英文名称:Hungary Hortonworks office
GASPARBONTA为Hortonworks这个软件开发公司设计发展了位于匈牙利,布达佩斯的新办公室。在2015年的时候,Hortonworks就找到了GASPARBONTA为Sequence IQ设计了一个新的办公室之后的今年,Hortonworks与这家来自于布达佩斯的开发公司有了继续进行合作的机会,这个新的合作机会就是Hortonworks在布达佩斯的新扩张计划。
新的办公室与Sequence IQ的办公室处在相同的建筑体量内部,就位于Sequence IQ办公室下三个楼层的楼层中,新旧办公室有着相同的几何可能性。我们继续了我们的原始理念,即为所有的员工创造一个开放、有趣、热情的环境,就像是一个“成年人的游乐场”一样,和去年的差不多,不同的只是工具而已。我们在大面积的表面上使用的简单的颜色:红色、绿色、蓝色,这是显示器上使用的能生成任何颜色的三原色。
GASPARBONTA has designed the new offices of software development firm Hortonworks located in Budapest, Hungary. After designing an office in 2015 for Sequence IQ, a Budapest-based development firm acquired by Hortonworks, we had the chance to continue the cooperation with the firm this year, in their recent expansion in Budapest.
The new office is located in the same building, just three floors below the first one, with the same geometrical possibilities.We went on with our original concept, to create an open, playful, welcoming environment for all employees, something like an “adult playground”, just like last year, only with different tools. We use simple colors on big surfaces, red, green, blue – the same colors our monitors use to generate every color.