发布时间:2014-11-09 23:20:45 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


A protestant church stands at a rich green residential area which is 10-minutes away from Shonan beach on foot. The chapel of the 50-year old church became too small and it was therefore decided that a new church would be constructed on a different site. Church authorities said that the passages of the Bible are read and heard in service. Therefore, “We wish to have a chapel appropriate to give praise to the Lord.

教堂外观,exterior view of the church



▼设计概念草图,concept of the church

The architectural design was a one-storied building with a restrained height so that it could harmonize in a low-rise residential area. It was aimed at creating a space appropriate to prayer and worship with the six curved surfaced roofs at different heights. This allows natural light to pour down from the ceiling. It conveys the message that six roofs represent the six days of Creation in the Bible genesis and Mass celebrates the seventh day.

Direct sunlight and indirect light are regulated depending on the time of the day. At the time of service there was no direct exposure to sunlight, whereas the rest of the time there was. Therefore, this construction was designed to receive an appropriate amount of indirect light during service time. So, light was simulated using computer software at intervals of 30 minutes on the designed days during 12 months and manipulated depending on the time of the day. There would be a space under a soft light at the time of service throughout the year. Towards the end of the service, direct sunlight begins to draw a ray of light on the wall surface. In the afternoon there is only one line of direct sunlight, and around 3 o’clock light comes in like a shower, creating a dynamic environment.

▼教堂外观,是一个具有六个不同高度的曲面屋顶的单层建筑体量,exterior view of the church that is aone-storied building with sixcurved surfaced roofs at different heights

▼教堂外观,曲面屋顶创造出的高侧窗可以将光线引入室内,exterior view of the church, the high side lightsallow natural light to pour down from the ceiling

开放式的雨水槽 | Open rainwater gutter


▼教堂外观,以教堂外墙与弧形屋顶最低点相交的位置为起点,在外墙上开槽形成开放式的竖向雨水沟,exterior view of the church,slits were made on the outside wall at the lowest point of circular arcs to create open rain gutter

Slits were made on the outside wall at the lowest point of circular arcs to create open rain gutter. As a result, it could be enjoyable to see rain flow through the gutters, and despite the abundance of pine leaves, these do not block the gutters. Christian church of Shonan and desires of the congregation.

▼屋面细节,在最低处设有雨水沟,roof details with a rain gutter on the surface

室外的棕橙色十字架 | Outdoor terra-cotta cross


Reverend Furuya picked up 5KG of sand with his own hands in the premises of the previous church and used it to make a terra-cotta cross. This is because he wanted to emphasize the 50 years of the Christian church of Shonan and desires of the congregation.


exterior view of the concrete church with an outdoor terra-cotta cross

▼室外的十字架细节,details of the outdoor cross

加强的声光肋结构 | (Stiffening) Ribs of sound and light


Uneven longitudinal ribs were carved at a random rhythm on the exposed RC concrete wall of the chapel, and dark gray acoustic boards were placed between the ribs. A solution to the requirement was reached by achieving balance. This was possible using concave acoustic boards to make it easier to hear the priest’s sermon and Bible Readings, and improved the sound of ecclesiastical music such as hymns with RC convex surfaces. Flutter echo was reduced by rib pitches placed at random. A light grey light shines directly on the convex surface stands out due to its contrast with the dark grey concave surface. Based on the idea that modern church construction has to provide a space that facilitates the Bible Readings, it came to our minds we should achieve direct sunlight shining through a dark space.

▼教堂礼拜堂室内,以不规则的间距对教堂裸露的混凝土墙壁进行蚀刻处理,从而创造出一系列宽度不等的纵向肋结构,interior view of the church, uneven longitudinal ribs were carved at a random rhythm on the exposed RC concrete wall of the chapel

教堂礼拜堂室内,在浅灰色的肋结构之间的间隙中放置深灰色的吸音板,使整面墙壁呈现出一种凹凸的视觉效果,interior view of the church,dark gray acoustic boards are placed between the light gray ribs, presenting a concave and convex visual effect

▼带有宽度不等的纵向肋结构的墙面细节,details of the walls with uneven longitudinal ribs

间接光环境和礼拜仪式 | Indirect light and service


The passages of the Bible are read, and heard in Mass. It is inappropriate for the Bible and people to be exposed to direct sunlight during service. Indirect light is appropriate for service. The space was designed to receive indirect light during services from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

▼间接光环境下的礼拜堂,the chapel in the indirect light environment

午后的礼拜堂 | Chapel afternoon


Only one thin ray of direct sunlight shines through the chapel when the hymn is sung towards the end of service.

▼礼拜仪式结束时的礼拜堂,有一道直射的阳光穿过屋顶之间的缝隙,投射在礼拜堂室内的墙壁上,the chapel at the end of service with one thin ray of direct sunlight shining through the chapel

直射的自然光环境和祷告活动 | Direct sunlight and prayer



the chapel in the direct sunlight environment, the sunlight projects light bands on the wall

墙壁上的光带和屋顶细节,the light bands on the wall and roof details

Direct sunlight alters the space in the church in different ways creating the perfect environment for player. After the service, it becomes a space for a prayer for a small number of people and one to two or three rays of sunlight shine throughout afternoon.

▼礼拜堂空间细节,space details of the church

创世主题的浮雕砖 | The Creation relief tiles


Relief tiles about the creation showing motifs of the hand of God during the six-day Genesis were introduced in the north-south walls under the six roofs. Unbaked tiles were engraved with original pictures from the Genesis and baked one by one. The color of the tiles is a semi-transparent light blue inspired by the morning haze. The pictures of the six days were slightly different in design depending on orientation. Finding pictures not only in the chapel but also in various rooms including the rest room, kid’s room, and pastor’s room added to the enjoyment.

教堂入口空间,the entrance space of the church

直射月光 | Direct moonlight


▼直射月光下的教堂空间,interior view of the church in the direct moonlight environment

▼清晨中的教堂,the church in the early morning

Under the sky of Shonan, we can participate in a service, read and hear the words of the Bible and have the opportunity to pray in a space under dynamic direct sun light in the afternoon. Direct moonlight shines through the pitch-black chapel at night during full moon. We hope the conception of time and space will harmonize with the local nature and scenery and people will gradually come to love the construction.

▼黄昏时分的教堂,the church at dusk

教堂夜景,night view of the church

▼总平面图,site plan



▼高侧窗详图,details of the high-side light






Name of the project: SHONAN CHRIST CHURCH

Exact definition of the building: church

Location of the project: Kanagawa , JAPAN

Construction nature: Reinforced Concrete (RC)Site: 416.50 m2

Building area: 175.96 m2

Floor area ratio: 175.96 m2

Building height: 6656 mm

No. of floors: 1F

Building function: Christ Church

Design: February 2013 – October 2013

Planning start (M/Y): February 2013

Beginning of construction: November 2013


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