发布时间:2023-09-19 06:46:51 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

▼楼梯间,Stair well © Onnis Luque

▼从庭院望向入口门栏,View to the gate © Onnis Luque

One of our main concerns was not to be completely excluded from the street, which led us to seek the dematerialization of the barrier that is generated with the external environment. To achieve this, we sought that through the ambiguity of a fence a virtual border could be perceived in which the limit between the inside of the school and the outside of the street was not clearly delimited.


▼庭院,Courtyard © Onnis Luque

At the entrance, a light trail that is shaded by a sundial can be seen from the entry slab, allowing people to appreciate the time passing as the shadow is cast on the ground.


▼近景,Detailed view © Onnis Luque

▼教室间的平台,Terrace between the classrooms © Onnis Luque

▼教室内部,Classroom interior view © Onnis Luque

▼每间教室有着特定的朝向,Each classroom has its specific orientation © Onnis Luque

Lead architect: Miguel Montor Design team: Pilar Rico, Antonio García Instalations: Uriel García Constrution: SOLMEX Ingeniería & Construcción Client: S.E.D.A.T.U. Secretaría de Desarrollo Agrario, Territorial y Urbano Photographs: Onnis Luque

▼剖面图,Section © Taller de Arquitectura Miguel Montor

▼立面图,Elevation © Taller de Arquitectura Miguel Montor

▼二层平面,Upper floor plan © Taller de Arquitectura Miguel Montor

▼首层平面,Ground floor plan © Taller de Arquitectura Miguel Montor

We think that education is not only carried out inside the classrooms but also outside them, so the space between them is of great importance in the project. The specific orientation of each classroom promotes permanence in the transitory spaces. Through the rotation of the volumes of the classrooms we intend to generate a static space that invites the student to stay.

▼户外空间,Outdoor space © Onnis Luque

We seek to create an environment that can be universally understood through the senses, therefore the sensory experience of the property is presented in different aspects. The presence of a wide range of textures triggers both tactile and visual effects. The materiality of the walls was developed considering a specific texture for the children to touch and experience a stimulus to the senses. The exterior and interior link between classrooms is provided by the transparency provoked in the accesses that visually connects these areas. The classrooms have the possibility of fragmenting in two if required at any given moment.


▼入口的钢制围栏,The steel fence at the entrance © Onnis Luque

The steel fence produces sensations of independence as it is perceived as generating a safe outdoor area. The geometry takes great importance in the project, circles that provide illumination, squares in the formwork and triangles such as details in it. Taking into account our previous experience with schools and educational institutions, we designed with the height of the main user in mind. The visual height of the children generates a more emphatic perception of the volumetry and size of the place, providing an enriching path for their development.


▼沿道路视角,View from the street © Onnis Luque

▼设计草图,Sketch © Taller de Arquitectura Miguel Montor

The site’s topography has a difference in elevation of nearly two meters, so each classroom is terraced. We were able to achieve this unevenness through the decision of making each classroom independent, so that the change in floor levels was practically imperceptible and subtle.


▼鸟瞰,Aerial view © Onnis Luque

The driving force behind the design of this project is to meet the needs and possibilities of our most important users, the schoolchildren. We thought about the age of those who have to study there so that through the shapes, spatial sequences and volumetry would be possible the realization of a clean education by supporting the child to develop experiences and identify themselves within the school.


▼主入口区域,Entrance area © Onnis Luque

This Urban Improvement Program has a socio-cultural and educational approach, therefore, within the portfolio of possibilities, it was sought that one of the projects would contribute a facility within the educational field. The objective is to have more inhabitants with access to an education of a good quality right from an early age. After conducting a study that revealed the necessity of promoting this issue, the proposal for the construction of a kindergarten was made.

改善计划采用了以社会文化和教育为中心的方法,因此其中一些项目被寄予了提升教育设施质量的期望。该项目的设计目标是让更多的居民能够从小就接受优质的教育。为此,项目团队经过了充分研究,发现有必要加快对这一问题的解决,Nueva Creación幼儿园便是在此种背景下诞生。

▼项目外观,Exterior view © Onnis Luque

This project is part of a program planned for the municipality of Tultepec, State of Mexico. A developing entity recognized for its work with the manufacture and detonation of pyrotechnic fireworks, which for many years has been the focus of economic activity at a national and international level. After a thorough sector study by the Ministry of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (SEDATU), necessities arose within the framework of the Urban Improvement Programs (PMU) of this entity.


▼圆形天窗和花园,Circular skylight and garden © Onnis Luque

In our perspective, as long as the light is more homogeneous in the transition spaces there will be a greater comfort, so we looked for the zenith light to be transmitted by omnidirectional geometries, which is projected through circular skylights from where it passes into the interstices of the classrooms. This light entry extends without direction or breaks, allowing an immersive illumination. Preventing the light from being framed leads to a sense of tranquility that causes lingering in the spaces, which is what we were aiming for.



▼教室的边角被设计为圆形 The corners of the classrooms are designed to be rounded © Onnis Luque

▼庭院,Courtyard © Onnis Luque

Because of our experience, we are been aware of the fact that an efficient classroom is not a squared one. This is one of the reasons why we have sought to erase any sharp edges by rounding the corners of the classrooms. On the other hand, this gesture generates a safe environment for children and non-linear transitions that cause a better flow trough spaces, providing an unconscious sense of security for students as there are no sharp edges or angles.


▼首层平面图,Ground floor plan © Taller de Arquitectura Miguel Montor


Nueva Creación幼儿园,墨西哥 / Taller de Arquitectura Miguel Montor
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