发布时间:2024-02-12 18:50:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


When I first arrived in Changchun, it was early April and there was snow still flying all over the sky. The silver snow remained unmelted for months, children bundled up leaving only their small faces exposed walk tentatively and eagerly into the buildings, vigorously stomping the dirty snow off their shoes, and quickly stripping off their cotton-padded jackets before entering the classroom with a relieving smile. During the nearly 6-month heating season, it’s often just past 4 p.m. when the outdoors is already bathed in the glow of the setting sun, and around 5 o’clock, as the street lights begin to come on, children of all sizes exit the buildings one after another, draped in the light, concluding a day of campus life.

▼整体鸟瞰,overall aerial view © 时差影像 崔旭峰

▼建筑鸟瞰,building aerial view © 时差影像 崔旭峰


Our commission was simple yet highly challenging: design a comprehensive facility for 24 classes—approximately 960 high school students—that integrated teaching spaces, cultural and sports activities, and a dining hall. The site was on a narrow, 1.8-hectare piece of land at the northeastern corner of the campus of United Experimental School of AHSJU & Livon, near the intersection of Jiqian Road and Jinwang Road.

▼入口空间,entrance space © 时差影像 崔旭峰


To avoid adverse effects on adjacent buildings and meet setback requirements, the complex had to be highly integrated and intensively efficient; to fulfill the teaching model that focuses on special curriculums, tiered elective courses, and project-based learning, it had to be diverse, compound, and offer flexible spaces. More importantly, for children and teachers braving the wind and snow in pursuit of knowledge and education, this modest complex should offer more than just a basic climate barrier; it must exude warmth, friendliness, and accommodate all the beautiful aspects of adolescence throughout the long winter.

▼教学体量置于场地北端,teaching block is positioned as far north on the site © 时差影像 崔旭峰


The main pedestrian and vehicular entrances to the campus are oriented towards east to benefit from as much sunlight as possible, facilitating access during snowy periods. The five-stories teaching block is positioned as far north on the site as possible, to get more sunlight for the classrooms and sports field. At the northeastern street corner, a distinctive two-stories volume juts out from the main structure, serving as a display window of the campus. The volume has a stepped space inside and used by the children as a study room during the evenings. Passersby pause outside the large glass windows, reminiscing about their own school days, while inside, students take a break from writing and gaze into the distance, hopeful for their futures.

▼东北侧通高的阶梯空间,a double-height stepped space at the northeastern street corner © 时差影像 崔旭峰

▼阶梯空间立面,facade © 时差影像 崔旭峰

▼阶梯空间室内,stepped space interior © 时差影像 崔旭峰


Starting from the second floor, the teaching block steps back layer by layer, To ensure that the south and east lighting of adjacent buildings is not obstructed, whilst also keeping as much space as possible for the teaching activities within the confined site. During short class breaks, students can gather on the terraces formed by the stepbacks, basking in the sunlight and the warm breeze, recharging for their next intensive study sessions.

▼逐层退台的体量,backwards retreating volume © 时差影像 崔旭峰


Inside the teaching building, a simple, clear, and efficient spatial organization revolves around an atrium. Sunlight diffuses downward through the slanted glass roof, offering additional ambient light to the surrounding classrooms through large internal windows. The sunlight-warmed white atrium, bathed in a touch of gentle “divinity”, allows children to read quietly in their autumn uniforms or participate in open project-based learning activities pulled out from the stepback form, engaging with peers in various formal and informal educational activities.

▼中庭空间,atrium overview © 时差影像 崔旭峰

▼中庭走廊,corridor by the atrum © 时差影像 崔旭峰

▼楼梯,stair © 时差影像 崔旭峰

▼中庭公共区域,atrium public space © 时差影像 崔旭峰

▼开放项目式教学活动空间,open teaching space © 时差影像 崔旭峰

教室内,为了保证授课空间的完整性和灵活度,所有的储藏功能都被精心规划:面向走廊一侧,是储存棉衣和雪地靴的衣帽柜;室内一侧,是储存书包和个人学习物品的储物格;教室的后墙则集成了平板电脑充电柜、教学用具收纳格和清洁工具收纳柜。教室南向增加了 “多义空间”和班主任随班办公空间,每个班级可以结合班级文化建设的需要去定义其中的功能和陈设;进深1.8M左右的“多义空间”,让南向的直射光进入室内后先经过一轮反射再照进孩子们的视野,有效地提高了授课区域采光的均匀度,并避免黑板侧的眩光。

Within the classrooms, to ensure the integrity and flexibility of the teaching spaces, all storage functions have been carefully planned: facing the corridor are cloak cabinets for winter jackets and snow boots; on the interior side are storage compartments for schoolbags and personal study items. The rear wall of the classroom integrates charging cabinets for tablet computers, receptacles for teaching materials, and storage for cleaning tools. To the south of the classroom, a “multipurpose space” and a class teacher corner are added, allowing each class to define the functions and furnishings. The 1.8-meter deep “multipurpose space” receives south-facing direct sunlight, which is reflected before entering the students’ sight, improving the uniformity of illumination in the teaching area and avoiding glare on the blackboard.

▼教室,classroom © 时差影像 崔旭峰

▼多功能教室,multi-purpose room © 时差影像 崔旭峰

▼阅览室,library room © 时差影像 崔旭峰

▼走廊,corridor © 时差影像 崔旭峰

▼多种教室室内概览,various classrom overview © 时差影像 崔旭峰


On south of the teaching block is the sports field, which is raised one floor above ground and connected to the teaching block. The space beneath the sports field integrates with the entire “big chassis” underground space to accommodate the dining hall, a gymnasium, a group of activity rooms, an underground garage and parent pick-up area, a central kitchen, and various equipment rooms. The highly integrated building provides complete and convenient indoor circulation for teachers and students. Inside the dining area, the preparation room is centrally located to fully preserve the dining area’s access to natural light. Between the semi-underground gymnasium and the dining hall, a big glass wall is set so that the children can view the competition inside the gymnasium from the dining hall, which to some extent compensates for the regret that the gymnasium cannot build stands due to limited space.

▼南侧运动场,the sports field on the south © 时差影像 崔旭峰

▼从街道望向半地下风雨操场, semi-underground gymnasium viewing from outside © 时差影像 崔旭峰

▼半地下风雨操场,  semi-underground gymnasium © 时差影像 崔旭峰

▼风雨操场与一层餐厅之间的落地玻璃墙,big glass wall is set between gymnasium and canteen © 时差影像 崔旭峰

▼餐厅,canteen © 时差影像 崔旭峰


When the splendid leaves have all fallen, the lifelines of existence become clearly visible. Under the complex and intense constraints of site conditions, climate environment, functional demands, this modest-sized campus complex does not leave much space for designers to maneuver in its outward dimensions. Within this box as simple and clean as the flattened aluminum envelope, the designers’ hope is to create a warm and abundant environment, worthy of the children’s memories as they grow.

▼总平面图,site plan © BPD

▼负一层平面图,-1F plan © BPD

▼一层平面图,1F plan © BPD

▼二层平面图,2F plan © BPD

▼3层平面图,3F plan © BPD

▼立面图,elevation © BPD

▼剖面图,elevation © BPD


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