Bespoke new artworks by Tom Price are the centrepiece of Kimbrose Square, a recently transformed area of public space in Gloucester’s city centre.
Gloucestershire County Council, in partnership with Gloucester Heritage Urban Regeneration Company (GHURC) commissioned Tom Price to create two permanent public artworks to reflect the area’s fascinating history, as part of the Economic Linkages public realm project. The scheme, curated by Ginkgo Projects, comprises a 16 metre high tower and a 30 metre long wall. The inspiration is St Kyneburgh, who, according to medieval legend, was a Saxon princess who ran away from an arranged marriage. Intent on serving God, she fled to Gloucester and was adopted by a baker whose wife killed her out of jealousy and threw her body down a well. The well became known as St Kyneburgh’s Fountain, a place of pilgrimage famous for its healing powers.
When approached from a distance, the tower, though made of steel, appears to move up and down. Its open-slatted structure is designed to create a moiré, or watered-silk effect. The outer shape is based on an undulating body of water, as if poured from above, and represents the fall of Kyneburgh’s body down the well. The tower’s inner surface gently spirals upwards, like a rising body of steam, and recalls the ‘tunnel of light’ effect those with near-death experiences often describe. Its apex is a perfect circle of light, which suggests the wellhead, Kyneburgh’s ascent to heaven, and a saintly halo.
The wall lies along the line of the city’s Roman wall, which continues the theme of fluidity, in this case through time, and the changing nature of the site over the centuries.
Tom Price comments: “The tower tells the story of one girl’s journey from life to death and beyond. I intended it to be both a spectacle and a place for quiet contemplation. For the wall I focused on fluidity in form as a reminder that the ancient line upon which it sits has not changed, and yet everything above ground is temporal and changing. Both artworks function like a metaphysical sundial. They point to the invisible histories we rarely seek out, but which permeate the landscape around us.”
Design and Fabrication
The forms for both works are derived from computer simulations of moving bodies of liquid. They were fabricated in steel using Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) plasma cutting technology. The structural engineers for the project were Toby Savage Design. Both pieces were fabricated in Nottingham by Sheetfabs, and the bespoke lighting scheme was designed by Cinimod Studio. Additional quotes
Charles Fellows, County Council cabinet Member for Planning, Economy and Environment says: “I am extremely passionate about public art and I think this is a real gem, which has been made all the more interesting by using Gloucester’s rich history as its inspiration. These artworks will form a fantastic focal point for the new Kimbrose Square and help guide visitors and shoppers between the Docks and City Centre.”
Chris Oldershaw, Chief Executive of GHURC adds: “The installation of the art screen wall and St Kyneburgh’s Tower will complete the transformation of this once run down area of the city. The new Square and its artworks will become a pivotal attraction for drawing visitors from the Quays and Docks and encouraging them to spend more time and money in the City Centre’
Tom Price
(Gloucester Heritage Urban Regeneration Company) The GHURC was sanctioned by Central Government in February 2004 in recognition at both regional and national levels of the need to regenerate central Gloucester. Its mission is to bring life back to the many historic areas of Gloucester to create a new and prosperous city for the 21st century.
It is funded by The South West RDA, Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), Gloucestershire County Council and Gloucester City Council.
Ginkgo Projects
Toby Savage Design
Cinimod Studio
这是艺术家Tom Price在Kimbrose广场的两件永久性艺术作品。一个16米的塔以及30米长的墙,以反映该地区引人入胜的历史。灵感来自于中世纪的一位逃婚公主St Kyneburgh。后来这位公主死于救她的面包师的妻子的刀下。遗体被丢弃在一口井中。也就是现在闻名的St Kyneburgh喷泉。
当你从远处向塔走近,塔体的云纹板随着距离不断变化,形成水波样起伏样子,就像St Kyneburg坠入井中的身躯。塔体螺旋上升的形态顶端是一个完美的光点,象征公主升天。靠在一边体态流动的墙改变了场地的性质。
Tom Price说:“塔讲述了一个女孩从生活到死亡再到超脱的故事,我将其提炼为一个景点和安静沉思之处。一边的流动型态墙则像是古城中得一个超越时空的惊叹。这两个艺术品代表着无形的历史,化作风景渗透在我们身边。”更多请查看上方英文。
Tom Price