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Reimagine Middle Branch Plan| Field Operations


Project Statemen

《重构Middle Branch海岸线》(Reimagine Middle Branch)是一次以社区为驱动的倡议,旨在将南巴尔的摩与Patapsco河上11英里的Middle Branch海岸线沿线、世界级公园、各种小径,以及当地的活动和经济发展计划系统重新联系在一起。

本项目不仅概述了Middle Branch海岸线将发生哪些富有远见的实质性改变,在社会意义层面,这里也将转变为一处充满公平性与包容性的公共场所。为此,该计划提出了一系列改善资本状况的建议,以及促进公共项目、伙伴关系、政策、就业机会和公平经济发展的倡议。因此,本项目从根本上是围绕环境和社会正义、修复力和人们与生态健康展开的。

Reimagine Middle Branch is a community-driven initiative to reconnect South Baltimore with a system of world-class parks, trails, programs and economic development plans along 11 miles of the Middle Branch shoreline on the Patapsco River.

While the Plan outlines a visionary physical transformation of the Middle Branch, it is also meant to catalyze the intangible transformation of place for one that is equitable and inclusive. To that end, the Plan recommends a series of capital improvements along with public programs, partnerships, policies, job opportunities and equitable economic development initiatives. As a result, this Plan is fundamentally about environmental and social justice, resilience and health.

▲水上通道和活动规划:新建的以及改造后的水上通道,包括扩建后的船屋以及公园沙滩,将为社区娱乐生活提供支持,Water Access and Programming: New and improved water access, including an expanded boathouse and sandy beach in Middle Branch Park, supports community recreational programming © Field Operations and the Reimagine Middle Branch Planning Team


Project Narrative

《重构Middle Branch海岸线》计划提出了一个强大且富有远见的愿景,将南巴尔的摩社区与彼此及其海滨连接起来。该计划的研究区域包括11英里的海岸线,598英亩的公园用地和横跨南巴尔的摩的19个社区。这些社区坐落于Chesapeake湾最被忽视的海岸线附近,并且经常被交通基础设施或工业用地与滨水区分开。由于气候变化和系统性种族主义的挑战,这里的环境不公正降低了人们的生活质量,对有色人种的工人阶级居民来说更是如此。从根本上讲,本项目的是关于公平和正义、弹性和健康的,它设想了一种由新的就业机会、财富创造和生活设施质量支持的地方整体性转型,致力于将设施延所带来的益处延伸到建筑环境之外。





随着时间的推移,Middle Branch海岸线逐渐被工业和基础设施重塑并硬化。这些变化加剧了水质的恶化以及洪水和风暴潮的影响。项目团队提出了恢复海岸线边缘的建议,使这条曾经定义了Chesapeake湾支流的海岸线,重新充满绿色和生态弹性。这一策略旨在为海岸线重新引入自然,以改善水质和生态系统,同时在新的步道、木板路和教育空间中促进人与环境之间的互动。




随着巴尔的摩规划委员会最近一次的批准,《重构Middle Branch海岸线》方案将在南巴尔的摩得到更广泛的推广,为当地带来更多富有远见的设计与规划方案。

▲重构Middle Branch海岸线:公园、设置,以及活动将使南巴尔的摩的社区重新联系在一起,Reimagine Middle Branch: Parks, projects, and programs to connect communities in South Baltimore © Field Operations and the Reimagine Middle Branch Planning Team

▲《重构Middle Branch海岸线》平面规划:巴尔的摩市市长赞扬了这一规划计划,称其“代表着巴尔的摩将朝着创造更公平、公正和有弹性的公共空间迈出的变革性一步”。The Reimagine Middle Branch Plan: Baltimore’s Mayor praised the Plan, saying it “represents a transformative step towards creating a more equitable, just, and resilient public space.” © Field Operations and the Reimagine Middle Branch Planning Team

▲以社区为驱动力:规划团队鼓励利益相关者和公众参与到一系列有意义的、以行动为导向的、且富有创造性的反馈活动中,A Community-Driven Plan: The planning team engaged stakeholders and the public in meaningful, action-oriented, and creative engagement © Field Operations and the Reimagine Middle Branch Planning Team

▲行动中体现公平:在规划过程中,团队拟定了三项以行动为导向的计划,以促进公平性的实现,Equity in Action: Three action-oriented projects were designed and produced during the planning process to catalyze equitable outcomes © Field Operations and the Reimagine Middle Branch Planning Team

▲环境正义项目:9个南巴尔的摩社区坐落于Chesapeake湾最被忽视的海岸线之一 —— Middle Branch附近,An Environmental Justice Project: Communities in 19 South Baltimore neighborhoods live near or adjacent to the Middle Branch, one of the Chesapeake Bay’s most neglected shorelines © Field Operations and the Reimagine Middle Branch Planning Team

▲投资的公平分配:考虑到整个南巴尔的摩投资的公平分配,本项目为社区划分了由中至高的不同优先级,An Equitable Distribution of Investments: Considering an equitable distribution of investment across South Baltimore, the Plan prioritizes neighborhoods mapped as medium- to high-priority © Field Operations and the Reimagine Middle Branch Planning Team

▲四个公平框架:本项目中提出的四个公平框架将社区投入转化为基于地方变革和以人为本的战略,Four Equity Frameworks: The Plan’s four frameworks translate community input into place-based transformations and people-oriented strategies © Field Operations and the Reimagine Middle Branch Planning Team

