发布时间:2017-12-02 22:45:10 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


On 2nd July 2011 Frederiksberg experienced an extreme rainfall event, both in regards of volume and intensity. The event caused damaging floods to the neighbourhood. It is expected that the frequency of theses extreme events will significantly increase due to climate change.

▼公园一角,a view of Lindevangs Park


The project Lindevangs Park and Sløyfen is based on the desire to disconnect and retain rainwater in the park to avoid overloading the vulnerable lower surrounding areas. The project starts in the existing park, Lindevangs Park where new elements are designed with a double function, particularly with focus towards children’s play and activities. There is a communal city garden with black current bushes and apple trees where residents of the surrounding areas can pick edible fruits and berries. The open grass area has a gentle bowl-shaped character with a semi-circular bench that is used as a scene for dance and theatrical performances, martial arts, scooters and roller skaters.

▼碗状的开阔草坪中设有一座半圆形的长凳,the open grass area has a gentle bowl-shaped character with a semi-circular bench

▼活动和表演场地, a scene for activities and performances

▼景观元素的设计以儿童的游戏和活动为重点,new elements are designed with focus towards children’s play and activities


An urban square named Sløjfen is situated in the south-eastern part of the park. With inspiration from the former tram loop, water is collected and led in a grand movement based on Fibonacci´s spiral geometry. The almost 80-meter long spiral shaped water wall can be used as an educational element for the study of number sequences, the golden section, exponential systems, theories about nature´s constructions and systems from micro to macro cosmos.

▼公园东南侧的Sløjfen广场,the Sløjfen square in the south-eastern part of the park

▼长度约80米的水墙起到了收集和引导雨水的作用,water is collected and led by an 80-meter long spiral shaped water wall

▼水墙细部,detail of the water wall


There is a large water detention basin established under the paving at Sløjfen, that together with the landscaped terrain can hold 700m3 of water. The cloud burst elements combine both climate adaption solutions with new activities and experiences in the park, while at the same time tell the story of water that runs through the park.

▼广场地面中的蓄水池,the large water detention basin established under the paving


Water in the city is mysterious and surprising; it is lead in the underground pipes, it suddenly appears, is pumped up, disappears again and then it over flows unexpectedly. Lindevangs Park is driven by this exact mind set; water has no logic or visible cohesion in the city, but when it appears it can be a surprising element. One can measure it, and use the knowledge in a positive way. Water is a centrum that creates new cultural life and encourages different activities in an urban context.

▼新的景观设施通过引导和存蓄雨水为城市注入了新的活力,the new designed landscape encourages activities in an urban context by leading and collecting water


Project name: Lindevangs Park

Status: Completed in 18th November 2015, 1st prize in invited competition 2014

Location: Lindevangsparken, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark

Designer: Marianne Levinsen Landskab ApS

Client: Frederiksberg Water Supplier, Municipality of Frederiksberg

Engineers: Niras A/S

Photographer: Torben Petersen

Area: 21.000 m2


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