This is a project of a building for rental office spaces and commercial spaces, facing the moat of the Imperial Palace and located close to Ichigaya station.
▼建筑外观,exterior view
▼体量之间的空隙形成了一系列绿化阳台,the gap between each volume turns a balcony with greenery
The south side of the site is on a street and the north side of the site faces the moat. To take advantage of this location, we laid out the elevator core aside from the main access from north to south. By commanding the sky factor, the volume of each level is offset from back to front, so that the pedestrians recognize each rental space as an individual component. Then the gap between each volume turns a balcony with greenery as a space that intermediates each office and the entire city.
▼建筑的每层体量形成错落的关系,the volume of each level is offset from back to front
▼露台和交通空间,balcony and stairs
Our proposal is to connect the balcony by the stairs with the ground level to encourage communication between the upper and lower levels, thus a relationship and connection will be generated to the entire city.
▼相互连通的上下空间,communication between the upper and lower levels
Common areas, such as installation shafts, corridors, staircases, balconies are part of the exterior constituted to allow maximal rental spaces, and realize a 100% rentable ratio to bring up profitability.
▼设置在建筑外围的公共区域为室内留出了更多空间,common areas are part of the exterior constituted to allow maximal rental spaces
The façade of the building is made of a sash-less, insulated glazing, fire preventing steel curtain wall to mimic as a section of a volume looking like a simple box. In an insulated glazing system, where a steel panel strip is inserted and the glass at the interior side of the window is wired, meets the regulation of fire prevention. The windows can be more than 3 meters high.
▼简单的玻璃盒子,a simple glass box
▼入口层,entrance level
▼立面细部,facade detailed view
The name of the project is “ESCALIER” meaning staircase in French, that reflects the wish of the client to have an office building become an hatchery, in which startups and venture companies step up and grow. Inspired by the wish, this building is designed to honor the historical development of the cityscape and to let it pass on to future generations.
▼光影,lights and shadows
▼室内空间,interior view
▼夜景,night view
▼体块生成示意,massing process
▼场地平面图,site plan
▼平面图,floor plans