▲海岸线的保护与修复:本项目建议重塑曾经充满绿色与生机的海岸线,为这条定义了Chesapeake湾支流的海岸线赋予新生,Protect & Restore the Shoreline: The Plan recommends restoring the thick, green, and resilient shoreline edge that once defined this Chesapeake Bay tributary © Field Operations and the Reimagine Middle Branch Planning Team

▲生态海岸线带来的多层次优势::生态海岸线策略保护了关键基础设施免受洪水和风暴潮的影响,改善了当地水质,增加了栖息地和生物多样性,Layered Benefits of the Living Shoreline: A living shoreline protects critical infrastructure from flooding and storm surge, improves water quality and increases habitat and biodiversity © Field Operations and the Reimagine Middle Branch Planning Team

▲将障碍转化为联系:第二重公平框架将社区彼此连接起来,并以水路将小径、街道、改进后的交通路线和新桥梁连接起来,Transform Barriers into Connections: The second Equity Framework connects communities to each other and the water along trails, complete streets, improved transit routes and new bridges © Field Operations and the Reimagine Middle Branch Planning Team

▲创建连接网络:完整的街道网络将连接南巴尔的摩社区,连接步道和交通系统,促进当地衍生出更多混合用途的街区形式,Creating a Network of Connectivity: A network of complete streets will connect South Baltimore neighborhoods, link to trails and transit and catalyze mixed-use development © Field Operations and the Reimagine Middle Branch Planning Team

▲南巴尔的摩街道剖面:完整的街道系统将连接南巴尔的摩社区,连接步道和交通系统,促进当地衍生出更多混合用途的街区形式Complete Streets for South Baltimore: A network of complete streets will connect South Baltimore neighborhoods, link to trails and transit and catalyze mixed-use development © Field Operations and the Reimagine Middle Branch Planning Team

▲通过具有包容性的规划激活公园:该框架设想在社区中建立一个高质量、维护良好的“公园小屋”,这些设施将通过安全且富有吸引力的步道联系在一起,Activate Parks with Inclusive Programming: This framework envisions a “park-shed” of high quality, well-maintained facilities in neighborhoods that are connected via safe, inviting pathways © Field Operations and the Reimagine Middle Branch Planning Team

▲公平发展:该框架将确保居民及其子孙后代受益于Middle Branch海岸线的改善,并鼓励人们积极参与到该区域的设计、修复与振兴计划中,Equitable Development: This framework ensures residents and future generations participate in and benefit from reimagining, restoring and revitalizing the Middle Branch © Field Operations and the Reimagine Middle Branch Planning Team

▲实施阶段:本项目概述了未来20年中四个公平框架的实施战略,并在图中标示出了利益相关者于不同阶段可能开启的项目,Implementation Phasing: The Plan outlines strategic implementation of the four equity frameworks over the next 20 years with projects accompanied by stakeholder initiatives © Field Operations and the Reimagine Middle Branch Planning Team

Project Narrative

The Reimagine Middle Branch Plan presents a powerful, long-term vision to connect South Baltimore communities with one another and their waterfront. The Plan’s study area includes 11 miles of shoreline, 598 acres of parkland and 19 neighborhoods across South Baltimore. Communities there live near or adjacent to one of the Chesapeake Bay’s most neglected shorelines and are often separated from their waterfront by transportation infrastructure or industrial land uses. Amplified by the challenges of climate change and systemic racism, environmental injustices here diminish quality of life, especially for working-class residents of color.

Fundamentally about equity and justice, resilience and health, the Plan imagines a holistic transformation of place supported by new jobs, wealth generation and quality of life amenities that extend beyond the built environment.

Equity Frameworks

Four “Equity Frameworks” (Restore the Shoreline, Transform Barriers into Connections, Create Active & Inclusive Parks and Support Communities with Equitable Development) structure the Plan’s design vision. The equity frameworks translate community input into design, programming, development and policy recommendations to be implemented over the next two decades. Investments that include living shorelines, complete streets, recreational trails, park amenities, piers and boardwalks are concentrated in the neighborhoods which have experienced acute disinvestment. Economic development and education initiatives are integrated with public realm improvements to catalyze a holistic transformation of place.

Nature-Based Solutions

A deep dive into the shoreline framework illustrates the depth, detail and level of resolution achieved:
Over time, the Middle Branch shoreline has been reshaped and hardened by industry and infrastructure. These changes exacerbate poor water quality and the impacts of flooding and storm surge. The Plan recommends restoring the thick, green and resilient shoreline edge that once defined this Chesapeake Bay tributary. This strategy reintroduces natural systems to improve water quality and ecological systems while fostering interaction between people and their environment on new trails, boardwalks and in education spaces.

Constructed wetlands and berms along the shoreline protect critical infrastructure, including a hospital and city-wide power plant, from flooding and storm surge. The implementation of this new shoreline utilizes excess dredge material from the Port of Maryland and catalyzes the establishment of a native plant nursery managed by a local non-profit and staffed by community members to supply native grasses and wetland plants.

A Community-Driven Plan

Creating this compelling vision was only possible with the creative and expert input of the community. The team reached the public in creative ways, including a mobile project hub that hosted pop-up events and a curated interview series shared on the Plan’s social media channels. To embody equity, three action-oriented projects were produced during the planning process: Splash! A Community Waterfront Event, the Morgan State University Fellowship Program, and the Community Design Lab. While not traditionally included in large-scale master plans, these “catalysts” were critical to building equitable outcomes.

With recent approval by the Baltimore Planning Commission, the Reimagine Middle Branch Plan is poised to deliver visionary projects and programs to South Baltimore.


2023 ASLA分析规划类荣誉奖:重构Middle Branch海岸线,美国 / Field Operations
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