台鸟瞰,Aerial view

Maxime Brouillet


Contemplative Footbridge


The Contemplative Footbridge is a part of the Experience Chute that, like the project as a whole, is intended to resonate with the genius loci of the site. The widening and enhancement of the existing bridge that ran parallel to the railway bridge over the river is in response to a programmatic challenge.

▼沉思之桥鸟瞰,Contemplative Footbridge aerial view

Maxime Brouillet

▼从花园望向步行桥,View from the garden

Maxime Brouillet


▼步行桥平面+立面图,Plan and elevation – footbridge

Daoust Lestage Lizotte Stecker

During the summer season, many groups of tourists visit the site and have only a few moments to appreciate the magnitude and spectacle of this natural wonder; the original 2m wide pedestrian bridge offered a privileged view of the waterfall and was used as an observation point by many visitors, creating a bottleneck to pedestrian traffic crossing the river. The widening of the bridge to 5.5m, and creation of terracing levels offers both a walkway space above and a belvedere space below, allowing visitors to stop, sit and contemplate the waterfall while other flow through.

▼桥面被拓宽至5.5米,并创建了阶梯式的新层级,The bridge has been widen to 5.5m, with new terracing levels created

Maxime Brouillet

▼桥面细节,Detailed view

Maxime Brouillet

▼夕阳下的沉思之桥,Contemplative Footbridge in the sunset

Maxime Brouillet

▼桥梁剖面图,Bridge section

Daoust Lestage Lizotte Stecker

Project: Experience Chute – Parc de la Chute-Montmorency, Quebec City, Quebec

Client: Société des établissements de plein air du Québec (Sépaq)

Architecture, urban design and landscape:

Daoust Lestage Lizotte Stecker

Réal Lestage, Eric Lizotte, Caroline Beaulieu, Lucie Bibeau, Grégory Taillon, Luca Fortin, Mélissa Simard,

Geneviève Bouthiller-Martel,

Structure and electricity: Tetra Tech

Martin Lemyre, Pierre Laliberté, Serge Ouellet,

Civil and environment: Cima+

Jacques Desjardins,Mélanie Primeau

Élizabeth Lessard-Giguère

Christian Gagnon

Jean-Rémi Julien


Construction Deric

Jérôme Després-Grenier, Émile Duchaine

Vitrerie Univerre

Fourniture et installation des verres

Photographer: Maxime Brouillet


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